
Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 4

Features of factors interaction of competitiveness of the regional agro food system

The regional agro-food system is considered by authors as a system of complex production-economic, organizational-managerial and social relations that are formed in a competitive environment during the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of food. Subjects of competition are commodity producers, sellers and buyers, and the regional authorities when interregional competition occurs. This determines the complex intertwining of interests of the regional agro-food system participants. They can coincide or contradict each other. Therefore, the signs of the manifestation of competition and the methods of its management depend on the prevailing situation on the market. Under all conditions, competition causes an increase in the efficiency of the using of production and consumer potentials of the region. The functioning of federal and interregional agro holdings and trade networks leads to a displacement in the regions of production of agricultural products, its conversion and selling through the retail trade network. In the Udmurt Republic formation of the single agro holding and the concentration of most of the system-forming enterprises of the Republic's agro-industrial complex in its structure was initially perceived as a stability factor in the provision of food for the population of the region. The agro-food system of the Republic turned out to be less competitive in comparison with neighbouring regions and could not effectively use its own resource base.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 5

Efficiency of using the resource potential of agricultural organizations in the region

This article sets forth the author's position that the development of scientifically based approaches to identifying priority areas for the development of rural areas, as well as the development of a set of measures and managerial influences for the specific conditions of a single region or a group within the federal district, should be based on the results of a comprehensive spatial-time analysis of existing conditions and development factors. Central to the socio-economic system of any type is the subsystem that determines the potential for the production of economic goods, which will be the main source of social development. One of the key activities in rural areas is agriculture, where the bulk of material, labour and financial resources are concentrated. The article considers the methodology for assessing the results of production and the efficiency of the use of resources of agricultural organizations. In accordance with the data on the region of agricultural subjects of various organizational forms and sizes of activities, the analysis of the results of their functioning (in conditionally-natural and conditionally-valued assessments), the availability and efficiency of land, labour and capital use was carried out. Based on the results obtained, directions and tools for state support to rural areas have been identified, taking into account the assessment of their resource potential, institutional environment and investment attractiveness.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 6

Staffing monitoring in agrarian and industrial complex of russia: the organizational aspect

Research objective was an identification of the existing organizational mechanism of carrying out monitoring of staffing in agrarian and industrial complex of Russia and development of offers on its improvement. The organization and conduct of monitoring of personnel security contributes to the effective functioning of the management system of the agro industrial complex as a result of obtaining additional reliable and comprehensive information on the state of human resources and labour resources; formation of a database and a database of personnel, development of an information retrieval system for personnel; purposeful forecasting, planning and management of personnel processes in the industry; increase of the scientifically grounded level and quality of managerial decisions while improving the personnel policy in the agro industrial complex. Monitoring allows solving many diagnostic tasks. Data accumulated in agricultural organizations help to identify systematic difficulties in the management of personnel throughout the industry, assess the level of reproduction and efficiency of the use of labour resources. The developed proposals and recommendations on improving the organizational mechanism for monitoring the staffing of the agro-industrial complex in the creation of monitoring centres and individual structures at the municipal level at the federal and regional levels will enable us to receive reliable information in a short time, to evaluate it expertly, to systematize and provide all interested parties users.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 7

Methodological approaches for trade potential assessment of russian meat industry

Russian meat industry adequately responded to external and internal challenges of recent years and made a huge step in solving the problem of import substitution. Import dependence decreased in 3.6 times, the share of domestic meat products increased in 1.2 times, and self-sufficiency relative to the current consumption standards increased from 68.9‰ in 2010 to 97.6‰ in 2017. Capacity of domestic meat market in value terms reached 1365.8 billion roubles, having increased by 45.1 billion roubles mainly due to increased volumes of consumption by 4.3‰ per year. Paid demand at domestic meat market exceeds the supply of domestic producers; therefore, it’s prematurely to raise the issue of industry export orientation. The export of meat products should not be considered as a strategic target of the government, but as a mechanism to improve the stability of the industry and to create preconditions for expanded reproduction. Development of industries with competitive advantages and free trade ensure the growth of general people's welfare. Taking into account the achieved results in the sectors of meat industry, the specifics of domestic meat market formation for certain types and the influence of external factors, our forecast for the next three years involves: an annual increase in production (0.3‰ - for sheep breeding; 6.3‰ - for beef cattle breeding; 2.4‰ - for poultry; 5‰ - for pig) and the possibility of exporting up to 475 thousand tons of all meat types.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 8

The development of pig-breeding in the russian federation in modern economic conditions

The development of the pig industry allows us to provide food security of the country, gives the opportunity to show stable financial and economic development entities, and increases the flow of tax deductions to budgets of all levels. However, the consolidation of the production base and the creation of vertically integrated structures, which includes all the elements of a technological chain from field to fork, allows business entities to improve stability, showing high economic efficiency. There was a significant reduction in the share of imported imports of genetic resources, which due to the establishment of the leading breeding companies in the territory of the Russian Federation of its subsidiaries, and production on their basis of breeding of high-quality products with the consequent production of animals for breeding and fattening enterprise. The development of the pig industry the pig provides the opportunity to enterprises to invest substantial financial resources in expanding its own production, to increase capacity for the production of fodder and the construction of workshops for processing of products. In turn, the increasing production of crops, construction of new and modernization of existing capacities on storage and grain processing, manufacture of mixed fodders and fodder additives reduced the dependence of industry on imports of feed resources. The development of the pig industry allows you to speed up import substitution. Key aspects hindering the further intensive development of the domestic pig are the organizational and economic factors, which primarily include the lack of organization of labour, the lack of logistical and industrial base, low level of development of the tribal network and system management of selection and breeding work. Serious damage to the domestic pig production causes a number of infectious diseases, which in recent years is widespread throughout the country as a result of mass import of animals from foreign breeding centres.

Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 13

Public-private partnership is in the system of investment into social infrastructure of rural territories

One of the key problems of the current stage of development of society is the disproportion in the inflow of long-term capital into the social infrastructure of rural areas. And a promising direction of solving this problem is public-private partnership, acting as an institution that facilitates the inflow of investments into this vital sphere of life support for the population of rural areas of the country. The article focuses on the need to shift the financing policy from lending to the system of investing in the development of social infrastructure of the village infrastructure, including through attracting qualified investors on the principles of public-private partnership. The tendency of more rapid growth of loan in the market of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is revealed. On 1/1/2017 the volume of loans has reached 2.35 trillion rub. In structure of loans the essential share is occupied by credit resources from credit institutions and the international financial institutions and also the budgetary credits from higher budgets. The mechanism of realization of public-private partnership in the system of investment into social infrastructure of rural territories can be realized in the form of individual share of the private capital in the state and municipal enterprises. For stimulation of investments in debt obligations of regions at the federal, regional and municipal level it is offered to create preferential tax regime for investors.