
Expert assessment of economic relations and the efficiency of the agricultural organizations as business entities

The subject-object sphere of research is organizational-economic relations of agricultural organizations on the basis of expert assessment. By results of questionnaire characteristic features and distinctive features of the relations in the agricultural organizations of different types are revealed. The influence of the budgetary support and tax burden of profitability of activity of the agricultural organizations is defined. Distinctive signs for the agricultural organizations functioning independently and under control of the agro food companies are defined. Functioning of the agricultural organizations under control of the integrated structures doesn't provide them higher efficiency when comparing with the independent enterprises. It is confirmed by results of the analysis of economic return and debt obligations. The independent agricultural organizations are steadier as they for production development first of all use own money. The integrated agricultural organizations, on the contrary, resort to the state support. More profound specialization is characteristic of them. Integration forms of interaction have advantages in economy at production scales, in attraction of private investments, in implementation of investment projects with state support. At the same time more difficult system of planning and control, coordination and adoption of administrative decisions is applied. Market mechanisms in the integrated agricultural organizations are replaced with internal an economic regulation that is characteristic of multilevel hierarchical structures.

Formation of an economic mechanism for regulating agricultural production in the region

The share of Russia in world agricultural production is noticeably below our potential: in the production of milk and root crops - about 5‰; cereals, legumes, eggs - about 3‰; meat - about 2‰. This indicates that available agricultural resources are not being used effectively. The purpose of the study is to develop scientifically sound proposals and practical recommendations for the development of an economic mechanism for the state regulation of agricultural production in the Penza region. Depending on the nature of the problems to be solved, different approaches and methods of research were used. In setting the goal and objectives of the study, the authors used the abstract logical method. The method of graphic images was used to illustrate the factors and directions of the development of the economic mechanism for regulating agricultural production. An analysis of the current regulatory mechanism in the Penza region showed that, overall, due to state support, a positive result of the increase in production in crop production and poultry farming was observed. However, it should be recognized that measures of state support are ineffective in animal husbandry, where not only has there been an increase, but on the contrary, there has been a significant decrease in production volumes. The carried-out analysis of system and structure of the directions of the state support confirms the shift of administrative decisions on regional level. Without providing parity increase in prices, the state puts agricultural producers in difficult conditions. Production becomes unprofitable and its restoration doesn't depend on opportunities of economy. The conclusion is drawn on need of the corresponding modernization of elements of the economic mechanism contributing to the forward development of branch. As a result of the study, the authors formed the definition of the economic mechanism for regulating agricultural production, identified factors that could influence its implementation, and also selected the main directions for the implementation of the economic regulatory mechanism, for example, dairy production in the region. The set of financial instruments is offered that will allow solving problems of regulation of agrarian production, to make the most predictable the size of future monetary income.

Perspective model of agrarian and industrial complex development for the benefit of ensuring ecological safety of the industrial region

Ecological safety is one of global modern problems. Development of the real sector of economy during the post-crisis period has increased the importance of industrial regions in growth of national economic systems. The growing demand for industrial output is followed by increase in consumption of natural resources and industrial wastes of production. It strengthens a problem of ensuring ecological safety in industrial regions. The working hypothesis of a research is in the assumption that the problem of ecological safety is sharply shown in industrial regions of modern Russia. Development of agriculture allows solving this problem. The purpose of article consists in development of perspective model of development of agriculture in the industrial region for ensuring its ecological safety. The method of the correlation analysis by means of which communication between a cumulative share of the industry and agriculture in structure of a gross regional product (gross value added) of regions of Russia and their industrial and ecological indexes is estimated is used. The conclusion is drawn that the trajectory of development of industrial regions in modern Russia is unstable. The developed perspective model of development of the industrial region for ensuring its ecological safety allows to reorient business activity on agriculture which is characterized the low capacity of non-renewable natural resources and energy and smaller harmful production wastes. It defines preference of model for practical application.

