
Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 13

Achievement of stability of northern rural territories: foreign experience and its application in russia

New approaches on the way for achieving the sustainability of northern rural areas are considered. Especially important for the Russian North may become experience of Finnish Lapland directed towards creating smart northern rural settlements. Especially important for the Russian North may be the experience of Finnish Lapland to create smart and viable northern rural settlements. Also the Scandinavian experience in the berry and mushroom industry may become important. The basis for the development of rural areas in many regions of the Russian North can become domestic reindeer herding based on unique conditions: the presence of vast areas of natural reindeer pastures and the low cost of meat production. All that is needed is a slight state support for the industry, as well as the development of sustainable plans reindeer husbandry, aimed not so much at raising livestock as at creating bases for the deep processing of local reindeer products. A set of measures for the diversification of economic activities to ensure the sustainability of the northern rural areas is proposed. It is based on a combination of traditional economic activities with new for the Russian North crop (primarily gardening), berries and mushrooms plantations, as well as the development of ecological and ethnographic tourism and the souvenirs production. Such diversification will allow attracting human capital to rural areas, especially facilitating arriving of young people and thus ensuring the long-term sustainability of rural areas.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 2

Attraction of additional financial resources to the agrarian sector of economy of subsidized regions of the country

Methods of research of economic development of the enterprise, industry, region or country are widely covered in the scientific literature. They cover both theoretical approaches in the form of a set of principles, norms, methods of knowledge, and practical activities of economic entities. The formation of a holistic mechanism to attract additional sources of funding in the agricultural sector of subsidized regions of the country to achieve priority socio-economic development in the transition to a socially oriented model of the economy involves the development of a phased system of measures. Based on the analysis of modern Russian and regional practices, trends to improve it in the long and short term, it will be necessary to develop regulatory documents to stimulate the creation of pools of regional banks of rental and productive regions within the Federal districts for the provision of syndicated loans, as well as to clarify the procedure for the formation of reserves for possible losses on loans for enterprises of the agricultural sector, reducing their size.; creation and implementation of the system of regional and regional futures contracts in the regional agricultural market; stimulation and activation of the leasing development process. The conducted researches allowed drawing conclusions and recommendations according to which even in modern conditions unfavourable for economic development depressive and subsidized regions, such as Kurgan region, have a powerful potential and significant untapped reserves for economic restructuring.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 5

The statistical analysis of development of digital economy in russia

The article is devoted to the study of the development of the digital economy as a component of the information society in Russia in the framework of the implementation of government programs. Statistical methods of the analysis are applied: alignment of the time series using the least squares method, calculation of the time series indicators, method of statistical grouping, calculation of variation and concentration indicators. Trends in the level of basic indicators of the digital economy infrastructure are revealed in terms of personal computers, use of the global Internet and web-sites of organizations. Regional differences in the conditions of formation and degree of functioning of the digital economy were devoted; there were highlighted groups of regions with low and high level of development of the infrastructure of the digital economy, the implementation of digital transactions and the availability of content. The conclusion is drawn that the indicators defined in the Development strategy of information society are partially reached only in certain regions. Level of costs of information and communication technologies per capita on subjects of Russia has low degree of concentration. Differences in the level of development of digital economy on regions more are explained by the unequal entry natural and developed social and economic conditions. The necessity of a differentiated by territories approach to determining the priority directions of using funds for the development of information and communication technologies in accordance with the selected structural elements of the system.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 6

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 7

Technical and technological innovations in agrarian production

Development of agriculture on the basis of introduction of technical and technological innovations is actively discussed among theorists and practitioners of agrarian production. Possibilities of increase in production efficiency in the conditions of active application of technical and technological innovations are obvious. At the same time debatable are many questions. In particular, how modern agricultural producers are ready by the financial opportunities and the level of development of production to realization of a course on innovative development? Official statistical data confirm high debt load of landowners that limits their opportunities for active introduction of high-capital-intensive technical and technological innovations in production. In addition, on the basis of data of the All-Russian agricultural census, the insignificant specific weight of the agricultural producers who were really putting into practice innovative technologies is visible. Thus, for activization of introduction of technical and technological innovations the corresponding basis, due to improvement of a regulatory framework has to be created. It is more rational to begin introduction of technical and technological innovations not in the sphere of small and average agribusiness, and in specialized structures, for example in tractor stations within which it is possible to provide higher level of loading of the innovative equipment that will promote growth of efficiency of capital investments in an innovation.