
Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 10

Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 12

Innovative development of vegetable growing in nizhny novgorod region

Sustainable development of vegetable production of protected soil is possible only with the introduction of innovative developments. Innovation is a prerequisite for economic growth and the development of society as a whole. Today, the goals of innovative development and the introduction of scientific and technological progress are the dominant and fundamental elements of state policy and the economy. Qualitative changes in the production process, productivity growth and efficiency depend on industry processes. Vegetable growing is an energy-and labour-intensive industry, has a number of specific features that determine its effectiveness. Nizhny Novgorod region is traditionally engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, including in protected soil. However, in recent years, vegetable production in the region has been declining, mainly due to a decrease in the area of crops and disposal of inventory facilities. This industry faces a key challenge-the growth of self-sufficiency, which is possible with the introduction of innovations. The implementation of the program for the development of vegetable growing in the Russian Federation for 2012-2020, in the whole of the Nizhny Novgorod region will determine the introduction of 18.77 hectares of protected soil for the cultivation of vegetable products, which will provide an additional 4.69 thousand tons of various vegetable products. Promotion of innovations in vegetable growing should be comprehensive, which should include not only the reconstruction and construction of innovative greenhouse facilities, storage facilities, and new cultivation technologies.

Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 13

Analysis and assessment of sustainable economic development of tea industry enterprises of krasnodar krai

Krasnodar region, city of Sochi in the area, is the only region in Russia with special climatic and natural conditions, favourable for growing development on an industrial scale. In modern conditions of orientation of State policy on import substitution and the development of the Russian brand "Green products," ensuring the sustainable economic development of enterprises is growing urgent, crucial problems Economic and food security of the country. The aim is to conduct analysis to find out the current status, allowing the tea industry of Krasnodar region in terms of dominant large businesses and to identify the main obstacles to their sustainable economic development. In the work used statistics, analysis of the official accounting records of enterprises, data were analyzed public cadastral map of Sochi. The analysis revealed that part of growing enterprises of Krasnodar region are in crisis financial situation and most businesses are not able to provide extended type reproduction of economic sustainability. There are also problems with efficiency using of tea cultivation's lands, since as of 31.12.2018, the actual operation is only 27‰ of the total land area. It was found that despite legislation, continues to be a problem of the quality of the information contained in the records of tea plantations, making it difficult for monitoring by the State. In the year 2018, a decrease of State support to enterprises in the tea industry. The analysis results allowed authors to form the suggestions and recommendations for solving the problems of sustainable economic development tea industry enterprises of Krasnodar Krai.

Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 14

The level of aquaculture development in the nizhny novgorod region

One of the most important food products in the world is fish. It is fish that provides 6.7‰ of the total protein consumed in the diet of the population. Reduction of natural aquatic biological resources leads to the fact that there is a shift from fishing to fish farming. To solve the problem of meeting the needs of the population in fish products today is impossible due to the increase in catch, which is associated with the gradual exhaustion of aquatic biological resources. The most effective and fastest way to solve the problem is the development of aquaculture. However, the current level of aquaculture development in Russia and Nizhny Novgorod region does not meet the growing needs of the population. This situation is primarily due to the increase in prices for material resources, which in turn affects the growth of the cost of production and reduces demand for it. Loss-making business makes the industry unattractive in terms of investment, which affects the volume of production of aquaculture products. The article discusses the importance of aquaculture in providing the population with fish products, the level of its development in Russia and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The assessment of compliance of production volumes, needs of the population of area in fish production is given. The article analyzes the main problems that prevent the increase in production of aquaculture products, focuses on solving these problems, through the development of measures of state support.

Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 17

The foresight forecasting of development in rural areas of the region at the digital economy conditions

The article highlights the need for the implementation of digital technologies in rural areas of the Russian Federation. It is substantiated that digital transformation is a driver for sustainable agricultural development. A brief analysis of the current state and prospects of rural areas development of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the conditions of a digital economy formation is presented. It is concluded that the majority of agricultural organizations in the region use their productive resources inefficiently and develop disproportionately. It is shown that in modern conditions of rural areas development of the region, the development of strategic programs and anti-crisis measures, which should be oriented on the use of digital technologies, seems to be necessary. The algorithm stages of foresight research of strategic planning development in rural areas and the mechanism of its implementation at the municipal level are presented. On the basis of foresight forecasting the main directions of introducing digital technologies in agriculture and in rural areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan are highlighted. It is summarized that as a result of the use of digital technologies, a synergistic effect is formed, which will manifest itself in the development of the economic and social component of the rural areas, raising the level and quality of life of rural residents in the region. The research results indicate that the increase in labour productivity in the digital economy will lead to positive changes in the management of human and social capital in rural areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Issue № 10, October 2019, article № 18