
Issue № 11, November 2017, article № 10

Economic evaluation of the potential of the agro-industrial complex of the altai territory

There are territories in the Russian Federation with the developed agricultural production to which share more than 40‰ of agricultural production and which resource potential can provide import substitution of food production and export. More than 15‰ of a gross regional product falls to the share of agricultural production in Altai Krai. The research objective consists in economic assessment of potential of agricultural production. General scientific and special methods and also questioning of heads of the agricultural organizations and peasant farms of Altai Krai were used. In article the main models of development of agricultural production in Altai Krai on the periods of their realization and level of production of agricultural production are allocated and generalized: model of the free market, model of public administration by production, model of state regulation of the market. It is suggested that the present stage of development of branch can be defined as the model of program and target development of agricultural production directed to import substitution and growth of the export potential. The analysis has allowed carrying Altai Krai to agrarian focused territories with a high potential of growth of key industries of agricultural production. Assessment of the factors determining the agriculture potential and also results of development and efficiency of branch is given. These factors include the earth (land resources); work (manpower); capital (production resources); enterprise activity. The conclusion is drawn that the problem of the state support of stabilization of agricultural production in the region is solved.

Issue № 11, November 2017, article № 12

Tendencies of development of agricultural service cooperatives in russia

Principal indicators of Federal State Statistics Service and Ministry of Agriculture statistical data agricultural cooperatives are calculated using economic and expert methods, including regional and type of activity aspects. The hypothesis of necessity of internal control and valid system of contraction is discussed. Financial condition of cooperatives is also a matter of concern. The average duration of "life" of cooperative is 4 years. Ways of increase in overall performance of cooperatives are discussed. The conclusion is drawn on need of control of a contribution of each member to activity of cooperative and fair remuneration for increase in efficiency of cooperatives. The analysis has shown that the state support was given to cooperatives irregularly; priority types of cooperatives, their specialization, regions weren't allocated. The uniform all-Russian system of the state support of agricultural consumer cooperation isn't created yet. The attempt to create system only due to continuous inflow to her of again created cooperatives was ineffective and expensive. Results of work can be used for justification of more effective use of budgetary funds, in particular, at the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 and for development of Strategy of economic development of Russia till 2035 regarding support of small business in agriculture.

Issue № 11, November 2017, article № 14

Strategies of market development of scientific and technical products in the agrarian sphere is an international experience

The relevance of a research is caused by the importance of using its achievements for increasing in efficiency and stability of agriculture. The article purpose is a synthesis of foreign experience in strategic development of the market of scientific and technical products. Synthesis of foreign experience of development of the market of scientific and technical products shows what despite a variety of administrative structures, differences in the principles of macroeconomic policy, in tactical targets, etc., exists much in common between the countries. The state is directly involved in development of the market of scientific production though forms of this participation are various. The state scientific and technical policy of the developed countries is directed to preservation and transformation of regional science for the benefit of concrete regions, priority financing of applied researches. The general for consulting services of all countries is that from the moment of creation all of them were on the maintenance of the state and made services free of charge. Development of the market of NTP in the majority of foreign countries has the expressed regional component. Only an integrated approach to development and functioning of the market of scientific and technical products in general and the agrarian sector, in particular, allows gaining the maximum effect.

Improving rules of unbound per hectare providing support producers' income: the german experience and lessons for russia

In the conditions of membership of Russia in the WTO the research of the rules which aren't breaking the market price mechanism for support of income of producers is relevant. A research objective is to prove suggestions for improvement of rules of rendering unconnected per hectare support in Russia on the basis of domestic and German experience. Comparison is executed on the following basic provisions of rendering the state support: policy of distribution of the budget, the requirement to potential participants, investment with the rights for receiving subsidies. Untied measures of support allow to observe the basic principles of the state support and to provide equal conditions of the competition in the uniform agro food market of Russia. Expenses on unconnected per hectare support in Germany are one of the main channels of the budgetary subsidies for farmers. Accession to WTO has led to increase in such support in Russia. However rules of rendering unconnected per hectare support in Russia and Germany significantly differ. The conclusion is drawn that in Russia there was a system with complexity of determination of the amount of support, various size of transactional expenses in regions that leads to unequal competitive conditions in different territorial subjects of the federation. Low results of activity of institute of unconnected per hectare support in crop production in modern Russia show need of its transformation. On the basis of the analysis of a complex of legal and analytical documents suggestions for improvement of rules of rendering unconnected per hectare support are proved in Russia on the basis of a domestic retrospective and the German experience by authors. Change of rules of unconnected per hectare support at the federal and regional level is offered. Reasonable creation of institute of unconnected per hectare support will allow creating additional conditions for sustained economic growth of the agrarian sector in the long term.

