
Issue № 3, March 2018, article № 12

Monitoring of production of potatoes in russia and its forecast by 2020

The article attempts to make a forecast of potato production in Russia in the period until 2020 using economic and statistical tools. The problem of food security is revealed through the achievement of threshold values for the production and self-sufficiency of individual products. So, for the production of potatoes, the threshold value of food security is set at 95‰. It is important to understand the prospects and opportunities to achieve the established threshold values, but, in addition, it is necessary to assess the role of Russia in the world potato market. The conducted economic and statistical analysis showed that by 2020 gross potato harvest in Russia will be at the level of 30.2-35.5 million tons, and its yield, while maintaining current production conditions in the range of 164.4 to 177.4 centner / ha. In the world potato production, Russia occupies about 8‰ of the market. The analysis showed that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former Soviet republics completely underwent a process of adaptation to market conditions. Thus, the Baltic countries drastically reduced the volumes of potato production in connection with the harmonization of their agrarian policy with the pan-European one. Leaders in production in the post-Soviet space remain Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and the leaders in terms of growth were Turkmenistan (63 times), Tajikistan (29 times) and Uzbekistan (18 times). Leaders on a global scale in terms of growth were India (11 times, 12‰) and China (4.6 times, share - 26‰).

Issue № 3, March 2018, article № 13

Efficiency of the organization of the agricultural consumer processing cooperative in meat cattle breeding

Long-term decreasing of beef production in Russia caused mostly by economic reasons and fast declining of import caused by food embargo introduced in 2014 and by fallowed devaluation of Russian ruble led to decreasing of beef consumption by the population and to higher risks for food security. At the same time there is an impressive potential for production increase in the country if to take into account millions hectares of abandoned agricultural lands, growing unemployment in rural areas. The simplest way to use these possibilities is to develop extensive livestock production in small farms sector. The last years beef production costs has been increasing but the revenue has been stable or even decreasing. These processes lead to lower incomes of farmersand therefore interfere expanded production. Small farms turned out in a vicious circle: lack of financial resources - inability to renovate their technical capacities and to replenish operating assets - production costs increasing following by decreasing of quality and volumes of production - lower prices of the final product - lack of income - and again lack of financial resources and decreasing of production. One of the ways to get out from this vicious circle is co-operation. In this article the issues related to organization and efficiency evaluation of a beef processing co-operative of combined farmers are investigated. The methodology of the research is based on using a combination of mathematical models and instruments of investment project analysis and reflects specific conditions of meat cattle breeding and beef processing.

Issue № 3, March 2018, article № 14

Great silk way and ecological block of development of rural territories

The possible impact of the implementation of the new dimension of multilateral cooperation in Eurasia "Economic belt of the Silk Road" on the sustainable ecological development of rural areas is considered. The object of study and discussion is the ecological processes caused by the growing globalization of economic relations and their impact on the sustainable development of rural areas. The problems of an ecological nature relevant for rural areas, factors of negative impact on the environment are indicated. China is entering the global space with a new ideology and ambitious strategic plans. The necessity of activation of self-organizing processes in sustainable development of rural territories is substantiated. Russia's active participation in the construction of the "Economic belt of the Silk Road" gives hope for the sustainable development of rural areas throughout the Far East. Regions with predominantly agrarian specialization and favorable natural and social conditions for the development of rural areas and possess a unique set of ecological resources (biological and landscape diversity). This project should include an environmental block: an exchange of views on the ways of environmental development; development of an environmental monitoring network; environmental assessment; environmental control over the implementation of the investment project and an environmental analysis of the investment results.

Issue № 3, March 2018, article № 15

Regional features of formation of programs social-economic development of rural territories

The support of agriculture is one of the most important tasks of the state, at the same time we do not deny the possibility of attracting large industrial enterprises, processing industries, food, dairy and meat industries to supplement these sources. The transition to the proposed socially-oriented planned-market model of restructuring the economy of the subsidized region is envisaged, which allows creating a base for the implementation of strategic directions for the development of the subjects of the Federation on an innovative basis. The implementation of this option will allow in the following years to carry out a large-scale structural reorganization of the economy of the regions, which will be stimulated by a whole range of social and economic factors - the accumulation of new investments at the expense of rental incomes and growing external competition. A particularly important factor will be the creation of more efficient mechanisms for the flow of capital and labor, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of all factors of production. In agriculture, a combination of reasonable specialization of individual areas of the region with effective development of the agro-industrial complex is supposed. The main goal of the development of agriculture is the stable production of crop and livestock products, as well as the rational use of land resources through the creation of an effective mechanism for regulating land relations and public land management. One of the key priorities is the maintenance and development of the social sphere of the village. The implementation of projects on the development of the social sphere of the village is aimed at improving the demographic situation, increasing workplaces, and improving the quality of life of the rural population.

