
Transformational effects of transition to digital economy

Digital economy is viewed as the level of development of the production system, involving the massive use of digital and information and communication technologies and allowing fundamental modernization of the system of inter-subject interactions, while digital transformation is understood as a process of transition of socio-economic systems to such development level. The management of the digital transformation processes should be considered, in the first place, as change management at the levels of the state, economic sectors, fields of activity, individual economic entities, and individuals. The digital transformation of the economy cannot be fragmented; it should cover all stages of the reproduction process. The global objective of digital transformation is to form a new information and technological continuum as a qualitatively different environment for social development. The system of local goals of digital transformation reflects the set of directions for the occurrence of the expected transformational effects. The digitalization of the economy generates not only positive, but also negative transformational effects associated with the negative consequences of the large-scale introduction of digital technologies in public life and digital expansion into all spheres of human activity. The main threats include reduction of employment, simplification of labour functions and reduction of requirements for human creativity, weakening of the governing, coordinating and controlling role of the state, transformation of models of economic behaviour of economic entities, high speed and intensity of changes, the possibility of increasing digital inequality and imbalance of digitalization processes, activation of cybercrime. The article describes the range of tasks facing the state, business and individuals, the solution of which will ensure minimization of the negative transformational effects and the consequences of the identified threats.

Dairy cattle breeding of russia: economic problems and ways of their decision

The article includes basic provisions of the report on bureau of Office of agricultural sciences of RAS of 31.01.2019. The reasons of current situation in the market of milk and dairy products are allocated, including: decrease in the general market capacity of milk and steady growth of its prime cost; the non-equivalence of exchange connected with irrational pricing on milk; the continuing reduction of a livestock of cows, especially in farms of the population; low marketability of production of milk, especially in farms of the population; low rates of gain of production of milk due to insignificant quantity of again constructed, reconstructed and modernized dairy complexes and farms. Measures of increase in stability of maintaining domestic dairy cattle breeding are proposed: transition from regulation to management, from forecasting to planning of development of dairy cattle breeding through establishment of the state task not only on production of milk for each region, but on growth of a livestock of cows; to create the effective mechanism of the state influence directed to increase in efficiency and competitiveness of dairy cattle breeding; not to allow decrease in production of milk in the country in the conditions of steady reduction of its production in farms of the population; to increase domestic breeding resources of the leading breeds of the dairy cattle; to improve the mechanism of distribution of budgetary funds; to improve legislative providing a system of measures of development of development of dairy cattle breeding.

Forecast assessment of cattle breeding development in voronezh region

To solve the problems of forecasting, a comprehensive use of the normative method is proposed, which allows for the design of indicators reflecting development goals, and exponential smoothing method with a damped trend that solves the problem of assessing the reality of the set goals and reasoning the dynamics of their achievement. As goals for the development of cattle breeding in the region, the indicators specified in the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Region and reflecting the expected state of the industry are used. The indicators specified in the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Region and reflecting the expected state of the industry are used as goals for the development of cattle breeding in the region. Forecast calculations of dairy and beef cattle breeding development in the region were carried out according to three scenarios: inertial, basic, and compromise. To achieve the parameters of the basic development scenario while maintaining the growth trends in dairy and meat productivity of cattle by 2025, it will be necessary to increase the average annual number of cattle in all categories of farms in Voronezh region to 511.0 thousand, the average annual number of cows in agricultural organizations - up to 154.8 thousand, in peasant (farmer) farms - up to 17.9 thousand, while reducing the number of cows in the households down to 25.0 thousand animals. The implementation of the basic scenario will allow for an increase in milk production by 27.3‰, and for beef - by 6.2‰ (in agricultural organizations and peasant (farmer) farms - by 32.1‰). In case of following the conditions of the basic development scenario, the profitability level of cattle breeding in the agricultural organizations of the region by 2025 may reach 23-25‰ excluding subsidies, while the output of specialized beef cattle breeding may reach the level of sustainable break-even results without taking into account the subsidies not earlier than in 2030.

Issue № 2, February 2019, article № 12

Estimation of the impact of food embargo on the meat market

The introduction of the food embargo has affected the market conditions. As a result, the key parameters of the food balance of meat and meat products have changed: production, consumption, export and import. The main consequence was the inevitable restriction of imports and price increases. The lack of publications on this topic necessitated the analysis and assessment of the existing situation. The basis of the study is mainly from foreign data sources. For the first time, to study the impact of the food embargo, it was proposed to conditionally divide the stages: before and after the application of restrictive measures. The result of the analysis shows that at the present stage the production deficit exists for all major types of meat. However, the priority of production remains unchanged - poultry meat. The consumption of this type of meat is half of all meat resources. This is primarily due to low prices. In the face of falling real incomes of the population, it had the major impact on the formation of demand. According to rational nutritional norms, imbalances in consumption continue to exist. Restrictive measures should be considered as increasing the financial burden on the end user, while government support tends to reduce. The proposed model of dependence of the production of meat and meat products on the main factors suggests that consumption remains underestimated from the standpoint of the development of agricultural production. Domestic food aid offered to stimulate.