
Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 2

The models of agro-economic system development: essence and classification

The study of the essence of the development of agro-economic systems objectively leads to understanding of their heterogeneity, due to differences in their development goals, the depth and intensity of changes taking place, the impulses generating the demand for changes, the level of development of the technical and technological base and the dominant technologies for the production of economic benefits, tools to ensure balanced development, mechanisms for coordinating the interests of the system forming entities, and optimizing forms of inter-subject interaction and etc. The increasing differentiation of the economic entities in the agrarian sphere objectively determined the multiplicity of possible models for the agro-economic system development, distinguished by their essential characteristics, target orientation, and quality of development. We suggest to understand the model of the agro-economic system development as the method of organizing intra-system interactions as well as interaction of the system with the external environment, based on the stage of the cyclical development of the system, its target orientation, the quality of the technical and technological basis, the level of resource and technological support, the functionality of the control subsystem and balancing mechanisms interests of interacting units. The choice and implementation of a specific development model occurs under the influence of the institutional environment, taking into account the emerging institutional trends. Based on a comprehensive assessment of the essence of the processes of the agro-economic system development, it is proposed to use the classification of their development models, which suggests the choice of the following classification criteria: the quality of development, its type, the degree of coverage of the system elements. In terms of the development quality, it is proposed to single out models of degrading, depressive, stabilization, inertial, adaptive, advanced and revolutionary (breakthrough) development of agro-economic systems; in terms of the development quality - models of extensive and intensive development; according to the degree of coverage of the system elements - models of point and complex development.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 3

The state monitoring of the economic relations in the conditions of digital economy

Developing IT-technologies in all sectors of the Russian economy, in general, and digital transformation of agriculture, in particular, are designed to increase the efficiency of management decisions in the agro-industrial sector, as well as to identify existing reserves of qualitative and qualitative growth of the industry. The article pays attention to the issues of state-effective regulation of production and economic relations in the conditions of digitalization of the economy on the basis of studying the experience of creating a regional geographic information system for agricultural lands. The materials of the Rostov region analyzed the main stages of the development of the system, the goals of its creation, the possibilities that allow online data at the regional level, municipal education, agricultural commodity producer, and specific field to generate data: on the types of land used crop rotation, agricultural biomass development crops, yield forecasting, etc. The authors substantiated the necessity of transferring to the electronic form not only operational information, but also accumulated industry data, on the basis of which managers of any level can make the most objective management decisions. The practical experience of the implementation of the regional policy of digitization of soil fertility data for agricultural lands has been studied. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the key to the success of digitalization of the agricultural sector in the context of building an effective system of managing agricultural production is the participation of agribusiness.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 6

Organization of intraeconomic processing of milk can be effective

The measures of the state agrarian policy, implemented for a number of years at the Federal and regional levels, have created prerequisites for mitigating the negative consequences of the development of the dairy cattle industry. This allowed to overcome the trend of annual reduction of milk production in Russia in all categories of farms since 2016, and agricultural organizations to strengthen their positions in the dairy market. However, the potential of the industry is not yet fully realized. One of the factors is the still not suspended reduction in the number of cows, which reached 12.6 million heads by 2018 compared to the pre-reform 1990 year, due to the difficult financial and economic condition of agricultural producers. The article shows that the price of raw milk sales to dairy enterprises not only does not grow, but also is not characterized by stable parameters during the year, which affects the competitiveness of production. Using the data of balance sheets and annual reports of agricultural organizations of the Leningrad region, the role of budget support in the economy of dairy farms is considered, calculations of the economic efficiency of milk processing in farms depending on the productivity of cows are carried out. It is concluded that milk processing directly in agricultural organizations can be effective and economically feasible, as in the modern market environment and the allocated funds of state support of the agricultural sector; it will allow using the internal reserves of production activities of farms. The study used methods of statistical groupings and comparisons.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 8

The economic and statistical analysis of the formation of regional labor potential (on the example of the amur region)

Human capital is an intensive factor in the development of an innovative economy. The main factors influencing the formation and state of human capital: economic and geographical position; natural and climatic conditions; natural resource potential; demographic potential and population structure; structure and specialization of the economy; financial security; level of socio-economic development. The Amur Region is characterized by the negative impact of these factors on the formation of human capital, the main criterion of which is the ongoing migration outflow of the population. The rate of decline in the rural population exceeds the rate of decline in the urban population and the rate of decline in the total population of the region. For 2015-2017 the total population of the Amur Region decreased by 1.4‰, the urban population - by 1.3‰, and the rural population - by 1.7‰. The main reason for the migration outflow of the population from the Amur Region is the low quality of life, due to the difficult climatic conditions, low incomes, not comparable to the high prices and tariffs, poor infrastructure and social services. The analysis shows that the labour potential of the Amur Region is effective, and the labour potential of agriculture is most effective, since the growth rates of labour productivity in this industry are 2.11 times higher than the wage growth rates of workers, and the advance factor is the highest compared to other industries economy. To achieve a balanced reproduction of human capital as the basis for the formation of labour potential, it is necessary to develop and implement a socio-economic policy, the main goal of which is to create a system of management of social relations aimed at organizing the process of investing in human capital in the process of forming and using all types of resources spheres of society. At the same time, it should ensure a constant increase in the level and quality of life, as well as an improvement in the qualitative characteristics of the population.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 9

The impact of long-term climatic changes on the yield of grain and leguminous crops

The yield of grain and leguminous crops in Russia significantly depends on the weather conditions on the territory of agricultural production and, in particular, on the amount of precipitation and average monthly temperatures during the growing season. Means of adaptation to long-term climatic changes, such as the reclamation of farmland, including artificial irrigation according to standards developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, help to make the yields of grain and leguminous crops more sustainable. The Tambov region is in the zone of risky farming and is characterized by a dry spring-summer period. In addition, long-term climatic changes are imposed on regional weather patterns, covering the territories of all Federal districts of Russia. Ways to expand the reclamation of arable land in the Tambov region are already reflected in the program documents of the regional agricultural authorities. However, the share of reclaimed land is still insignificant in the total area of agricultural land. The application of the climate model for predicting the yield of grain and leguminous crops depending on the amount of precipitation from April to August of the calendar year and the sum of average monthly temperatures for the same period will allow more successfully adapting to weather changes and compensating for the lack of moisture in the region with artificial irrigation.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 10

Development of self-employment in personal subsidiary farming in the context of active policy: expectations, motives, realities, help and support

The article is devoted to the study of the development of self-employment in private farms in the Novosibirsk region as a direction of active employment promotion policies. The development of self-employment is associated with solving the problems of rural population employment and reducing unemployment. Self-employment provides an opportunity for rural residents to realize their knowledge and skills, contributes to their adaptation to a difficult life situation and helps the government to resist unemployment. The research method is a survey, specifically a questionnaire survey, carried out by means of a handout questionnaire. The study is based on the results of surveys of citizens who are unemployed or self-employed in private farms. The article aims to present a comparative description of the views of unemployed people and self-employed people in private farms about various aspects, to identify problems and positive results of the transition to self-employment, as well as the necessary assistance and support from government authorities. The plans of unemployed citizens on the motives, fields of activity, forms of organization, help and support are compared with the opinions of people practicing self-employment in personal subsidiary farming. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop the direction of active politics in the countryside, since it contributes to increased activity and self-esteem, improvement of the living conditions of unemployed citizens and, in general, helps them to return to society and reduce social aggravation.