Transition to digital agriculture: background, road map, possible consequences

The regulatory and legal framework of agrarian policy, the objectives of its implementation and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs in the Russian Federation are considered in the context of increasing labour productivity. A research objective is a justification of the directions of introduction of new technologies of digitalization in agriculture. The digital economy as a trend, gaining momentum, has affected the sphere of the agro industrial complex; - a roadmap for introducing Internet of Things in agriculture has been developed. The article shows the main provisions of the road map, both in terms of the proposed tax breaks and the extension of agricultural insurance in conjunction with government subsidies for the expansion of the Internet infrastructure of things. Of particular concern to the authors is the participation of small agricultural producers in the implementation of the proposed roadmap, which due to their scale of production, as well as high one-time capital expenditures for the transformation of the production process, may not take advantage of new production technologies. Increase in efficiency of production activity on the basis of the Internet of things is possible due to increase in productivity of crops, monitoring of a condition of dairy herd or hen houses, etc. Experience of effective use of the Internet of things by the company John Deer is considered. In the centre of process of creation of value there is a consumer, and the companies, them employees and technologists only give him support. The state intervention is necessary for creation of institutional conditions which will allow using advanced technologies to a bigger circle of agricultural producers. Introduction of technologies on the basis of the Internet of things on average increases efficiency of agricultural production for 20-30‰ depending on a kind of activity and the used technologies and the culture of an agro technology.

Features of financing of reproduction process on the level of regional aic in terms of import substitution

The relevance of a subject of a research is caused by need of definition of an optimum proportion of the raised public funds and financial resources of private investors for the purpose of increase in competitiveness and ensuring process of expanded reproduction in branches of agriculture. The possibility of investing arises when the entity has the resources or properties that allow it to provide during the reproduction process the desired effect on the required properties of the object. At the time of making the investment the investor establishes a relationship with a specific object and becomes a participant. This Association initially as a result of exposure of the investor leads to a change in the properties of the investment object, and then changed properties in investment income effect on the investor, in turn, changing its properties. The solution to this problem is complicated by the presence of specific natural, economic and financial resources in different regions of the country. We used the empirical, abstract-logical, expert, monographs, articles, STIKO-economic, calculation and constructive methods of scientific research and the corresponding research techniques. Taking into account features of formation of the investment portfolio the efficiency of investment of capital to various regions of the Ural Federal District is shown. As a result of the study proposed method of justification harmonize and the financial equilibrium of the investment flows in order to maximize the economic impact and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural producers.

Features of reproduction of the machines and tractors fleet in the conditions of import substitution

The relevance of the research topic due to the fact that the current socio-economic conditions determine the inertia of the development of agricultural production, reflected in the low level of profitability of capital in agriculture, industry high-risk, low investment appeal, the financial instability of agricultural commodity producers at deepening the inter industry price disparities that undermine the competitiveness of agricultural producers at the interdepartmental level. These conditions help contain the technical and technological modernization of agricultural production, impede the normal process of reproduction of the machine-tractor fleet, as evidenced by the increasing pace of retirement of machines from circulation, reducing the rate of renewal of the tractor fleet. The stagnation of the Russian mechanical engineering, the limited access of agricultural producers to markets due to underdeveloped infrastructure in terms of the import substitution policy undermined the capacity of households to rely on timely technical upgrade of production. In the current economic conditions, the reproduction of machine-tractor Park is often simple, often narrowed - nature, expanded reproduction is impossible. Timeliness and proportionality of the reproduction process aimed at the formation of optimum size and grade composition of the tractor fleet, allow to define the rational loading of cars in compliance with agro technical conditions and technologies of production of crops, and to develop approaches to the renewal of the machine-tractor fleet based on the resource potential of agricultural producers. We used the abstract-logical, monographic, economic-statistical methods of research. As a result of the study proposals for a differentiated approach to the reproduction of the ICC for different categories of agricultural producers.