
Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 18

Protection of a regional product in the eu and russia

Globalization of the world economy can result in losing the product identity. Therefore, many researchers focus on protection of regional products. Russia is not the exception where the Government takes specific measures in order to protect products identity. Recently, the Federal Law “On trademarks, service marks and names of product origin” was endorsed and amendments on introducing the notion “Geographical indication” were accepted by the State Duma. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia designed the project draft on developing the regional products; the responsibility of regional Heads to find the original regional product in the corresponding areas. Otherwise, many complicated aspects and unsolved questions prevent the system to work efficiently. The European Union is experienced in protection of regional products as there is a system which guarantees quality, identity and origin of a product; the regulatory system supports producers, helps consumers to choose products of good quality system and influences regional development but keeps its individual features and attracts tourists. The paper explores the experience of the EU and Russia in protection of regional products. The authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the current system. They describe the ways to improve protection of regional products in Russia considering EU experience. The authors used such research methods as observation, comparative analysis, synthesis, classification, making parallels and generalization.

Distribution model of agrarian subsidies to regions

The methodological issues distribution of means of the budget to regions on subsidizing of agrarian economy arising during the forming and development of the mechanism of distribution without postulates of the budget legislation and the principles of strategic planning on efficiency and effectiveness of use of budgetary funds and resources are brought up. It is revealed that problems are connected with the choice of key criteria of distribution which basis shares of regions in production and economic results on agricultural industry are. It is proved and proved by analytical payment that prevalence of specific weight of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation in structure of any parameter doesn't testify to efficiency of economic activity and productive influence on it of the state support yet. On the basis of generalization of modern scientific research on this problem and model calculations with use of tools of the econometric analysis the conclusion is drawn that it is reasonable to regions to organize rational distribution of financial resources of the federal budget via the mechanism of an agreement of assignments with indicators of development of agricultural production and performance indicators where the most strong functional connection with the budget support of agricultural industry is diagnosed. It is reasoned that application of such approach will create conditions of increase in return from use of subsidies in agrarian production, will promote development of the most productive industries from the point of view of the agrarian capacity of regions.

Efficient management of agrarian industrial potential in the region

The article deals with the problems of effective management of the production potential of the agricultural sector in the Smolensk region. Studies have shown that the functioning of the production capacity is associated with a system of factors, of which socio-economic, organizational and legal are dominant. It is proposed to use the integral indicator of evaluation of reproduction of production potential, the conditions and factors of conducting extended reproduction and effective use of agricultural resource potential on an innovative basis with the use of econometric models. Positioning profitability as the main indicator of production efficiency, we have built an econometric model of the dependence of the level of profitability of products on the integral coefficient of reproduction of fixed assets in the agricultural sector. The growth of the integrated indicator of the level of reproduction of material and technical base per unit allows increasing the profitability of production by an average of 6.36‰. The dominant impact of the investment attractiveness of the industry, government support and innovative renewal of the material and technical base determine the vector of economic growth of the agro-industrial complex. We have developed and tested an economic and mathematical model for the development of the milk sub complex of the Smolensk region, which allows to determine the optimal ratio of industries and activities, to ensure a balance of the functioning of all subsystems of the milk sub complex of the regional agro-industrial complex and the maximum economic efficiency of the system, taking into account the natural and economic conditions of the region and technical and technological equipment. Systematic implementation of the proposed measures will create conditions for technical and technological renewal of the industry on an innovative basis and increase the efficiency of agricultural production by 30-40‰.