
Efficiency of creation of own source of raw materials by processing enterprise

Requirements to quality of milk for production of cheeses are more rigid in comparison with other dairy products. So the enterprises which don't have own source of raw materials can provide only with great difficulty production with raw materials in due volume. The research objective consists in assessment of efficiency and feasibility of the project of creation of a highly productive dairy farm on the basis of processing enterprise. In article the comparative analysis of production of cheeses from the purchased milk and also at the expense of own source of raw materials is carried out. The scenario of emergence of interruptions in supply of milk in the absence of own source of raw materials is analyzed. The deficiency of the qualitative milk raw materials suitable for production of cheeses, in the Moscow region is noted. Assessment of efficiency of the project on creation of own dairy farm is carried out on the example of the enterprise "The Istra cheese dairy. Russian parmesan". Because of low-quality milk raw materials and failures in his deliveries the enterprise sustains losses to 25‰ of production, For implementation of the project capital expenditure of more than 37 million roubles is required. The executed calculations confirm efficiency of the project: the net discounted income (NPV) makes more than 2.2 million roubles. At an exit to design capacity it is planned to provide full load of capacities of the operating cheese dairy and to deliver raw materials for production to 60 tons of hard and semisolid cheeses of long endurance a year. The efficiency of the project of creation of own source of raw materials depends on frequency and duration of failures in supply of qualitative raw materials from outside.

Problems of the organization of electro technical service in the agricultural organizations

Successful agricultural production assumes intensive use of means of electro mechanization. The issue of reliable operation of this equipment is related to the organization of the electrical service. However there is no modern technique for determination of the number of staff. Earlier the size and structure of electro technical service depended on the volume of electrical facilities, the number of electric equipment working in agricultural production and was based on use of standards. A research objective is to estimate relevance of use of earlier developed methodical approaches at the organization of electro technical service of the modern agricultural enterprise. When carrying out a research data of electro technical service of the agricultural organization of the dairy direction of CJSC Zelenogradskoye (since summer of 2017 of JSC Zelenogradskoye) the Moscow region and also the organizations of joint stock company Baltachevsky Selyenergo and LLC Davlekanovsky Network Company of the Republic of Bashkortostan are used. In the course of reforming most the regional inter economic enterprises "Agropromenergo" have been liquidated. Some enterprises which have taken electrical networks on the balance continue their service; however have no sufficient amounts of works, qualified personnel. Today these enterprises are engaged mainly in resale of the electric power, but not service of the agricultural organizations. The conclusion is drawn on a possibility of use of earlier applied technique of determination of the number of staff of electro technical service when using the specifying coefficients considering characteristics of the modern equipment.

Efficiency of the training activities of extension services of agro-industrial complex

Growth of the importance of the agrarian sector of economy, importance of providing the population with domestic food demands appropriate level of qualification of performers for introduction in production of the latest innovative technologies and scientific developments. The effective direction of raising their qualifications is the holding of training events by the agricultural extension service. The problem is the insufficient effectiveness of individual training activities of the agricultural extension service. The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the training activity of the agricultural extension service. Reliable results of effectiveness evaluation, according to the authors, give feedback on the results of training activities. Increasing the effectiveness of the training activity of the agricultural extension service will make it possible to conduct training activities at a higher level, taking into account the needs of the listeners themselves. Authors conducted interviews with students on the basis of training activities, specific after training, a certain time after training. Authors have conducted surveys of listeners following the results of the training actions through certain time after training. Surveys were conducted by phone, e-mail and also during the personal meetings. Researches were conducted in regional consulting service of the Samara region. The obtained data speak about the high level of satisfaction of listeners the training seminars held regional by the agricultural extension service in 2016. 100‰ of the interviewed listeners of seminars could use the gained knowledge in practice. Following the results of polls the directions of increase in efficiency of the training actions in activity regional agricultural extension service are defined that will increase their effectiveness on condition of implementation of the offered recommendations.

