
Issue № 2, February 2019, article № 14

Institutional basis and the mechanism of land administration in the rural municipality

The purpose of the article is problem diagnostics of land management system in Grozny municipal district. The results of the study revealed a complex structure, inconsistency and multi-personality of power and property relations, incomplete specification and essential (with the right of veto, first of all, concerning the turnover of agricultural land) regulation of administrative functions of local authorities, typical for municipalities of the country regulatory tools. The conducted research allowed to reveal such problems in land administration in Grozny district as: personnel deficit in control and supervision sphere; uncertainty of the property status of a number of municipal lands; unclear division of powers, spheres of responsibility, blurred subjectivity and weak substantive interaction between rural settlements and the municipal area; low share of land payments in the revenue side of the district and settlement budgets. The results of the study formed the basis for the conclusion that the optimization of management decisions in the land sector of Grozny district can be provided on the basis of multi-level actualization of Executive and administrative functions, taking into account the permanent land transformation in the country; giving to municipal land policy of investment orientation by creation in borders of the area of the zone of territorial development, forming of assets of Municipal land Fund as the land and property ensuring investment obligations, and also clearer differentiation of the land powers and spheres of responsibility between administrations of the area and rural settlements.

Investment resources of innovative policy of the region

The need of orientation of all branches of national economy and especially its agrarian sphere on innovative rails is dictated by the requirement of time. The main problem is to search of investment resources on innovative activity. Economic sanctions seriously aggravate this process; key for development of Russia, and especially in its agrarian sector where there are great difficulties with financial support of innovations. Depending on economic conditions, financial opportunities, degree of risk should define the most acceptable structure of investments into innovations. Innovative activity in the region remains at a low level, especially in the agro-industrial complex. Nevertheless, the total cost of innovation in the region by the end of 2017 increased exactly twice in comparison with 2010 and amounted to 5617.7 million roubles. For the region, its own sources are fundamentally dominant, the share of which is significantly higher than in the Russian Federation and the Central Federal district, and in recent years their share reaches 74.9‰, which is evidence of the high independence of the region in financial support of innovation. The Federal budget is not actively involved in the financing of innovations in the region, as it provides half of the assistance targeted resources aimed at their financing. The priority of regional financial policy remains the financing of technological innovations. The region should review innovation policy with a shift in the focus towards financial support for the agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 1, January 2019, article № 2

The corporate economy in the regional food security system

The consolidation and integration of economic entities is an objective process of the country's economy development, associated with the concentration of capital and the development of productive forces. In the agro food complex, the most common form of integration is holding associations. The functioning of regional agro holdings causes an increase in the region’s self-sufficiency in food. However, the concentration of production in one agricultural holding might lead to economic dominance in the food market. This makes it possible to control the market situation, set high wholesale selling prices for their products and have preferential treatment from regional authorities. However, priorities and interests of agro holdings change over time. They can expand into other geographic markets. At the same time, there are risks of production assets withdrawal from the territory and deliberate bankruptcy. This makes food rations in the region vulnerable. When choosing a region for locating new industries, the potential demand for food, the purchasing power of the population, as well as the business conditions created by the authorities, have a significant impact. Due to the regions differentiation in terms of socio-economic development, interregional agro holdings have a dual influence on the food markets functioning and food security of regions of location. The region, which is a commodity zone, becomes vulnerable to food security. The functioning of federal agro holdings contributes to increasing the country's food self-sufficiency and increasing the export potential of the Russian economy.

Issue № 1, January 2019, article № 3