
Problems of development of small business in agriculture

Considering the high importance of agricultural branch for national economy, ensuring sustainable development of small business in agriculture is a current problem. The problem consists that measures of the state support and regulation of activity of small business in agriculture give short-term and unstable economic effect. Article purpose is researching of institutional restrictions which have negative effect on stability of development of small business in agricultural branch. In article the content methods of a research of standard and legal regulation and support of development of small business in agricultural branch are used. The analysis of the macroeconomic indicators showing dynamics of development of agricultural production in three years is carried out. Small business in agriculture provides about 25‰ of a commodity turn, but occupies no more than 5‰ of total employment in this sphere. Small business, without increasing the number of occupied, shows economic growth, but it is impossible to recognize such growth intensive as inflation influence is essential. Finding solutions on modernization of institutional and legal space of functioning and development of small business in agricultural branch is necessary. It is offered to improve the state support of leasing, to provide the state and municipal guarantees for small business, to develop a single agricultural tax and the patent system of the taxation, to lower tariffs of insurance premiums in off-budget funds, to lower administrative loading in connection with conducting account, formation of the reporting.

Innovative investment potential of the agrarian sector: essence and specifics of formation

Innovation model development is a method for organizational interaction subjects innovative process realizing generation innovation functions of broadcast, introduction, maintenance, use and stimulate innovation. Economic systems can be guided by the choice of both model and unique models of innovative development, taking into account their scale, territorial-sectoral specifics, development strategy, the level of innovative and investment potential and other factors and conditions. Under the innovative and investment potential, it is proposed to understand the ability of the system to modernize and transition to a new quality state, taking into account the investment attractiveness of the system as a whole and its individual elements and to adequate financial provision of innovation activity. The agrarian sector is as a part of the system of social production has its own specifics, requires an adequate mechanism for the formation and use of innovative investment potential, taking into account: the features of agriculture as a branch; limited opportunities for introducing product innovations; significant share in the structure of the agrarian sector of subjects related to small forms of management, weakly susceptible to innovation; low level of solvent demand for innovation and commercialization of innovative developments; limited financial opportunities for a large part of agricultural producers; significant level of differentiation of agricultural production branches by the level of profitability; educational and moral unpreparedness of many agricultural workers to introduce innovations. The possibilities for building up the innovative and investment potential are substantially limited: the quality and imbalance of the innovation system, the level of financial condition of economic entities; availability of investment resources; ability of economic entities to manage innovative risks, taking into account the level of development of relevant economic institutions; access to information on the supply of innovations, the level of state stimulation of the demand for innovation and state support of innovative investment projects.

Sostoyaniye and prospects of development of family dairy farms

Deficiency of milk in the Russian Federation raises the urgency of increasing the volume of milk production in all categories of farms regardless of size and form of ownership. The purpose of this study is to determine the status and prospects for the development of family dairy farms. In the study, in addition to statistical information, we used the data from the survey of heads of peasant farms from 12 regions of Russia conducted by the Russian Association of rural and farm enterprises and agricultural cooperatives (AKKOR) in the competition "Best family dairy farm in 2016"in late 2016 - early 2017. Data on 28 farms of the cows who are engaged in production of milk, having a livestock up to 200 heads have been analysed. Analysis of the development of the family dairy farms under investigation was carried out for three significant factors: technical equipment, the size of the dairy herd and the number of employed workers. The analysis has shown weak dependence of the price of milk, level of its marketability and profitability and also profit on realization of milk from the number of cows and the number of workers on a farm. Socio-economic analysis has shown the viability and development possibility of small and medium-sized dairy farms in various regions of the country. Farm development programs, which were produced taking into account the production, economic and natural-climatic features, including direct state support for technological modernization and subsidizing of milk production, can increase the pace and sustainability of the development of the dairy industry in Russia. Additional benefit of farms, average and small by the size, in many regions is the possibility of the organization of processing of milk. On marketability, the price of milk, profit on his realization of direct dependence on the level of technical equipment it isn't revealed, however the maximum price and profit are observed at full mechanization of all productions.

The forecast of placement of sunflower in the penza region

Oilseeds occupy the second place in the diet of the world's population after cereals. Vegetable oil along with animal fats has great nutritional value as a high-calorie product. The main raw source of vegetable oil production in the Russian Federation in general and in the Penza region in particular is sunflower. The rational placement of sunflower crops across the region, taking into account natural and economic conditions, allows more efficient use of land, tools and labor. The aim of the study is to develop a forecast for the location of sunflower crops in the region based on data for the past 20 years. Proceeding from this, the dynamics of the main indicators of the seeds of the sub-sunflower was analyzed, a grouping of the regions of the region according to the share of sunflower crops was proposed, and a methodological approach was determined for the forecasting of the sunflower sown area. In the process of research, general scientific and private methods were used. All districts of the area have been divided on a share of oil-bearing crops into two groups up to 20‰ and more than 20‰. As a result of the research, measures were proposed to optimize the location of sunflower in the region, as a result of which it is planned not only to increase the efficiency of agricultural organizations, to compensate for the existing shortage of oilseeds, but also to restore and preserve soil fertility. In the long term areas with the oversaturated share of crops of sunflower at introduction of new crop rotations won't be. Cultivated area of sunflower in the predicted period slightly will decrease, and by 2018 will be 208.11 thousand hectares. Decrease in the sizes of acreage can be compensated by introduction to an oil-bearing crop rotation - a kramba Abyssinian.

