
Issue № 6, June 2019, article № 16

Justification of the outputs and consumption of vegetable products in the russian federation

This article analyzes the development of the vegetable industry in Russia. An assessment is given to production and consumption of products of vegetable and melon cultures in compliance with the recommended norms of consumption and the product range in a food allowance of the person. As practice shows, even in favourable years, the consumption of vegetable products did not meet the rational standards of nutrition of vegetables. The reserves of further increase in the volume of vegetable production due to increased yields, changes in the structure of production, improving the quality of vegetables are revealed.Offers on providing the population with production of vegetable growing depending on various options are given: pessimistic and optimistic. In the pessimistic case, the increase in production cannot be achieved without additional investment. It is not a progressive method in terms of increasing vegetable production. The optimistic option involves an investment approach to solving this problem. To further increase production and provide the population with vegetable products in accordance with the recommended consumption standards, it is necessary to: increase the productivity of vegetable and melon crops; reduce the cost of material and monetary funds for growing vegetables; improve the methods of harvesting and selling vegetable products; improve the quality of vegetable products and its preservation for a long period; selection of varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops that have good taste and are able to preserve nutrients during storage and industrial processing.

Issue № 6, June 2019, article № 17

Innovative approach to development of bread baking in the region

Food supply security can be perceived as one of the main factors of political and social stability for any country. The necessity of improving the competitive ability of agricultural production is marked as the most important purpose of economic policy both at the state and the regional levels. The most pressing problem in this case is to provide the population with quality and accessible domestic products as well as import substitution of foodstuff. Under these conditions, the main mechanism for ensuring food supply security on a sustainable basis is the self-sustained production of strategically important agricultural goods, such as bread and bakery products. The purpose of this investigation is to study the theoretical foundations and to formulate base recommendations for the complex development of the regional baking industry using the case of the Republic of Karelia. This article reveals the role of providing the population with bread and bakery products at the regional level. Along with this, there are explored the features of the combined application of project analysis’ and economic modelling’ methods to determine the optimal baking capacity placement. The baking industry of the Republic of Karelia is given as an object of research. In this study it is described the methodical approach to the creating of the development program and the territorial placement of the subjects of bakery industry. The efficiency of investment projects of bakery plants and raw distribution centres network development is assessed.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 1

The strategy of modernization of agriculture in the conditions of digitalization of economy

The article examines the mechanisms for managing the strategy of modernization of agriculture, contributing to the creation of conditions for the generation of positive production, economic, innovative, technological, social and environmental effects of digital modernization; due to the limited functions of the existing sectoral management system, contributing to its maximum efficiency, conditions are justified and options are offered for creating new institutional structures focused on upgrading the industry on the principles of state order and responsible for implementing innovative technological projects and program activities, as well as implementing digital agriculture modernization at all levels of government. The author singles out the main requirements for the architectonics being formed of the governing mechanism for implementing the strategy of agricultural modernization in the context of the transition to a digital economy; models of regional and district digitalization centres are presented as elements of the mechanism for managing the implementation of a digital modernization strategy for agricultural production; An organizational structure has been developed for managing an economic entity during the transition to project management principles in the conditions of digitalization; The levels of conjugation of interests of sectoral regional, sub regional, local governments are systematized through the level-competence explication of the functional load of various parts of the system of governance in the system “region-municipal districts-agricultural organizations”. The created regional centre of digitalization is designed to combine efforts of power structures, scientific, educational institutions and agricultural organizations in a question of carrying out modernization transformations. At the level of the agricultural organization it is offered to form project teams for realization of the specific objectives connected with implementation of digital technologies.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 2

Harmonization of regional and federal policy in the conditions of the existing external economic calls

In article the condition of agro-industrial complex of the Kaluga region which, on a number of positions differs in high rates of development of agriculture is analyzed. Thanks to the innovative updating of the dairy industry connected with introduction of robotic complexes, the area took leader positions on production of milk in Central Federal District. In too time, innovative break in the dairy industry of the region it is reached thanks to an investment of considerable budgetary funds of the territorial subject of the federation in foreign technologies. Today Russia turns into the major player in the export market of food. By the existing external calls, once positive reaction expects on progress of the Russian agrarian and industrial complex. Drastic measures on reduction of foreign investments already became a reality. It is impossible to exclude also application of measures for restriction of deliveries of accessories, expendables and other that provides operation of the import equipment. Results of the analysis of features and trends of formation of modern agro food policy of the region allow drawing the following main conclusion. Only the uniform, balanced, harmonious policy of the regional and federal authority will allow to exclude contradictory trends and to successfully realize internal reserves of agrarian and industrial complex of all regions, providing the accelerated development of agro-industrial complex of the country, proper response to external calls and strengthening of domestic positions in the world agro food markets.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 3

Increase of efficiency of agricultural production on the basis of rational use of the earth

The solution to the problem of increasing the production of basic food products is directly related to improving the efficiency of agriculture and the rational use of land, which is the main means of production. There is a direct relationship between effective and efficient use. The rational use of land should be understood as the maximum effect in the implementation of land use objectives, taking into account the useful interaction of land with other natural factors. It is established that the efficiency of agricultural production in the Nizhny Novgorod region is influenced by the structure of agricultural land, specialization of the enterprise, the intensity of the use of Pasha, the productivity of dairy herd. The degree of influence on the efficiency of production of the availability of material and technical and labour resources: the availability of funds, the number of tractors per 1000 hectares of arable land, labour. These factors have a positive impact on efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of production in conditions of limited labour and material resources is possible not only by increasing the resource potential and the introduction of scientific and technological progress, but also through the fuller use of arable land. One of the tools to improve the efficiency of production is to optimize the structure of the use of arable land on the basis of economic and mathematical modeling, mathematically formalizing objects and production processes.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 4

Models efficiency of innovations in agriculture

The practical importance of instruments of support of adoption of innovative solutions in the agrarian sector, follows from requirements of the legislation on strategic planning and the related documents of its evidence-based realization. The solution in economic science and practice can be looked for through use of methods of discounting of investment investments which in this work are corrected by models of the econometric analysis and forecasting according to financial statements of the advanced biotechnological companies of the international level. It is proved that introduction of projects on development of innovations and high technologies in agriculture are impossible without tools of assessment of their efficiency and risks for decrease in degree of uncertainty. Empirical models of strategic development of the biotechnological companies in agricultural industry are received and on the basis of it functionalities for assessment of efficiency of investments in research and development, optimization of parameters of these investments and their payback are created. The received models show high influence on financial results of the studied companies of expenses on research and development, confirming the idea about the importance of a scientific factor in forward development of economy, allow to raise degree of the description of investment processes on innovative activity of producers, modernizations of the mechanism of anticipation of biotechnological development of the agrarian sector will promote.