
Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 13

Strategic planning is as method of the directions choice of rural territories sustainable socio-economic development

The problems characteristic of rural areas are classified according to their origin into immediate and indirect. The following are identified as actual directions for the development of rural areas: improving the living conditions of the rural population; improvement of rural areas with objects of social and engineering infrastructure; provision of rural areas of the road infrastructure. Within these areas a number of activities are being implemented: implementation of compensation payments to rural residents for the construction or purchase of residential space; providing housing to families living in dilapidated and emergency homes; replacement and repair of gas networks; the implementation of integrated landscaping in rural areas for compact housing development; financing rural development initiatives of rural residents; construction of local roads, as well as roads of regional and inter-municipal significance to ensure access of the rural population to municipal centres, and also to objects located in the territories of other municipal districts and urban districts. The main sources of financing sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas are the federal and regional budgets. Implementation of activities is scheduled for the period from 2017 to 2020. The total financing of rural development activities amounted to 2.25 billion roubles, where the shares of the federal and regional budgets were 46.4‰ and 53.6‰ respectively.

Issue № 6, June 2019, article № 1

Methodological bases of definition of economic development in region agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of digital economy

The digital economy paradigm implies the need first of all to develop a new model of the reproduction process that would fully meet the requirements of the transition to a sustainable information-industrial society and could serve as the basis for restructuring the agro-industrial complex of the country and its regions. It seems that the reproduction model, focused on the development of natural, human and replicable potentials, can meet such requirements. And this, in turn, necessitates the unification and effective correlation of three types of reproduction processes: natural, spiritual and material. Such an approach to solving this problem is currently fully justified. The deformations of the economic life of society, the distorted nature of economic relations are focused on the separation of the people, opposing the interests of the minority to the interests of the majority of the people, and not on social consolidation. The implementation of restructuring in the AIC system will require a certain amount of time, considerable resources, and the concentration of intellectual and spiritual forces. Such a unifying force can be a universal goal - sustainable development of nature, improving the quality of life of the population through the comprehensive harmonious development of man, based on the actual subordination of this goal to the potentials of nature and society: spiritual and material production, their effective correlation. For transition of regions to a way of sustainable, socially oriented development it is necessary to rely on investment income. Only having developed a present stream of financial resources in the direction of investment of the knowledge-intensive productions, it is possible to provide the steady growth of economy, increase in welfare of citizens.

Issue № 6, June 2019, article № 5

Assessment of competitiveness of the black sea territories taking into account indicators of agricultural production

The formation of the competitive advantages of the region requires diagnosing the condition and analysis of resource potential of the territory. Having a similar nature-recreational and socio-economic potential of two black sea territories: Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of Crimea is facing the need to formulate future development directions. The revival of the economic foundations of the economy, the development of industrial and agricultural production, use of recreational resources republics should be carried out in conditions of balanced management of natural resources and maintaining environmental well-being in the long term. The most important component of the prevailing socio-ecological-economic system of the republics is agriculture makes a significant contribution to the competitiveness of each territory. Based on the diagnosis of statistical data and comparison of parameters characterizing the state of socio-ecological and economic systems of the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Abkhazia, an attempt is made to assess the competitiveness of the regions, including indicators of agricultural production in 2015, taken as the basis for further future research. The base of the research consists of modern information sources of statistical data and legal acts. The complete study contains an experimental model for assessing the competitiveness of the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Abkhazia, which uses the selected parameters to assess the existing socio-ecological and economic situation and form the competitiveness of the territories. Assessment of degree of compliance of the actual values of characteristics to desirable values from the point of view of the state is the cornerstone of the offered integrated indicator. Level of competitiveness was 72.3‰ across the Republic of Crimea and 79.5‰ on the Republic of Abkhazia that do not correspond to value, ideal in terms of the state, however the level of an integrated indicator for the Republic of Crimea is higher than an indicator for the Republic of Abkhazia for 35.2‰.