
Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 10

Role of dairy cattle breeding in the vologda region is as the solution of problems of providing the population of the european north with food

The problem of providing the population of the European North of Russia with food is caused by difficult climatic conditions of managing, the undeveloped, dot nature of agricultural production, low level of the state support of branch, lack of stable relations with territories of production of food, their seasonal delivery to regions and also the focal nature of resettlement. The hypothesis that subjects of the European North of Russia (especially Vologda region) have the considerable potential of agricultural production, in particular dairy cattle’s breeding which realization is strategically important in the developed political and economic conditions for providing the population of the territory with food scientifically is proved in article. The purpose of this article is identification of a role of dairy cattle breeding of the Vologda region, his potential for definition of a possibility of providing the population of the European North with food. The conclusion is drawn that in general the region has the considerable potential and reserves of development of dairy cattle breeding. Development of a complex of actions, tools for activization of the available potential and transformation of agrarian policy of the state is required. When carrying out a research general scientific methods of a research (abstract and logical, system approach, sociological, etc.), statistical (groups, panels, comparisons, etc.), graphic and tabular methods of visualization of data were used.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 12

Directions of development of placement and specialization of crop production

Rational placement of crops is the main condition of increase in production efficiency of production of crop production. The purpose of a research is definition of the directions of development of placement and specialization of crop production. In the course of the research also other methods were applied monographic, abstract and logical, analytical. Results of researches have shown that placement of crops has to consider not only soil and climatic and agro ecological factors, but also economic, scientific and technical progress and social and economic. Influence of factors is considered on extent of influence and also taking into account time factor. In article the conceptual directions of development of placement and specialization of crop production are defined. For justification of development of specialization of crop production it is offered to consider evidence-based alternation of cultures, their range, capacity of production infrastructure, power of the overworking organizations and demand for production and also formation of specialized zones of production. Assessment of expediency of cultivation of cultures needs to be carried out on four levels: expedient, admissible, risky and inexpedient. Influence of factors was estimated on three aspects: from a specialization development position (extent of influence - high, average and low), from a specialization development control position (extent of influence - high, average and low) and lack of influence. The existing placement and specialization of crop production or the offered option of their development can be considered as financially acceptable if the production efficiency and investments is provided.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 13

Agro-industrial integration is as objective reality of multi structure agriculture of russia

In last years, in the context of Russia's escalated sanctions confrontation with the West, and the deepening processes of global globalization and integration, a course has been taken to intensify the solution of food security problems, the provision of which directly depends on the rational combination of various forms of ownership and management, ensuring sustainable and efficient agricultural production. In these conditions, the processes of integration in the agro-industrial complex of the country, which is manifested in the creation of integrated groups of holding and cluster type, continue to develop actively. The article describes the main characteristics of these integrated structures, their distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages. The author concludes that the predominant development of large integrated formations is not the right solution for the agricultural sector of the country's economy. A rational combination of various forms of management, both large integrated formations and small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, is required, which can serve as an important source of increasing the volume of agricultural production in the country, and, as a result, provide food to the population of the country. The methodical apparatus of research is based on a system of General scientific and local methods and techniques; a systematic approach using abstract-logical, monographic, modelling, econometric, institutional analysis and the method of monitoring research.

Issue № 11, November 2018, article № 14

Identification of the russian model of rural territories’ development

Development of rural territories in Russia has a certain institutional providing, but in the practical plane laws, strategy, programs and administrative structures are ineffective. Standard and legal and conceptual and program documents do not define essence of the applied model of development of rural territories, and how it corresponds to the foreign analogs which showed the effectiveness in practice. A research objective is to identify the model of development of rural territories to foreign analogs and definition of the directions of possible transition to the most effective of them. Allocation of the developed Russian model is carried out on the basis of verbal approach in a conceptual and graphic look. For carrying out identification of models the descriptive and reference method was used. By results of a research signs and characteristics of the models allocated by foreign authors are defined: exogenous, endogenous, neo-endogenous, branch, redistributive, territorial. The research showed that the developed model of development of rural territories in the Russian Federation can be identified as branch model of exogenous type with all signs and characteristics inherent in it. She properly does not use human resources, does not form the social capital which are a basis of development of rural territories in the 21st century at the local level. In it remain not included in reproduction process considerable natural and mineral raw material resources of rural territories. Preservation of this model on prospect leads to deterioration in a situation in rural territories of the country. Transition to territorial model of rural development of endogenous type with a number of neo-endogen elements is necessary. Have to be the basis the following: formation on places of the human and social capital, creation of partnership and rural "networks", budget support of local initiatives, distribution of various forms of diversified types of activity, etc.