
Issue № 12, December 2018, article № 13

Statistical assessment of competitiveness in agrarian sector of russia

The article provides a statistical assessment of the competitiveness of domestic agriculture at all levels of its functioning: from the level of production of certain types of products and enterprises to the macroeconomic level. The competitiveness of the national agriculture, the dynamics and structure of food exports and imports were considered separately. In recent years, there have been a number of positive trends: the structure of exports is improving, due to the growth in its share of agricultural products; the share of imports is reduced due to the implementation of the import substitution strategy of the industry development, the competitive positions of domestic agricultural producers are being strengthened. A comparative analysis of the agrarian sector with other economic activities showed that despite the faster growth of GVA in agriculture and its efficiency, the overall impact on economic growth is limited due to the low share of the sector in the GDP structure. The study of mutual relations of the industry with the first and third spheres of the agro industrial complex allowed us to conclude that even now there are processes of seizure of income from the agrarian sphere, which certainly affects the resource potential of the industry and investment attractiveness. The necessity of studying competitiveness in the context of farm categories and territory is substantiated. Based on the cluster analysis, a conclusion was made about the target approach in the state agrarian policy, taking into account the specifics of the development of regions and the level of their competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

Issue № 12, December 2018, article № 15

Scheme of development and placement of agriculture of the country: to move forward, it is necessary to know the past

Developing in time, agriculture of the country cannot but be placed also in space. During the Soviet period spatial development of agriculture aimed at identification both the general regularities of its functioning, and accounting of regional features of maintaining the industry with specialization peculiar to it and participation in interregional exchange for fuller providing the population with food, and processing industry - agricultural raw materials. At the same time implementation of the scheme of development and placement of agriculture of the country promoted the spatial organization of the industry and represented coordinated on terms and to performers the complex evidence-based forecast of spatial development of the industry which is consistently carried out on the basis of the state plan. Transition of agriculture to the market relations actually led to loss of controllability its spatial development in the country that led to the negative phenomena under the authority of the industry. Therefore without development of scientific bases of the national scheme of placement and specialization of agricultural production it is quite difficult to provide effective development of agriculture. For this purpose it is necessary to estimate developed and to draft new methodological provisions of spatial development of agriculture of the country and to develop organizational bases on formation of its national scheme and also to prove the directions of improvement of placement and specialization of agricultural production and the system of measures for their realization.

Issue № 12, December 2018, article № 16

To a question of effective placement and production oil seeds

The oil and fat sub complex, being an important part of the country's agricultural complex and providing the population with high-quality food products, vegetable oils, makes a significant contribution to ensuring the Doctrine of Russia's food security. At present, the development of the oil and fat sub complex is characterized by positive trends; however, there are a number of unsolved problems in the industry, which include insufficient raw materials, insufficient introduction of elite seed and modern technologies, technical equipment of oil producing enterprises that do not allow speaking about effective development. Despite the growth in gross oilseed harvest, the level of oilseed production is insufficient for the needs of the domestic market. Therefore, it is necessary to identify opportunities for increasing the availability of vegetable oil to the population and the food industry in Russia through its own production, which will require the formation of a modern resource base, through rational distribution. On this basis, management decisions to improve the efficiency of oilseed production are of great economic importance, which determined the purpose of this article. The paper analyzes the production efficiency and sales of oilseeds in agricultural organizations, the use of production capacity of organizations for processing oilseeds in the Penza region. Depending on the natural and economic conditions, the main areas of oilseeds are identified. The conclusion is made about the effective production of oilseeds on the basis of placement.