
Issue № 4, April 2018, article № 1

Problems of development of agrarian and industrial complex of the country and need of their accelerated decision

A.I. Altukhov's report at a general meeting of members of RAS of Office of agricultural sciences of RAS on March 28, 2018 is presented in this article. An assessment of the current state of agro-industrial complex from the point of view of ensuring food independence of the country, profitability of agriculture, stability of development of rural territories is given. It is shown that the agriculture contribution to development of economy is much higher, than its share in balanced financial result, expenses of the consolidated budget and investments into fixed capital. Despite existence of system problems in development of the agrarian sphere of economy, it has approached such boundary when it is capable not only to provide food independence, but also to overcome a chronic gap between the standard of living of urban and country people, to provide worthy life in the village, to thereby replace a paradigm from "the human capital of rural territories" to "rural economy for the resident of the village". Researches of economists-agrarians in 2017 have been directed to the solution of these interconnected fundamental problems of development of agrarian and industrial complex. They have shown that in the long term at natural reduction of a share of agriculture in GDP its development remains to one of basic indicators of a role of the country in the world. It is necessary that the agriculture priority from the state became the general strategy of its development of mainly advancing, but not catching up type regardless of existence of internal and external risks and threats. It is necessary to come to average annual rates of a gain of production of agriculture over 3‰ that will provide the advancing development in comparison with a world trend, but about 10‰ of investments gain into branch will demand an annual. Therefore it is important to continue researches on development of multi functionality and multiplication of agriculture, ensuring necessary level of its profitability, transformation of branch to the knowledge-intensive and hi-tech sector of economy, weakening of inter industry disproportions, reduction of significant regional differences in social and economic development of the village.

Issue № 4, April 2018, article № 2

Regional systems of conducting agro-industrial production, their efficiency: methodical bases of development and development

Development of agro-industrial production, increasing in competitiveness of production causes the necessity of the translation its on the innovative way of functioning. It is possible to provide the solution of the standing tasks only on the basis of systems of farming in interrelation with branches of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of acceleration of scientific and technical progress. In article the efficiency of development of earlier developed systems of conducting agro-industrial production is considered. Importance of development of qualitatively new systems taking into account the last achievements of science and technology in the field of economy and the organization, technological modernization of production is proved. The technique of the development of systems of conducting agro-industrial production directed to a production intensification, including is proved: determination of production potential; justification of the effective directions of interaction of agricultural producers with processing enterprises; elaboration of suggestions for improvement of organizational and economic managing; justification of systems of maintaining crop production and livestock production; development of recommendations about social development of the rural areas; justification of the mechanism of development of innovative processes. Forms of development and development of systems of conducting agro-industrial production are offered.

Issue № 4, April 2018, article № 7

The revival of the flax complex of russia

The flax complex of Russia is a complex of agricultural producers, farms on production and processing of flax, the enterprises for release of specialized equipment, scientific crop research institutes. The shortage of flax raw materials in 2016 is due to the lack of competent cross-sectoral strategic planning; timely and sufficient financing of flax-growing farms and flax processing plants; the introduction of promising scientific developments in the field of flax seed; specialized agricultural machinery for cleaning and processing of flax; the low technological discipline at the stage of collecting losira, a predominance of short fibers before long. The main problem of the industry is the lack of interaction between the agricultural and industrial sectors of flax. Correction of the situation is possible only when all directions of flax growing are combined into one complex. The development of the demand for flax in the domestic market requires an increase in gross yield by at least 10-20 thousand tons annually. Although the flax industry has stabilized over the past 5 years and shows a stable gross yield of 40,000 tons with an average yield of 9.5 t/ha, this is not enough to load the main production capacities. Flax growing needs systemic changes and breakthrough technologies for the cultivation, processing and sale of flax products. The purpose of this study is to create a full - cycle flax complex on the example of one of the leaders of the Central Federal district for the production and processing of flax-Smolensk region. The state program of support (subsidy) of flax production at the moment is the most effective tool for introduction of these changes. The article analyzes the state's need for flax in accordance with the strategy of light industry development for the period up to 2020. The financial risks of potential investors in the industry and prospects for its development in accordance with the Federal target program for the development of the flax complex in Russia until 2022.