Agricultural exhibitions of the moscow agricultural society in xix - the beginning of the ххth centuries

There is historical experience of Moscow agriculture association (MAA) in the article that gives an opportunity researchers to draw an analogy between agrarian development in Russia in the 19th- beginning of the 20th centuries and modern condition of domestic agriculture. There was strong insistence on the creative consolidation of Russian traditions and Western European innovations for the best MAA members. The organizing example of MAA agricultural exhibitions illustrates that the activity of this public association contributed to the adaptive and differential usage natural resources for a 100-year period and economy was revived based on science. The main archive MAA is stored in Central Historical Archive in Moscow and contained about 3 million papers. Printed community fund, journals, books, reports, works etc. had been collected in Central scientific agricultural library in Moscow. There is a task for domestic researchers to engage these valuable sources of the history of Russian agrarian thought to scientific circulation. To this end, the work is beginning in Central scientific agricultural library that includes transfer to digital format the historical sources that apart from preserving the texts will make them much more available for wider audience. In particular, the full-text Database “Agricultural exhibitions” is being created, in which will be also reflected MAA papers.

Cattle-breeding as an object of innovation-investment development management

Cattle-breeding as an object of management of innovation-investment development has a number of features related both to the specifics of the industry itself and to the specifics of its management mechanisms. High level of investment capacity of cattle breeding demands a research of specifics of branch as object of management of innovative and investment development. Innovations lead to essential growth of investment capacity of branch and transformation of production of cattle breeding from category "labour-consuming" in category "capital-intensive" and "knowledge-intensive". The priority tasks of implementing the innovative investment model of livestock development can be identified as follows: increasing the genetic potential of productive livestock; use of new technologies for its content; improvement of the system of veterinary care; use of new diets of feeding; modernization of the material and technical base of cattle breeding and related industries; development of informatization of cattle management processes; system of infrastructure support of the industry; development of relations of cooperation and integration; use of new forms of organization and motivation of work; providing comfortable working conditions; the introduction of organizational and economic innovations, as well as the development of integration processes and the achievement of an optimal mix of large, medium and small dairy farms, improving the environmental safety of production and preserving the environment. The main goal of the management system for the development of cattle breeding is balancing the interests of all industry actors and ensuring rational coordination of their activities with the aim of increasing the production of competitive dairy and meat products based on the implementation of the innovative investment model of development.

On the systemic approach to the development of dairy cattle in the regions of russia

The dairy cattle breeding is a backbone link of agriculture to which share key volumes of import and export fall. However owing to various factors it is possible to achieve the export-oriented of the industry. There are several major problems, the main of which is the difficulty in increasing the gross production of milk. A research objective is consideration of a possibility of typification of maintaining dairy cattle breeding basically the dairy production subjects of Russia. The regions of Russia were analyzed and assembled into groups based on several factors (intensity level and share of influence on the sector of personal farms and agricultural organizations). The main difference between regions consists in traditionally developed various specific weight of the produced milk in farms of the population or in large economic entities. This factor is basic when planning the development strategy of branch in regions. The weaknesses and strengths of dairy cattle breeding revealed by the SWOT analysis method formed the basis for the formation of proposals for the strategic development of the industry in various groups of regions, taking into account their intensive or extensive development, as well as the traditionally established dominant level of influence of households or larger agricultural organizations. The conclusion is drawn that production of milk is stable in regions of intensive production. The best prospects for development have regions with concentration of production of milk in the large agricultural organizations.

Production of high-quality grain in the country needs complex development

The article considers the main reasons for the decline in the quality of wheat in the country, which include: irrational placement of wheat crops, almost universal decline in the level of cultivation of this a important for the country of food and export grain crops; loss of close connection of wheat quality with the price of its realization; lack of full-fledged exchange trade in wheat; improper storage conditions of wheat. Given that for Russia, improving the quality of wheat is as important as increasing its gross fees, an integrated approach to solving this problem is proposed. At the same time, special attention should be paid to strengthening the material and technical base of the grain economy by increasing the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, plant protection products, replenishing the machinery-tractor fleet and the construction of industrial-type grain silos. An equally important role in stimulating the growth of high-quality grain is played by the pricing of hard, strong and valuable varieties of wheat. Economic mechanisms may be different, but they should allow agricultural producers to stable plan the efficiency of producing high-quality wheat. Since the problem of improving its quality is complex, then a system of legislative support is needed. One should not allow the long-term interests of the state to be determined by the immediate interests of business. To ensure the quality of wheat produced a significant positive impact on the efficiency of its cultivation and the material interest of agricultural commodity producers, a separate special program is needed to develop the production of high-quality grain of this crop, since in the future, the export of Russian wheat will be determined not by quantity but mainly quality of grain.