Development of technologies in agrarian environmental managemen

In the world resources and opportunities of industrial operation of the biosphere are exhausted, therefore it is necessary to invent new technologies. An object of a research is the economic and ecological aspect of use of technologies in economy of agrarian environmental management. The methodological basis of a research was made by general scientific methods of knowledge. Evolution of agrarian environmental management is considered. The evolution of agrarian nature management is considered. But, than the technology from the point of view of mankind, subjects is more progressive it is less effective from the point of view of use of capacity of the biosphere. From the modern positivistic point of view the economy of agrarian environmental management develops from less perfect technologies to more perfect. Views of scientists-economists in historical aspect are generalized, the new scientific directions in economy of agrarian environmental management are considered. The analysis of development of technologies in economy of agrarian environmental management has shown that there is an insuperable contradiction between the nature and the techno in using of natural resources created by the person. Noosphere approach to use of natural resources is created. The reasons of transition to nature similar technologies are specified and the principles of their interaction with the nature are considered. The model of harmonious development and essentially new approach to use of nature similar technologies in the agrarian sector of economy is offered. However in market economy "nature similar technologies" aren't perceived as profitable, the noosphere view of these processes is necessary.

Compensating expenses are as the indicators of the quality of productive land

There is problem to preserve arable land and agricultural resource and its qualitative state because of violations of land use, losses of soil fertility, degradation and pollution of soils becomes aggravated. In article theoretical aspects of quality and economic standard of agricultural lands are considered. Assessment of lands' quality is carried out for obtaining information on properties of the earth as means of production in agriculture. It is almost impossible to recreate the former system of quality standard of lands. Need of improvement of quality of agricultural grounds and need of assessment of their qualitative characteristics is proved. The indicators characterizing quality of productive lands are investigated, the indicator of assessment of quality of agricultural lands is offered. Users of the land plots incur expenses on maintenance of fertility of agricultural grounds to have big crops and by that raise the price of the land plot. It is offered to measure the size of expenses on maintenance of fertility of agricultural lands by the size of the compensating expenses. A methodological basis of category "compensating expenses" is the statement about functioning of the additional work necessary for use of the functioning means of production. Application of such indicator as the compensating expenses will allow obtaining objective information which will adequately display dynamics of quality of the earth. The higher the compensating expenses are the lower quality of the land plot.

Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 10

The main tendencies of development of the consumer market of food products in russia

For maintaining the achieved results in development of the Russian agro-industrial complex and ensuring further growth of economy of branch, it is necessary to have the forecast of development of an environment on a consumer segment of the Russian market of food products. It became a research objective. In recent decades one of the key trends in the global agro food market is the polarisation of consumer demand which is reflected also in the Russian market. For identification of features of development of the domestic food market taking into account this tendency the research of structure of demand for food in the consumer markets of Russia has been conducted, the most significant factors of consumer behaviour in the conditions of increase in prices for food are established. For the purpose of studying of price sensitivity of the Russian and European consumers of food the sociological research has been conducted. The obtained results allow asserting that the differentiation of incomes of the population leads to an increase of the segment of cheap food for the consumer market; reduction of incomes of the population directly affects the structure of consumption, quality and quantity of food consumption, which affects the structure of production of agricultural products. Differences in reaction of the Russian and European consumers to increase in prices for food are also revealed. The European consumers are ready to reduce their consumption in case of increase in prices for food, but will continue to buy more habitually goods of the known trademarks. The Russian consumers aren't ready to reduce quantity of the consumed products; however are ready more actively to look for similar products at lower price.

Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 11

The role of price analysis on agri-food market

The system of the prices is an important element of commercial activity which decrease in risk requires monitoring of factors, the analysis of their interaction. The weakening of control leads to adoption of managerial decisions that are not adequate to the current situation, and, consequently, to a decrease in the profitability of operations and motivation to develop the chosen sphere of activity. In the context of globalization and internationalization, processes on the market not only expand in scale, but also accelerate. When maintaining the basic principles the new dynamic market demands from its participants to change approaches, analysis methods including in the sphere of pricing. The price analysis by the participants of the agro-food market is carried out in accordance with their goals and objectives, and also taking into account the sectoral factors affecting the level, structure, elasticity, price dynamics and price ratios. During the analysis the conclusion is drawn that in the market of grain certain success is achieved, the state managed to start and debug the pricing mechanism guaranteeing compensation of normal expenses. In the market of milk the problem isn't solved, the price of raw milk is determined by processors. Shortcomings of price policy of the state are shown in a problem of disparity of the prices, irrational distribution of value added among participants of the agro food market. The more precisely the price is determined by production stages (the movement of a product); the concrete cost the contribution of each of participants of creation of production is expressed more really.

Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 12

Current state and prospects of the russian poultry farming

Poultry farming makes a powerful contribution to the solution of food problems both in Russia, and in the world. The relevance of a research subject is caused by need of overcoming a dependence on import on meat poultry farming and expansions of export in poultry-farming branch. The work uses empirical, abstract-logical, expert, monographic, statistical-economic, computational-constructive methods of scientific research and corresponding scientific methods. The article considers the current state of the poultry industry. The results of the implementation of the state branch program "Development of poultry farming in Russia for the period 2013-2015" are analyzed. The analysis of the poultry products production by categories of farms and in the context of federal districts is carried out. Next, the main impulses in the development of the poultry product sub complex and their impact on the production of poultry meat and eggs are examined. The conclusion outlines the main ways to implement export interventions for the directions envisaged by the «Strategy for the Development of Meat Livestock in the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020». The market of fowl and eggs is saturated; the level of self-sufficiency has exceeded values of level of food security. The dependence on import in veterinary medicines, production technologies, achievements of selection and genetic work is noted. The steady prospects of development of poultry farming and market of poultry-farming production in harmonious symbiosis of three parties are traced: states, producer and buyer. The CIS countries, China, the EU, the Middle East and North Africa are distinguished from the most perspective sales markets of livestock production. Further development of branch will proceed in the conditions of increase in production and decrease in purchasing power of the population.

Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 13

Management decisions for sustainable rural development

The article is devoted to the latest researches of the Timiryazev University Scientific Management School in the sustainable rural development decision making. The problem is considered from positions of economic feasibility, social importance, and need of a responsible attitude to the environment and natural resources and also possible political threats. Researchers are based on complex use of methods of economic-mathematical modelling, the analysis of investment projects and scenario approach. The author proposes some methodological approaches to economic efficiency assessment of rural economy: diversification, bio-gas production on farm, conversion from conventional to organic production. The main methods used in the research are economic-mathematical modelling, project analysis and scenario approach. The main results of approbation of the offered methodical approaches are given in concrete objects and advantages of development of the directions, new to Russia (production of biogas, production diversification, introduction of organic farming practices) to ensuring sustainable development of rural territories are revealed. In particular, development of this directions leads to growth of employment of the population thanks to diversification of rural economy, growth of technological development, increase in level of autonomy and decrease in volatility of rural territories, mitigation of problems of recycling of livestock production, adaptation to changes of the external environment and volatility in the raw and food markets, to decrease in risks, creating favourable conditions for environmental protection and health of the person, for healthy and qualitative food of the population and growth of his income.

Issue № 10, October 2017, article № 14

To the question on improvement of support measures of agricultural products export in the russian federation

Export of agricultural raw materials and food, as the direction of sales, is one of the priorities of the modern agricultural policy in Russia. Despite the fact that Russia's role as exporter of agricultural goods at the global level is insignificant, the products of Russian agriculture finds its regular customers abroad. The relevance of the research topic depends on the increasing role of agricultural exports in the economy and necessity of its state regulation. The purpose of the study is to suggest directions of improvement of measures to support exports of Russian agricultural products. In accordance with the terms of accession to the World Trade Organization, Russia cannot use export subsidies. Under these conditions, the stimulation of exports of agricultural raw materials and food should be carried out through the use of indirect measures. In the Russian Federation, the promotion of exports of agricultural products is a part of the Federal laws and state programs governing the support of the Russian export as a whole. Despite the fact that since 2010 the government has taken important steps to improve the institutional support to exports of raw and manufactured goods, still, a number of internal factors that hinder the development of export of agricultural products are not eliminated. In the paper measures for stimulating exports of agricultural products, including high value-added, are proposed. Creation of multilevel system of indirect support of export in the form of measures for financing, organizational technically and to information support and also diplomatic support of activity of the Russian companies in the foreign markets will have significant effect on increase in export of production of the Russian agrarian and industrial complex.