
Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 14

Subsidies for development of meat cattle breeding: methodical approaches to distribution of means of the federal budget

The purpose of the study was to identify ways and formulate proposals to improve the effectiveness of subsidies for the development of beef cattle from the federal budget to the budgets of the subjects. To conduct the study, economic-statistical methods, a correlation analysis method, and a comparison method were applied. The assessment of government support for 2012-2016 in terms of subsidies has shown the shortcomings in determining the amount of funding for the development of beef cattle and the imperfection of ways to determine the list of budget recipients: the volume of subsidies to support economically significant development programs for beef cattle breeding of subjects increased by 13‰ to 372.4 million. roubles, the low correlation of the volume of subsidies with production volumes, GDP and food expenditures ("0.08", "0.08", "0.5", respectively), the discrepancy of change of the volumes reported means and results of production (increased by 21‰ and 51‰ respectively) - and drop volume growth occur in different periods. In order to improve the provision of subsidies in connection with the need to improve the efficiency of their distribution, recommendations are presented on the finalization of approaches to determining the amounts of co-financing of expenditure obligations of entities from the federal budget and the formation of lists of recipients of funds.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 17

Estimation of a technological level of an agriculture of region: methodical aspects

The problem of scientific and technical development of agriculture at a regional level is discussed. The condition and a level of development of a science and innovations from which the Federal program of scientific and technical development of an agriculture for 2017-2025 has started is estimated. The «Science and innovations» is underlined later introduction of statistical supervision in agriculture within the limits of section. The information which has appeared in 2016 testifies that this field of activity noticeably concedes to branches on «to extraction of minerals, a manufacturing industry and distributions of the electric power, gas and water», and also «communications, the activity connected with use of computer facilities and information technologies». Calculations show high expenses - and labour input of technological innovations of an agricultural production. The analysis of structure of expenses for technological innovations is lead. It is drawn a conclusion that innovative activity of the agricultural organizations is lowest, almost equal innovative to production made by them, works, services. The correlation analysis of the information on a science and innovations in subjects of the Russian Federation has shown high narrowness of communication between number of the personnel, internal expenses of the scientific organizations and number of the advanced industrial technologies developed by them at weak influence on innovative activity of the organizations. Comparison of parameters of innovative activity in federal districts of the Russian Federation per 2016, and also in Privolzhskiy federal district is lead. Nevertheless, in a basis of research and forecasting of scientific and technical development of agriculture of region should lay reproduction processes and laws of scientific and technical development.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 19

Infrastructure transformations of system of cooperation in the rural areas

The implementation of the strategic guidelines of the agro-industrial complex is not possible without the development of agricultural co-operation. Its role in the agricultural economy of the country is huge, having advantages over other economic systems; it is able to solve a number of national tasks, priority national projects, food security of the country. Agricultural cooperation as a distinctive socially-oriented category in modern practice is considered as a factor in the development of small farms in rural areas, as a mechanism for sustainable development of rural areas, and as a tool for improving the welfare of rural residents. However, despite the increased attention to the cooperative movement on the part of the state, the processes of formation of the system of agricultural cooperation occur spontaneously and haphazardly. State support is often aimed at supporting taken separately cooperatives, mostly consumer, the creation of infrastructure networks-development of cooperative systems takes place by the initiative, from need it themselves cooperatives. The domestic experience of cooperation development shows that it needs funds of financial assistance, information and consulting support, services of specialized training centres and advanced training of cooperative personnel. The article attempts to structure the changes in the system of cooperation in rural areas that have occurred in recent years and to characterize the existing elements of the system for a clear understanding of the actually working institutions of support of cooperation in rural areas. The study is based on a systematic and structural-functional approach to the study of the domestic system and infrastructure of agricultural cooperation, using monographic, abstract-logical, the method of economic observation, economic induction and deduction, and other research methods. Using retrospective analysis or historical method the article investigates the stages of formation of the modern system of cooperation in rural areas.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 2

Metod of rationalization of economic interaction in the agroproduction market

The real process of interaction of enterprises and institutions of different levels in the grain market is a set of interdependent operations, the timeliness and clarity of implementation of which determines the continuity of work and the costs of all participants. This mechanism is described by the author on the basis of the experience of the Agricultural Consumer Marketing Cooperative "Soyuz" functioning in the Krasniy Kut district of the Saratov region. It was revealed that a significant reason leading to an increase in transaction costs is the current system of interaction with organizations of the control and regulatory subsystem of the market infrastructure (FSBI "Rosselkhozentr”, "VNIIKR", structures of the Rosselkhoznadzor, veterinary services, frontier surveillance, certification centers). A method for rationalizing the investigated issue has been developed as a variant of the existing system optimization. Its’ algorithm includes 10 stages and is based on work with four key indicators: the number of documents to be provided and processed, the cost of services and the time for waiting for results. The task is solved on the example of documentary registration of the processes of selling three consignments of goods: food grain within the country, food and fodder grain for export. The method is based on Federal State Information Systems "Agrus-Fito", "Vesta" and "Mercury" of the Federal State Information System for Veterinary Medicine. The leading mechanism of the method is the exclusion of the applicant's submission of copies of the same documents to different organizations and the acceleration of the formation of conformity declarations, quarantine and phyto-sanitary certificates by optimizing the workflow by improving the information exchange processes among all the involved instances on the basis of logical relationships between the documents. The practical importance and economic efficiency of the method are estimated.