
Issue № 9, September 2019, article № 13

The role of social infrastructure in the development of separate territories of the region

The article considers the development of individual territories of the Perm Territory in the context of activating the processes of social infrastructure development. In particular, the results of the expert group of representatives of the municipal level of management of the Perm municipal area as a territory combining settlements of different levels of development are presented. The choice of experts is connected with the fact that decisions of local representative and executive authorities play an important role in the activities of local governments in the implementation of the tasks of the formation of the social infrastructure of a territory. These bodies create and approve relevant regulatory documents, as well as perform other important functions and tasks for the development of social infrastructure, paying more attention to industry conditions. The theoretical basis of the work was a differentiated approach to the development of territories, which allowed a targeted approach to analysis, denoting four types of development of the social infrastructure of territories. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that the development of all the examined territories proceeds relatively evenly, each of them has a sufficient number of social infrastructure development projects for a strategic perspective, which confirms the decisive role of social infrastructure in the development of the territories of the Perm municipal district of the Perm Territory.

Issue № 9, September 2019, article № 14

Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 2

Scientific and technical progress in agriculture and its some consequences

It is shown, that the basic attribute of distinction between scientific and technical development (scientific and technological revolution) and progress (Scientifically - technical progress) is a degree of influence on branch in which they occur, defined keywords: «Development "and" progress». In the first case it is supposed, that transition from one condition in another is by all means necessary, and in the second - only is possible. Absence until recently the statistical information about «to a science and innovative activity» for an agriculture as independent branch is marked. It is emphasized, that for an estimation of a level of development of agriculture, it is necessary to apply adequate economic parameters and criteria. Some researchers suggest using «a gold rule», describing condition and development of branch or the organization in these purposes. Own variant of such criterion is offered. The executed research shows, that the modern problem of pension system has arisen because of ignoring by its developers of an event in the country of scientific and technical progress as a result of which alive work is superseded, the wages are rather reduced and the parity between pensioners and working citizens increases. As the Pension fund is formed due to insurance payments from the added wages (fund of a payment) the opportunity of a provision of pensions is quite naturally narrowed. A source of financing of pension system should be a payment not reduced rather (cost of a labour), and its result - the increasing added cost.

Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 3

Epizootological monitoring is a guarantee of increasing the economic and anti-episotic efficiency of events

It is known, that in the last years in some cities of Russian Federation (RF) were registered outbreaks of natural focal and particularly dangerous infections. In these cases the source of the causative agents of the infections were domestic animals (pets) and synanthropic animals, that inhabit near human dwellings, on the territory of household and production objects and on the territories of the cities. Nizhniy Novgorod region remains an unfavourable territory for rabies for many years. The functioning of this disease as a parasitic system occurs with participation of wild, domestic and agricultural animals, and also human. In connection with it, we set a goal: to study particularities of epizootic manifestation of this infection and, in particular, the extent of spread and endemicity (enzooticity). In the work we used the complex epizootological approach; the last includes the modern methods of epizootological diagnostic of animals’ diseases. The objects of the research were: unfavourable area and epizootic pocket of rabies infection in Nizhniy Novgorod region, and also domestic animals and wild carnivores (flesh-eating animals). In this article we represented comparative analysis of epizootic situation for rabies in Nizhniy Novgorod region for 2001-2017 years, and also for the first half-year 2018 year. During our research it was installed, that in Nizhniy Novgorod region rabies is characterized by pronounced territorial and population limits, with expressed tendency to expansion of the limits. So, in 2011 was noted 34 facts, and in 2018, 43 facts of rabies. We installed, that infection of rabies is territorial timed to some districts of the region, where 64.1‰ of the total number of reported cases occur in foxes; the last confirms the data about original incipience of rabies into the wild nature, with the vector of subsequent dissemination.