
Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 6

History of technological development of agriculture (crop production)

The article presents the author's periodization of the technological development of agriculture (crop production). The periodization is based on the developed classification of innovations and technologies, the main nodes of which are the following concepts: innovation and its types, diffusion of innovations, and technological paradigm. The following groups of technologies and corresponding types of radical innovations have been singled out: 1) the technological paradigm of the industry in question (revolutionary and sustaining innovations); 2) potential revolutionary technologies (potential revolutionary innovations); 3) alternative technologies (alternative radical innovations: disruptive innovations and non-traditional innovations); 4) unused technologies (outdated radical innovations, failed radical innovations). According to this classification, the following historical periods in the technological development of agriculture have been suggested: 1) traditional agriculture (based on practical everyday knowledge of pre-scientific agronomy, with the use of human and animal energy and corresponding tools, with the application of organic fertilizers; up to the 19th century, while the 19th century can be considered as a transition period); 2) classical agriculture - mechanized agriculture based on the knowledge of scientific agronomy, with the application of mineral and organic fertilizers and pesticides, with the use of selective breeding, but without genetic engineering (from the mid-20th century to the 90s; the first half of the 20th century is a transition period); 3) high-tech agriculture (has been forming since the 90s of the 20th century; includes technologies of precision, digital, smart and robotic agriculture, and the production of genetically modified agricultural products).

Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 9

Cost efficiency of cultivation of potatoes in a steppe zone of altai krai

The article deals with the problem of potato production in the steppe zone of the Altai Territory. The climate of the region is sharply continental. Farm fields are located on the plain, on which there are hollows, streams. Plain flat has a slight slope to the north (4-5‰). The territory of the experimental farm is included in the warm, arid region of moderately arid steppes. The soils of the experimental plot are southern chernozem, they have high natural fertility. The humus content is up to 7‰, a gradual decrease with depth is recorded. The reaction of the soil medium approaches is neutral (pH 7.0-8.0). To successfully cultivate a culture, it is necessary to work out the elements of the proposed technology for the production of potato tubers. One such element is variety. In studies, the reaction of six varieties of potato of different ripeness groups to the conditions of the cultivation medium was studied. It was revealed that even zoned varieties do not always fully realize their biological potential. It was revealed that in culturally favourable years it is better to grow varieties: Lubava, Nevsky and Aspia, and in adverse conditions - Luck, Nevsky, and Nakra. On average, over two years of research, the maximum yield was achieved in both the 2016 and 2017 years on the Nevsky Standard (50.7 t / ha and 37.4 t / ha, respectively). The economic evaluation of potato cultivation shows that the profit from the sale of tubers is obtained on all varieties. Its indicator ranges from 132.5 roubles / ha from the Lubava variety to 281.1 roubles / ha in the Nevsky variety. The greatest profit from growing varieties of potatoes was obtained from varieties: Nevsky – 281.1 roubles / ha, Lina – 182.6 roubles / ha. High profitability (higher than 100‰) was shown by all grades.

Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 10

The forms of interactions among the subjects of agro-industrial integration

Agro-industrial integration is a natural form of interaction among economic entities, economically, technologically, and organizationally united in a single product chains, covering all their links: from the production of agricultural raw materials to the production and sale of final products. Integration relations are traditionally considered in the context of three components: technological, economic, and organizational. Agro-industrial integration is a classic case of vertical integration associated with ensuring the interaction of economic entities operating at different stages of the formation of the final product values in the agri-food complex. It is proposed to consider sets of incentive causes, constraints and risks, directions, types, and forms of integration as the essential characteristics of vertical agro-industrial integration. Territorial product clusters are recognized as an effective form of organizing the subjects’ interaction in agro-industrial integration, within which the integration relations reach the fundamentally different level as a result of the emergence of conditions ensuring the mutual benefit of cooperation between the integrating subjects and the realization of a complex of their economic interests based on a fundamentally different system of inter subjective relations and "soft" governmental impact on the processes of intra cluster interaction. The cluster model for the integration relation development is considered the most promising form of development of agri-food systems, and clusters are viewed as the optimal tool for creating the system of inter-subject relations between participants in the agro-industrial integration interacting within the boundaries of localized economic areas. The use of the advantages of territorial concentration and the possibility of establishing strong and long-term formal and informal relations among the economic integration subjects objectively determine higher flexibility of cluster structures and the efficiency of functioning of all their elements.