
Features of the market development of scientific and technical products in agrarian and industrial complex

The market of the scientific and technical products (STP) is a specific segment of commodity market. The market of scientific products represents the system of the economic relations which its participants concerning assignment and alienation of the exclusive rights to scientific products, for the purpose of use in civil and economic circulation in which result there is an exchange of solvent demand of the consumer for the consumer value concluded in scientific products enter. Distinctive features of products of STP agrarian and industrial complex impose certain restrictions for formation and development of the market of such products. There are distinguished features of the scientific and technical products: specificity and uniqueness of a product, dependence of a zone of consumption of scientific and technical products of agrarian and industrial complex on climatic conditions; specifics of formation of demand for scientific and technical products, the dual nature of products, use of live organisms during creation of products. Researches showed that now the market of STP agrarian and industrial complex is not created; there are no stable connections of science with production. Information and consulting services in the village, acting as an element of the market of STP, cannot serve its main component yet. Incentives at scientists in introduction of the inventions, selection achievements in production are poorly looked through. Moreover, as showed results of questionnaire of agricultural producers, they practically have no interest in innovations. Therefore development of this market demands participation of the state both in the institutional plane, and in stimulation of this process.

Animal breeding product markets: the particularities in operation and the influence on the branch development

Each product market has its particularities that affect directly or indirectly the potential of agricultural branches development. The existing approach to definition of the animal breeding product market capacity by means of average consumption per capita (actual or standard) taking into account the population number should be considered incorrect, as it cannot define the product volumes available for the population evading the market distribution mechanisms. Using this approach the concept of ‘market capacity’ is substituted with the concept which is actually ‘prospective demand’ which causes considerable distortion to the information serving as the basis for decision-making for production volumes for the animal breeding production and the product price forecasting. The prospective demand for the animal breeding products defined based on the recommended nutrition standards is considerably higher than the effective demand for those products, and it sufficiently limits the opportunities for milk and beef production volume growth. Governmental support for large-scale producers in animal breeding branch provides competitive advantages for them, but does not allow compensation the reduction of production volumes by small and medium-sized companies and in farm households. The existing business conditions also do not promote equal competition between the domestic animal husbandry products and the imported goods. If the limitations for food import from the EU, the USA, and other countries that imposed the sanctions against the Russian Federation are removed, the structure of Russian dairy and beef market may change dramatically, and the provision of even minimum animal breeding production efficiency level will require sharp increase of the amounts of governmental support for this sector.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 10

Investment attractiveness of an mushroom industry

Currently, there is a steady trend in the economic development of the agricultural sectors, which requires the introduction of the latest industrial technologies in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex. Industrial mushroom production as a type of economic activity in developed European countries has become one of the main independent branches of agricultural production. In the world, the production areas of cultivated mushrooms in 2015 amounted to 28,500 hectares, in 2016 - 27,450 hectares. At the same time, the volume of production was about 11 million tons. According to FAO, in 2016 China produced various types of mushrooms about 7.8 million tons. In the Russian Federation, by the end of 2016, the level of self-sufficiency in mushroom products was only 6.4‰ Russia annually purchases abroad about 100 thousand tons of mushrooms, spending on imports of products and composts for growing cultivated mushrooms more than 400 million dollars. In recent years, there has been a positive trend in the construction of new greenhouse and mushroom complexes. Realized projects have high investment attractiveness due to the use of intensive technologies, modern cultivation facilities and equipment. At the state level, a program has been adopted for the development of vegetable growing and mushroom production up to 2020, which aims to provide significant state support to the industry. This program indicates high boundaries, the implementation of which must be implemented in the near future. The course on import substitution has been declared in the Russian Federation since 2014. Mushroom growing, as a type of economic activity, is one of the most important areas of intensive agricultural production engaged in the production of fresh, protein-rich, environmentally safe products.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 11

The place and a role of beef cattle breeding in food supply of the region and the country's food security

The food problem exists as long as humanity exists. The amount of food available at all stages of productive forces and productive relations was insufficient. The food problem was one of the main causes of the devastating wars of conquest. And in the third Millennium of world civilization every ninth person in the world does not reach, and by 2020, according to FAO hunger can affect every fourth inhabitant of the planet. At the same time, up to 75‰ of food products in economically developed countries fall into waste. The rich countries are unwilling to share food with the poor on an ongoing basis, although there is a global humanitarian system. Food security is the Foundation of economic and national security of any state. In connection with the vast territory of Russia, the food problem in addition to the national one has a regional aspect. The "food security" and "food security" categories are not applicable to regions. In a single state, antagonism between individual regions in solving the food problem is unacceptable; regions can not exert pressure on each other with food. A strategic place in food security in the region and the country is meat and product sub-complex, since the consumption of meat and meat products per capita is one of the criteria of the standard of living of the population. The article considers the development of regional beef cattle breeding, its place in the meat balance of the region and the economy of agricultural organizations. The current level of beef and veal production is compared with the pre-reform, trends in the development of indicators are identified and the reasons for the changes are highlighted. The evaluation of regional programs of meat sub-sector development is given and strategic directions of its development are defined.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 12

