
Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 12

Evaluation of factors and conditions of formation and development of agro food clusters

The state and development of the AIC directly affects on the level of food security; the development of related economic activities largely determines the socio-economic situation of the country, but problems of evaluation of factors and conditions of formation and development of agro-food clusters have not been fully explored, and prospective directions for improving the development of the AIC in the context of solving the policy of import substitution need systematization and present particular interest. At this point of time specificity of the AIC is spatial dispersion, the availability of seasonal production, the diversity of forms of ownership and the scale of activities, which determines the presence of a higher organic composition of capital. The purpose of the study consists in the formation and development of agro-food clusters that allow the most efficient use of land, labour and financial resources of rural areas. In conducting of this study, there are methods were used: economic-statistical analysis, multivariate research. The conducted research allowed summarizing some of the empirical data on the prospects for formation and development of agro-food clusters. The strategic role of agro-food clusters is not only to solve the country's food security problem, but it is also a fundamental basis for the development of rural settlements, allows to save national traditions, forms natural landscape and way of life of population, define the character of reproduction of resources in a region, affects on the structure of production and distribution of population throughout the country.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 15

Scientific articles on agricultural economy semantic processing for database «agros» maintaining

The article shares results of selection and processing of CSAL incoming documents for database AGROS. Scientists and practical experts requires updated, authentic and complete information about status perspectives and trends of agricultural science and industry for effective managerial decision making, analysis and estimates. The most quick and suitable form for information acquisition and delivery are problem-oriented databases. The goal of current research was development and replenishment of the database that fully shows incoming flow of agricultural and food industry documents and grant different user requests. The researchers also analyzed incoming document flow, selected documents for database, semantically processed them and made the bibliographical records. The research methods included incoming flow content analysis, internal and external document analysis, separate data input with further coalescing for bibliographical record creation. As a result of processing researchers were making a decision of including the document into database and on level of content expanding - monographically or analytically. The documents were processed with five informational-retrieval languages to form clear document search profile and create a bibliographical record for effective retrieval. Authors examined main principals of bibliographical description and analytic-synthetical processing. All processed documents are included into database and available for internet users.

Justification of the choice of effective system of the taxation in the farmer sector

The subjects of business activity having small outputs in the agrarian sphere are participants of the relations regulated by the legislation on taxes and fees not only as taxpayers or payers of collecting, but also as tax agents. Thus in both cases the features depending on quantity and types of the tax payments connected with its legal status are inherent in country economy. Estimating importance of development in the country of sector of small business, including in the village and in agrarian production, the state takes great pain to stimulate this process. Therefore in small business are developed for involvement of businessmen and more convenient and attractive systems of the taxation, than for other forms of managing work. In article by methods of expert estimates, comparisons, and analytical calculations, the monographic description and forecasting are presented the existing taxation modes, efficiency of their use. Depending on their legal status farms can apply various systems of the taxation. Today simplified tax system is used by 55.5‰ of farmers, uniform agricultural tax - 39.5‰, the general system - 5.0‰. The choice of system of the taxation isn't once and for all set. The right of transition is granted to the head of country economy on a voluntary and free basis. The conducted researches showed that for effectively functioning agricultural producers’ transition to uniform agricultural tax and its further use didn't cause a little noticeable improvement. In practice there is no uniform technique of justification of efficiency of the applied systems of the taxation therefore at adoption of the administrative decision on transition from one system to another the reasoned economic analysis of advantages and shortcomings of their use of each concrete organization is important.