Assessment of a contribution of regions to formation of food resources of the country

The need for assessment of a contribution of regions of the Russian Federation to food supply of the country constantly arises at scientific research and in practical activities of governing bodies. Often for these purposes in practice a traditional method of simple ranging of regions on production of this or that type of production of agriculture are used. The automated information systems of monitoring of food security formed now at the federal level aren't brought to a working stage yet, are very bulky and will be hardly convenient for the solution of the tasks designated above. It is offered to define a contribution of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation to food supply of the country, both with use of food balances of Rosstat, and on the basis of indexes of localization of volumes of production - agricultural production in regions concerning population in them. Application of indexes of localization allows to correct some shortcomings connected with use in calculations of food balances, to establish the nature of unevenness in territorial placement of the production of separate types of agricultural production. Check with use of a method of correlation of ranks of Spirmen of a hypothesis of efficiency of calculations of indexes of localization has confirmed applicability them for assessment of a contribution of regions of the Russian Federation to formation of food resources. Coefficients of correlation of the ranks estimated according to the index of localization of the corresponding food product have made on potatoes 0.84, milk and milk products - 0.91, vegetables and melon cultures - 0,93, to eggs and products - 0.97, to meat and meat products - 0.98. Differentiation of deposits of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation to food meat resources is shown at creation of a curve of Lorentz. Production of pigs and bird at which in 8 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation 45.6‰ and 44.7‰ are concentrated, respectively, is most unevenly placed. The specialized meat cattle breeding hasn't exerted such strong impact on concentration of production yet.

Normative forecast of the foodstuffs consumption by the population of russia

At present, the issue of the food security achieving is one of the most important. There are different ways to achieve it, but all of them depend on the norms of consumption and the population size. However, there is another important aspect that is rarely considered. It’s the age structure of the population influence on the food consumption. The aim of the work is to study the consumption of foodstuffs, taking into account the age structure of the population at the present time and for the period up to 2050. The minimum standards approved by the law were chosen as the standards of consumption. They are lower than medical norms, but closer to the real consumption. According to the most probable variant of the population forecast, the working-age population will decrease, and the number of pensioners will increase. The number of children will slightly decrease. As a result, by 2033, foodstuffs consumption by the minimum standards will be reduced by 0.9-2.4‰. As for children, they will decrease by their consumption by 4.4‰, the working-age population will decrease by 8,3‰, and the pensioners will increase their consumption by 19.8‰. By 2050, the consumption of children and the working-age population will decrease by 2.3‰ and 20.1‰, while for pensioners will increase it by 37,3‰. In general, the reduction will consist 3.5-5.6‰. Consequently, we can assume a reduction of the food market. At the same time, due to the increase of the pensioners number, it is necessary to develop areas that meet the demand of this category of the population better. At present, food security is not achieved by a number of criteria, but under certain conditions it can be assumed that the situation will improve by 2033.

Agricultural organizations: preliminary results of the 2016 census

Based on the preliminary results of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 published by Rosstat, the materials of the previous census, current statistics and data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the tendencies of the development of agricultural organizations in the use of land and labour resources have been revealed by means of comparative analysis. The conclusion is made that during the intercensal period the sector developed towards increasing the efficiency and intensity of resource use by operating agricultural organizations. This is proved by the increase in the average size of enterprises with a significant reduction in the number of workers, the growth of the share of agricultural land used, the positive dynamics of profitability, the reduction of loss-making production (cattle breeding) with the growth of more profitable (pigs, poultry). However, these processes are due to the further squeezing of the land resource base, including the most productive (arable land), increased exploitation of workers. This is accompanied by unregulated land relations of non-operating agricultural organizations that accumulate huge land resources. Agricultural organizations also have large areas of unproductive land. At the same time, Rosnedvizhimost's data and Censuses have a significant discrepancy in the number of agricultural organizations that have land resources. It is necessary to inventory the land of agricultural organizations. The number occupied by 1 enterprise in the agricultural organizations was reduced from 81 to 57 people, in small farms - from 4 to 3 persons. Growth of profitability of agricultural business significantly wasn't reflected in the salary of workers of agriculture. It is necessary to pay attention to a ratio of salaries and profitability while intensity of work and the requirement to quality of labour have raised.

Issue № 12, December 2017, article № 10

He use of ecological unit criteria of the restrictions in economic-mathematical modeling the development of organic production

Transition to integrally focused system of agricultural production has to be stage-by-stage, with gradual introduction to an agricultural turn the lay land and not used lands. The technique of parallel optimization of the structure of sown areas for calculation of economic-mathematical models at the traditional and focused on production organic production to the system of land use differing in introduction of the additional block of ecological criteria restrictions is presented in article: reserve of the lands suitable for production of organic production, gross output of organic production and costs of her production. On the basis of the offered technique it is calculated economic - mathematical model and is proved efficiency of functioning of a zone agroecocluster. Taking into account full involvement in a production turn of the farmlands suitable for production of organic production, level of profitability I have made 39,7‰, against 17.3‰ by optimization of the structure of sown areas at the traditional system of agricultural production. The conclusion is drawn that the organic and industrial systems of conducting agriculture can function effectively in parallel each other, being gradually transformed to such agrarian technology which will be able to satisfy the current and estimated needs of the population for qualitative and ecologically safe food.

Issue № 12, December 2017, article № 11