
Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 13

Differentially - production method for sustainable development of rural areas

Agricultural organizations of the Saratov region have three million hectares of agricultural land. All the farms of the region are divided into groups, depending on the size of land use. In the most numerous group, with the smallest size of land, having up to 3 thousand hectares of land for each farm, includes 212 farms. The next group, consisting of 160 farms, has a land area of 3 to 10 thousand hectares. The group of large farms with land use from 10 to 20 thousand hectares includes 57 farms. The largest representatives, having from 20 thousand hectares and more - 29 farms, which in aggregate make up 36.4‰ of all agricultural land of the region. The increase in the scale of production, the re-equipment of new equipment and the use of advanced technologies made it possible, on average over the past 5 years, to increase revenue per 1 large farm to 294 million roubles, while on average for all farms in the region it was 67 million roubles. Annual revenue per employee for large enterprises amounted to 1.6 million, for all agricultural organizations of the region 1.5 million roubles. Net profit per enterprise amounted to, respectively, 80 and 11 million roubles. At the same time, in large farms of the region the net profit per employee is 1.6 times higher than the average for agricultural enterprises of the region and amounted to 402 thousand roubles. According to the results of the research, a differential production method for sustainable development of rural areas was proposed. It consists in forming a fund for the development of the social sphere of the village by increasing the net profit of agricultural organizations on the basis of growing high-yielding traditional and new crops, taking into account a differentiated approach in the micro-zones of the region using resources, technology and efficient use of factors of production.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 14

Differentiation in a regional rural development strategy

The preconditions of differentiation of rural development strategies on the basis of the concept of regional strategy are considered. It is established that differentiation of the applied strategies of rural development is predetermined by heterogeneity of natural, social and economic, demographic and other conditions of subjects of the Russian Federation (further – regions). The analysis of annual ratings of Federal level allowed to reveal objectively formed economically developed and weak regions. The less developed areas of the country include agricultural regions, including the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal district. Intraregional heterogeneity of rural development conditions is more characteristic of agricultural regions due to differences in the degree of urbanization and the presence of cities, in the vicinity of rural areas. This necessitates the search for appropriate approaches to the development and implementation, along with systems of regional strategy, systems of territorial strategy of rural development. On the example of Stavropol Krai the basic components of such systems and their conditionality by set of the developed conditions are considered. At the same time, regional strategizing is carried out within the borders of the subject of the Federation under the leadership of its governing bodies, and territorial – within individual territories of regions that differ in the common problems of development. The existing agricultural zoning of the territory of the region is supplemented by economic zoning, which allowed for intraregional differentiation for the purpose of territorial strategizing of rural development based on the initiative from below, human capital, and small business, natural and material resources of local territories.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 15

Cooperative forms of sales of products by agricultural producers

The paper analyzes the system of agricultural products sales in Russia and product movement from the field to final consumers. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the alternative forms of this process using comparative analysis method by some important characteristics: simplicity of the process, mass coverage of producers, speed of movement, level of costs, role of producers in the formation of sales and consumer prices. Cooperative formations are considered as alternative forms, which provide the basis of the sales system of agricultural and finished food products in developed countries but are still used to a limited extent in Russia. The paper shows some reasons for underestimation of the role of cooperative forms in Russia, negative consequences of it and provides some proposals how to revitalize the approach of cooperative forms in Russia. The paper focuses on the priority of vertical principle of cooperative formation, including the final stage of the movement of products to consumers, which is retail. The paper recommends a new cooperative form of product sales for Russia, which is a cooperative with auction sales. The wider use of cooperative forms will allow agricultural producers, especially small ones, to free up a significant amount of time, reduce the cost of implementation procedure and, which is most importantly, achieve a deserved share of value added due to the effect obtained at all stages of the cycle.

Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 1

Insurance of agricultural risks is as factor of attraction of investments into the agrarian sector of economy

The relevance of the topic is obvious, since the insurance of agricultural risks is an essential tool for financial protection and stable development of the agro-industrial complex. Agrarian production in Russia annually faces multibillion-dollar losses. The damage caused by natural cataclysms does not just stop development, but puts agricultural producers on the brink of survival. And this applies not only to small and medium-sized farms, but also to large agro holdings with broader financial and technological capabilities. The development of the agricultural sector of the economy is impossible without the introduction of new, sometimes expensive technologies, varieties and hybrids of plants, modern agricultural technology. However, funds that can be spent on development are burned along with the harvest that has died from natural disasters. One of the possible tools for reducing such losses of agricultural production is insurance. The article argues the need to use agricultural insurance as a tool to attract investment in the agricultural sector. Since 2012, Russia has an agricultural risk insurance system with state support, with subsidies and funds from the federal and regional or regional budgets provided. Thus, the system of agricultural insurance with state support in Russia has been operating for the seventh year. The adoption of Law No. 260-FZ was preceded by the drought of 2010, as a result of which more than forty regions of the country suffered, and the damage exceeded the value of 48 billion roubles. Since 2017, the procedure for planning indicators for agricultural insurance subsidies has changed in connection with the transition to a “single subsidy”. Not only the current problems of agricultural insurance related to changes in the procedure for subsidizing in 2017 were characterized, but also conceptual issues of improving legislation in the field of state insurance of agricultural insurance. Conclusions about the inconsistency of the Russian agricultural insurance system and the need to improve it are formulated; methods for improving the conditions of the agricultural insurance market and encouraging investment in agriculture are proposed.