
Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 9

Improving efficiency monitoring of labour market in agriculture

Human resources as the main productive force of society are an important factor of production, the rational use of which depends on the efficiency of production. The main problem of the labour market is its significant imbalance, which ultimately affects the final results of agricultural activities. It is important to note that the effective functioning of the labour market is possible only when a system of its regulation is created, which will serve as a basis for making adequate management decisions to prevent negative trends. In modern conditions of development of the digital economy there is an urgent need to design and develop a system of continuous sectoral monitoring of current and future needs of the agricultural labour market in personnel of various qualifications, including taking into account international trends and technologies. Moreover, the results of forecasting the needs of the labour market in the Federal, regional and territorial context, as well as the ratings of vocational education institutions should be communicated to the population and employers. The article deals with the creation of an effective system of regulation of the labour market in agriculture. The developed automated information system for processing data on the supply and demand of qualifications will establish close cooperation between enterprises, educational institutions and management bodies. The proposed activities will effectively address issues related to the identification of a sufficient number of trained specialists for agriculture and their subsequent employment.

Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 12

Economic efficiency of growing and selling purebred and crossbred bulls of hereford breed.

The increase in the proportion of high-quality beef in the Nizhny Novgorod region will increase the usefulness of people feeding high-quality meat, and will also contribute to the growth of economic and food security of the whole Volga region. This work shows the growth and development of the crossbred and purebred young of the black-and-white and Hereford breed. The economic efficiency of growing and selling purebred and crossbred bullheads of the Hereford breed up to 6,12 and 18 months of age has been substantiated, when the black-and-white breed with the Hereford bulls has been absorbed by the cows. The result of the work is the predominance of 7/8 blood of bulls over purebred black-motley on the example of the SEC "Dejanovsky" of the Pilninsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The theoretical and practical parts of the study of this issue are shown. The presented indicators of changes in live weight of hereford, black-and-varieted gobies and their hybrids (F3), as well as the dynamics of the gross, average daily and relative growth of crossbred bulls at birth and at the age of 6 months. This indicates that crossing black-and-white cows with bulls of Hereford breed allows you to get cross-bred young, with increased growth energy and higher meat productivity; it is an important task, having an important theoretical and practical value for improving the program for creating beef cattle. Profit at sale of bullies of black-and-white breed at the age of 18 months in SPK "Deyanovsky" amounted to 5755.8 rubles/head, and gereford and crossbred from 16858 to 17880.6 rubles/ head with profitability of 24.6 to 26.1‰ respectively.

Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 14

Analysis of efficiency and improvement way for ice cream production

Ice cream is one of the favourite desserts of all segments of the population of Russia. Ice cream and frozen desserts, which are represented on the consumer market by varieties of different degrees of fat and nutritional value, with a variety of additives and fillers, occupy the leading positions in the level of consumption in the spring and summer period of the year in the segment of industrial products. Currently, in Nizhny Novgorod region ice cream is produced by 28 enterprises with different production volumes and financial and economic indicators. The most popular ice cream release format to this day is ice cream in a waffle cup, which is becoming increasingly diverse and even refined in fillers, flavours and tastes. According to Nizhny Novgorod, in the period 2015-2017 there was a decrease in the consumer price index for this type of dairy product, but according to forecasts for 2018, this trend will take the opposite direction with an increase of 3.97‰. Based on the identified trends, it can be assumed that the Russian and Nizhny Novgorod ice cream markets will continue their development in the coming years, which will not be accompanied by a significant growth in sales volumes (according to experts, the growth rate will be about 8-10‰ annually), but there will be qualitative changes related to the allocation and development of new market segments. The influence of various factors on the efficiency of ice cream production is confirmed by the results of research of the activity of LLC "Kalinov Most" for 2016-2017. Analyzing the volume of sales in quantitative terms, it can be said that the volume of sale of escimo and ice cream in plastic baths has more than 2 times, which indicates a marked increase in demand for these products.