The innovative equipment and digital technologies are important factors of efficiency increasing in livestock production

The article outlines the main directions for the development of technological progress in the mechanization and automation of animal husbandry and their impact on improving the technology of process implementation, the use of digital automatically controlled technologies, increasing labour productivity, reducing costs, improving product quality, protecting the environment. It is noted that one of the important areas of technical progress in the modern period is a comprehensive modernization of existing facilities. Realization of the stated directions of technical progress in livestock production will provide increase in labour productivity at 3.0-4.5 time in comparison with the existing level, improvements of quality of production and increase in profitability up to 30-35‰ will become an important factor of decrease in specific consumption of forages for 25-40‰ and costs of production. In the conditions of Russia effective use of robots for milking can be provided in farms at efficiency of cows not lower than 8,0-10,0 thousands kg of milk a year and the level of compensation of operators not less than 30-37 thousand rubles a month. One of the factors influencing decrease in level of profitability of production is understating of the purchase prices of the sold products which aren't considering increase in prices for the consumed resources, violation of the principle of parity in establishment of the prices of the consumed resources of industrial production and the sold products.

Potential of economic growth of peasant farms: regional aspect

The article deals with topical issues of the effective functioning of peasant (farmer) farms of the Orel region and the definition of reserves of increase of production volumes in these categories of farms. The aim of the study is to identify factors of potential economic growth of the farm sector, which the authors identified land, labour and technical resources, and problems of marketing. Methodological basis of research are: statistical analysis, graphical analysis build predictive values based on the SPT MS Excel, abstract - logical and monographic methods. The information base provided the statistical data of the Russian Federation, Central Federal district, Orel region and Russian agricultural census, which enabled the authors to carry out a full assessment of the effectiveness of farms. Determined the growth of production of farm products in the General structure of the agricultural sector, identified the regional aspects of economic growth in the development of this sector of farming. The analysis of interrelation and interdependence of the factors of production, and justifies the degree of influence of subsidized investment in the development of the industry to increase the gross harvest of products. More insights can be used by the Executive authorities in agriculture, managers and specialists for the further development of measures to identify potential provision of economic growth and efficient state support of farms.

Method of increase in efficiency of land use of common ownership

The current state of agricultural land use, characterized by heterogeneity, instability, undefined future development, directs scientific research to achieve its effectiveness by introducing amendments and additions to legislative documents, redistributing financial resources, applying universal instruments for regulating land conservation activities, technical and technological modernization. There arises the need to form a systematic approach to the creation of appropriate methods. The study of law enforcement practice allowed us to determine the possibility of applying regulatory and legal methods to improve the efficiency of agricultural land use. The scientific basis of the method for increasing the efficiency of land use from the composition of agricultural lands in common (shared, joint) landed property contains an algorithm, an arsenal of methodological instruments of impact and the indicators that measure them. Algorithm of the process involves the allocation of three key blocks: the analysis of the subject area - the theoretical level, the analysis of the object - the empirical level, the choice of goals and strategies. The management impact of instruments is manifested through the implementation of legal, administrative, economic and financial aspects. The set of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of impact instruments consists of eight selected elements, including the author's coefficient of completeness of the use of arable land. The developed method assumes its use for increasing the efficiency of land use of common property in agriculture.

Conceptual approach to development of cattle breeding in the amur region

The article of the basic idea of the concept of cattle breeding development in the Amur region, the content of the provisions defining the methodology for its development, and the principles governing the development of this concept (systematic, scientifically sound, variant, complex, differentiated, rationally distributed production, balanced development, infrastructure adequacy, financial security). The strategic goal of development of cattle breeding in the Amur Region is to form dairy and meat herds, which ensure the production of competitive products in volumes necessary for the region's full self-sufficiency in milk and an economically justified level of self-sufficiency in cattle meat. Cattle breeding is one of the most accessible tools for increasing the level of self-employment of the rural population, its income and the sustainability of rural development. Given the low density of the rural population and the considerable remoteness of rural settlements, one must form a network of dairy cooperatives, taking into account the level of concentration of dairy livestock in the households and peasant (farm) households. It is the cooperatives that can become the generators of the impulses of the innovative development of cattle breeding in small forms of management and form the conditions for the stabilization and growth of the number of cattle in the Amur Region. As an independent problem of development of cattle breeding in the region, the possibilities of growing the number of cattle of specialized meat breeds in small forms of management are explored. A prospective model for the development of cattle breeding in the Amur Oblast is to consider a model oriented to the priority development of the sector in the small forms of management.