
Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 9

Blok chain technology in vegetables production

The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the introduction of digital technologies in the production of vegetable products according to the state programs "Digital Economy", "Digital Agriculture". Information and innovative technologies in the vegetable growing industry contribute to increasing labour productivity, saving various types of resources, reducing costs and reducing production costs, increasing volumes and increasing the efficiency of vegetable production, which affects the attraction of investments. The complex digital solutions for the production of vegetables - “Smart field”, “Smart greenhouse” are considered and the key factors of transition to these information technologies are indicated. Digitization will allow on the one hand to reduce the volume of excessive use of material resources (agrochemicals, inorganic fertilizers, fuel, etc.), and on the other, to maximize the use of local production factors (organic fertilizer, bio fuel, renewable energy, etc.). One of the tools of the digital economy, allowing providing all the necessary conditions and technological mechanisms, is the block chain technology. The block chain, due to its cross-cutting nature, allows information to link the needs of a particular end user and the capabilities of a particular agricultural producer. Digital technologies will reduce the cost of the production of vegetables as much as possible and significantly increase the reliability of product quality. The introduction of block chain technology promotes advance to the world market of quality, organic vegetable products, guaranteeing to the buyer quality and origin of products, simplifying procedures of phytosanitary certification. The use of block chain technologies can significantly speed up and simplify decision-making on financing and state subsidizing vegetable industry development projects.