
Public procurement management tools in regional economy

The text of the article describes the stages of the formation of this policy in terms of managing the activities of state structures through the regulation of the rules for the implementation of public procurement. The sequence of development of the system of these rules, the applicability of such an analysis to improve the legal tools for managing the procurement process has been identified, the purpose of such improvement, which consists in eliminating or at least reducing the use of corruption schemes in the course of public procurement, has been determined. The relevance of studying the problem of improving the system and the development of public procurement is associated with the presence of difficulties that organizations face in observing the established rules in the course of the necessary procurement. The author's formulation of the study of this problem consists in positioning the need to identify real trends in the development of the procurement system in order to find the optimal moments in this process. This goal has identified the task of identifying periods of system development using reflection analysis and models of functions and methods of procurement. The periodization of the process of formation of the public procurement system has shown an impact on its state of return of capitalism with its inherent market, as well as the problem of the functioning of the legal component of public procurement management tools. This is the basis for further research aimed at improving the public procurement system in Russia based on the rationale for improving the content of laws as basic tools of public administration, which helps to eliminate the corruption component in the course of their implementation.

Economic importance of bankruptcy procedures in the regional and sectoral aspect

The article analyzes the current issues of implementation of the statutory bankruptcy procedures in economic practice, taking into account their national economic importance, in the regional and branch context. Conclusions are drawn about the uncertainty in the interpretation and application of basic concepts such as "bankruptcy" and "insolvency". The mutual influence of economic and legal manifestations of the universal category of bankruptcy is explained. The branch features of application of the legislation on bankruptcy on the example of agro-industrial complex and financial investments are allocated. Conclusions are drawn about the special importance of state bankruptcy management for agricultural producers, taking into account the indigenous features (regional, climatic, etc.) of agriculture, as well as its increased importance for food security of the country. Some key problems of formal application of bankruptcy legislation, demonstrated by the corresponding financial and economic consequences, are identified, processed statistical data are presented, and approaches to overcoming negative trends are proposed. It is proposed to develop a set of special legal norms and regulatory mechanisms to strengthen the protection of AIC entities in a difficult financial situation; full or partial immunity from bankruptcy for agricultural producers; the revival of a special State body such as the Federal Financial Recovery Service and the establishment of specialized bankruptcy courts.

Innovations and investments are symbiosis of effective development of agrarian and industrial complex enterprises

In modern conditions, an innovative approach to the development of the economy is becoming increasingly important. This direction affects the subjects of management in all areas of the agro-industrial complex. However, the most acute problem is investment attractiveness and innovative development for agricultural enterprises. Existing scientific developments in this area make it possible to emphasize that in developed and economically efficient types of activity, innovation need not be considered in conjunction with investments, but with respect to agricultural organizations they are inseparable. The analysis showed that one of the most important reasons for the impossibility of active innovation development in agriculture is the declining and aging main production assets, and the level of investment in agriculture and processing production is extremely insufficient, although it has growing results over the past five years. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the need to develop innovatively not only economic entities, but also the rural territories themselves, thereby minimizing the impact of negative factors of agrarian production. The results of the study allowed us to design a possible algorithm for the innovative development of agricultural enterprises and improve the investment climate, which will allow existing and newly created organizations to have a completely new innovative approach to development and attract additional investment, expanding their sources.

Analysis of factors influencing the formation of labour resources in agriculture in terms of digital transformation

The aim of the study is to analyze the factors that influence the formation of the labour force of agriculture in the context of the application of digital technologies. The methodological tools of the study include expert interviews with 47 managers and specialists of agricultural organizations and general economic methods. At the preparatory stage, technical, technological and socio-economic groups of factors are highlighted. According to the respondents, the greatest influence on the formation of labour resources in the industry is exerted by demographic factors, the level of training of specialists with competencies in interacting with digital technologies, reducing the impact of the shortage of personnel in mass professions, and ranks of significance are assigned to the factors. A comprehensive assessment of the influence of factors on the formation of the main categories of employees has been carried out. The digital transformation will have the greatest impact on workers; this may be due to a decrease in the need for workers engaged in labour that does not require qualifications. Digitalization will have an average impact on the formation of specialists, which will necessitate the formation of competencies in their interaction with digital technologies. To a lesser extent, the introduction of digital technologies will affect the category of managers, since their activities are less subject to algorithms.