Role of peasant farms in development of the agricultural products market

For several decades the scientific community has been concerned about the condition and prospects of development of various categories of farms in different Russian regions and about their role in the development of the market of agricultural products, primary produce and food. Farms, which are different in size, specialisation and concentration of production, perform their role in the industrial market economics of Russian regions. Issues about the development of peasant farms (farm household) remain relevant and require the thorough analysis. In agriculture, the provision of competitiveness for farms of all types and sizes will improve food security of the country. Any agricultural enterprise is characterised in organisational terms by a certain system, which means the method of connection between quantitative and qualitative characteristics of land, labour and financial resources. The article contains a brief analysis of the current condition and prospects of the development of various categories of Russian farms. Large agricultural enterprises, integrated formation, in a sense, destroy the intra-industry competition and do not allow small manufacturers to develop. They limit access not only to external, but also to territorial market. The role of peasant farms (farm household) in the development of market of agricultural products, considering the dynamics of indicators of the breeding industry, was designated in the last four years. The advantages of peasant farms (farm household) in the development of modern agricultural business in small forms of economy management were noticeable. Medium and small farms, including peasant farms (farm household), have the shortage of financial, labour, material-and-technical and other resources, but are able to receive products of the quality demanded by the market with a lower cost, and, therefore, more competitive. As a result of the reform of insolvent large and medium agricultural enterprises, a significant part of their land, material-and-technical and labour resources will go to small enterprises, to peasant (farmer) and highly-marketable individual subsidiary households. It is necessary to improve national policy in the field of financial support of small farms. It is impossible to allow equal conditions for participation of farms of different sizes in tenders, grants and other competitions for the appropriation of budgetary funds.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 13

Definition of the priority directions of innovative development of crop production in stavropol krai

The experience of economically developed countries shows that innovative development in modern economic conditions is becoming one of the strategic components of the country's agrarian policy. The need for its formation and implementation is growing rapidly, because on its basis it is possible to determine the basic strategies for the development of the agricultural complex, the goals, objectives and mechanisms for supporting innovative programs. At present, innovative activity in agriculture is an important factor in intensifying production, expanding its scale, increasing competitiveness and economic efficiency. The growth of labour productivity and the increase in its efficiency, which are the most important indicators of the economy, are already inconceivable without an innovative approach to the solution of the corresponding tasks. Innovative development is provided, as a rule, by the integrated application of foreign technology and technology. The state agrarian policy in recent years is aimed at stimulating innovation in agriculture. Along with the traditional support of scientific research, implementation of their results, training and retraining of personnel, which undoubtedly stimulates innovations in agriculture, new levers for stimulating innovation have emerged - financing, crediting, taxation, insurance. Equally important is the interest of the immediate creators of innovations in their accelerated development in production. In this regard, their creation should be appropriately formalized, protected and promoted.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 16

Implementation of cooperation potential in russian agriculture

Agricultural consumer cooperation has a long history in Russia, is widely promoted, and supported financially and administratively at the federal and regional levels. In a broad sense, all agricultural producers can be considered as potential participants in cooperation, however, small forms, and especially household subsidiary plots are its main beneficiaries. At the present time, it is already possible to sum up the achievements of consumer cooperation in Russia, and find out how important it has become, primarily in fulfilling its basic function, - to serve as a channel for selling agricultural products, which is the purpose of this paper. The realization of the cooperative potential is defined here as the weight of agricultural products sold through supply and marketing cooperatives and purchased for processing by processing cooperatives from its total production in sectors of agriculture with high share of households. It was revealed that agricultural consumer cooperation as a marketing channel still plays an insignificant role at the country level in all analyzed types of products. At the same time, in some regions for certain types of products, its importance can be recognized as significant (the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, Lipetsk, Vladimir, Chelyabinsk regions). In these regions this is mainly the result of the agrarian policy of the regional authorities, which take more extensive support of cooperation in comparison with federal measures.