
Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 5

Factors of growth of production efficiency of potatoes

Potatoes are a highly profitable type of production and the efficiency of activity of the agricultural enterprise depends on volumes of its production. The article analyzes the efficiency of potato production in the agricultural organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The aim is to investigate the influence of factors on the efficiency of potato production. The increase in sales volumes of potatoes has a positive effect not only on the profitability of potato production, but also on the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, as with the increase in the share of potatoes in the revenue structure, the profit gained from 1 hectare of agricultural land is growing. It is established that the profitability of potato production is influenced by the size of the cultivated area, yields, cost of seeds and fertilizers per 1 ha of crops, the share of potatoes in the revenue of the enterprise, the complexity of the production of 1 quintal. The yield is 25-30‰ depending on the variety. The degree of impact on the efficiency of potato production of the availability of material and technical resources: stock availability, energy supply, the number of tractors per 1000 hectares of arable land. Naturally, the increase in labour intensity negatively affects efficiency. Increase of efficiency is possible only under condition of increase of resource potential and of implementation of achievements of scientific-technical progress. It is possible to reach high production efficiency of potatoes only on the basis of innovative development of branch in the conditions of large specialized production therefore concentration of production of potatoes in small farms is irrational.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 7

Specialization of fodder production and management

The article deals with the questions of organization of production processes in industry fodder production, enhancing its effectiveness based on formation and use of economic principles, definition of economic relations in the new conditions of development of agrarian sector of the country. Identified some theoretical, methodological, methodical and organizational-economic situation of the Organization of the production and use of feeding stuffs on the basis of specialized links, brigades, detachments, which differ in their logistical, organizational, technological and financial content. Important factors are the optimization of organizational structure of farmland, field and livestock feed industries on on-farm water and fodder production, formation of rational industrial-economic relations between members of the staff within the unit, establishing links between producers and consumers of food, the necessary availability of labour, material, and financial resources. As one of the main directions of this direction offered testing models to create specialized shops in feed production major complexes and agricultural and dairy enterprises combining all component stages of production, storage, preparation and use of feeding stuffs. Shows the methods, techniques and principles of institutional governance, planning and forecasting on development of fodder production, achieving the necessary high quality forages in the specific context of the Bryansk region and a number of other regions of the non-chernozem zone of Russia.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 8

Methodical approaches to identification of agro-industrial clusters in branches of livestock production of the volga regions

Modern experience of development of innovative territorial and industrial clusters in various branches of the economics of Russia is considered. It is determined that the development of clustering activity in agro industrial complex restrains absence of legislative base and methodical providing, especially techniques of detection of clusters in various sub complexes. For these reasons methodological bases, modern methods and techniques of definition of competitiveness of branches and detection of industrial clusters are analysed. The technique of definition of competitiveness of sub complexes and detection of clusters in 8 regions of the Volga region (Republics Kalmykia and Tatarstan, the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk areas) is offered. The analysis of indicators of development meat-grocery (manufactures of meat of cattle and a bird, processing of meat and an sub products, sausage products) and dairy-grocery (manufacture of milk, processing of dairy products) sub complexes on the average for 5 years (2012-2016) is carried out. As a result, it is defined, that many regions of the Volga region have competitive enough branches of animal husbandry suitable for creation of agro industrial clusters. Thus for activization of clustering activity in agro industrial complex, by analogy to other spheres of the economics, formation of legislative base and programs of development of clusters, both on federal, and on regional levels is required.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 11

Strategy of agroholdings and farms development: new institutional forms of activity cooperation

In most industries and sub complexes of the agro industrial complex there are processes of horizontal and vertical integration, which increases the risk of monopoly formation at the regional or federal level. Despite the constant attention of government and state support the processes of agricultural producers cooperation in order to overcome the abuse of market power are developing very slowly. At the same time, some of the agricultural holdings have already reached such sizes of production, when a further increase in its scale leads to an increase in costs, while the effect of the scale of processing and logistics is far from exhausted. However, most agro holdings continue to increase production volumes, falling into the trap of the "path dependence". The concept of "interim institutions" considered in the article allows us to reconsider the classical approach to the implementation of economies of scale by both large and small-sized producers. The proposed model for the development of agricultural production on the basis of integration of independent agricultural producers in the production and economic chains of large agribusiness on market principles allows to overcome the negative consequences of the "path dependence" with minimal costs for all participants in the industry. Farmer, while remaining a recipient of income and preserving the possibility of visual control of the production process, provides access to the expert competencies of the agro holding-integrator and loan capital. Agro holdings, without going beyond the effective scale of production of agricultural products, guarantee themselves a market for high quality raw materials at an acceptable price for reproduction, they are able to more fully realize the economies of scale at other stages of the production process, thereby reducing the total costs of final products.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 12

Transformation of private subsidiary farms is as a source of employment and income of rural population

The long-term trend in the reduction of the scale of homestead farming is systemic and is the result of a contradictory process of differentiation of private subsidiary farms - degeneration of small and medium-sized ones, and the growth of the largest ones. As a rule, the motivation for the transformation of a part of private subsidiary farms into mini-farms is connected with the conscious choice of their owners, and their entrepreneurial aspirations. At the same time, the expansion of the participation of the able-bodied population, which has the main profitable occupation outside private subsidiary farms, in the productive activity of the household farming reflects the tendency of a decline in the living standard. Using regression analysis it has been revealed an alternative of consumer and commodity economic practices, and of earnings at the main place of work and income of private subsidiary farms activity. It is shown that the main work and earnings of the members of the household leads to a reduction in the needs and opportunities to do business in commodity private subsidiary farms. However, at the same time, the presence of several adults, both able-bodied and, especially, of the retirement age, in the household increases such opportunities and contributes to the growth of the marketability of private subsidiary farms. Expansion of the labour market with an increase in the size of the rural settlement contributes to a decrease in the number of the able-bodied population in personal household activities.