
Agricultural division into districts is a basis of development of the scheme of placement and specialization of agriculture

At chronic deficiency of the budgetary resources allocated by the state for sustainable development of agriculture, his spatial organization is the most effective measure capable to increase profitability of branch and more stoutly to provide the population with domestic food. But for this purpose it is necessary that spatial development of agriculture first of all relied on agricultural division into districts of the country which forms a natural-science basis and a core of effective maintaining branch. At the same time the agricultural area represents the territory where the complex natural and socio-economic factors causes formation of steady combinations of the dominating and additional types of farming developing under the influence of features of the environment and economic conditions. Materials of agricultural division into districts can be used not only when forming specialized zones of production of separate types of agricultural production in borders of regions, but also when developing the scheme of placement and specialization of agriculture of the country. Such approach is quite justified from the point of view of a role of regions in production and realization of certain types of agricultural production, planning and forecasting of development of branch at the regional and federal levels, accounting of administrative-territorial division of the country. In article the possibility of use of domestic and foreign experiment on agricultural division into districts of the country and formation on this basis of specialized zones of production of separate types of agricultural production is considered. The system of measures for development of the scheme of placement and specialization of agriculture of the country taking into account domestic and foreign experience is offered.

Organizational-economic method of stimulation of labour in agricultural enterprises

An organizational-economic method of stimulating labour on the basis of a systematic approach has been developed. The main goal of this method is the construction of an algorithm for calculating bonus payments to employees of the main production, which ensures the maximum linkage of labour payment with the final financial results of farms. The need for the development of the method is justified by the weak relationship between labour costs and the final result, and, accordingly, by a disbalance between the interests of workers and employers, which is a consequence of a significant gap between the growth rates of labour productivity and the average monthly wage and is an important demotivating factor. Two groups of elements of the stimulating system are distinguished: external, determining the improvement of the methodological basis for choosing the wage system and stimulating the labour activity of the staff, in conjunction with the internal element, adapting the gradual system of calculating the constant part of labour remuneration based on ranking the results of peer review, defining ranges and forming "range" salaries, as well as proposed to consolidate the legislative list of types of material incentives due to participation in income. Through the percentage of profit growth, the size of collective bonuses is calculated, on the basis of which the value of individual bonuses is established using the score for knowledge and competence.