
Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 11

Food security in the field of consumption of vegetables and fruits of melons

Over the years of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture, food security indicators have been achieved for many types of products. However, they have not been achieved for some of its types, including vegetables and fruits of melons. Although there have been positive trends in the development of vegetable growing and melon growing. Vegetable production increased from 12.6 to 13.5 million tons, melon fruits – from 1.5 to 1.9 million tons. Their imports decreased from 2.8 to 2.0 million tons. This allowed the level of self–sufficiency to increase from 83.1 to 88.9%, economic accessibility - from 72.9 to 74.3%, consumption of vegetables and fruits of melons per capita - from 102 to 104 kg and reduce the share of imports in personal consumption from 19.2 to 13.1%. The achieved indicators of food security are below the planned level. The planned indicators are 90%, 100% and 140 kg, respectively. The production of some vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets) and melon fruits per capita is less than the rational nutrition norm. The highest level of social security is observed in the Southern (173.1%), North Caucasus (131.5%), Volga (98.8%) federal districts and only in the North Caucasus and Southern districts the economic availability of products corresponds to the normative value. To achieve food security indicators, it is necessary to increase the production of vegetables and fruits of melons by 20.3% and bring it to 18.5 million tons. Further development of vegetable growing, and, consequently, the solution of the problem of food security will be facilitated by the concentration of vegetable production in specialized farms, the use of innovative technologies, import substitution in vegetable seed production, strengthening the storage base of products, the creation of consumer cooperatives for the storage and sale of vegetable products, improvement of state support for the industry.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 12

The effectiveness of the project to improve the safety of reindeer herds

Improving the safety of the reindeer population is one of the most important factors in the restoration and development of reindeer husbandry. The organization of grazing has a significant impact on the safety of livestock. To solve this problem, it is necessary to improve the quality of reindeer herding dogs used by reindeer herders. To this end, it is required to implement a project to create a kennel for breeding and training Nenets huskies for the subsequent sale of dogs to reindeer herding farms in the Far North. The main potential beneficiaries of the project, in addition to its initiator, are reindeer herding farms, which will acquire specially bred and trained dogs for grazing reindeers. The assessment of the effectiveness of the kennel construction is carried out according to the international methodology for the analysis of investment projects, using dynamic indicators that take into account future financial benefits, capital and operational expenses, as well as lost net benefits from alternative use of capital and in case of rejection of the project. The effects are evaluated both for the initiator of the project and for its other participants. A mechanism is proposed for the fair distribution of project revenues among participants by equalizing their Benefit / Cost Ratios. The results of cash flow calculations indicate the significant effectiveness of the project for reindeer herders who purchase dogs in the kennel, which is achieved by increasing the safety of the reindeer population. However, the feasibility of the project remains doubtful for the initiator of the project, which involves the construction of the kennel, unless an agreement is reached on participation in its financing by the main beneficiaries (reindeer herding farms). The study showed that the participants would be financially interested in the joint implementation of the project if the capital investments for the creation of a kennel are distributed in proportion to the number of dogs purchased, taking into account the dynamics of additional income from improving the safety of the reindeer population.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 13

A methodological approach to assessing the impact of climate risks on the economic parameters of food security

To improve the efficiency of the implementation of the state agrarian policy aimed at sustainable food security, the analysis and assessment of the impact of the effects of global climate change on indicators of food affordability is of paramount importance. The latter is largely determined by the dynamics of consumer prices for food products purchased by households. Using mathematical and statistical methods, we analyzed the time series of producer price indices for livestock and crop products, as well as the number and duration of dangerous weather events recorded by Roshydromet in the Russian Federation from 2002 to 2019. The most significant relationship was found between abnormal heat and consumer price indices for sugar and fruits and vegetables, including potatoes, as well as between prolonged downpours and consumer price indices for eggs. The proposed methodological approach includes an analysis of the dynamics of indicators of such an important indicator as the consumption of basic food products in households in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The author carried out the distribution of the number of regions in terms of deficit/surplus indicators for a number of food products, calculated the ratio of actual per capita consumption to the corresponding indicator of the recommended consumption rate for a type of food in the regions. On the example of certain types of food, a time interval was chosen with a high amplitude of fluctuations in the dynamics of climate risks (their total number and the most significant type of risk). The response was determined in the form of a change in the consumer price and a shift in the gradation of regions in terms of the consumption of food products. The implementation of the proposed methodology has made it possible to obtain significant results from assessing the impact of climate risks on the economic parameters of ensuring food security.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 14

Approach to the presentation of data from specialized statistical observations on personal subsidiary farms

The article proposes a methodological approach to the construction of an analytical grouping of personal subsidiary farms, the approbation was carried out using impersonal microdata of a sample survey in form No. 2 «Information on the production of agricultural products in personal subsidiary and other individual farms of citizens» for 2021, within which the choice of a grouping feature is justified, the construction of an interval distribution series based on it, developed the system of personal subsidiary farms indicators and the possibilities of statistical analysis are shown. As the object of the study, a set of agricultural enterprises of one of the main agricultural regions – the Republic of Tatarstan was chosen. As a grouping feature, the number of conditional livestock of animals was chosen, since the bulk of cash receipts from agricultural production is provided in the studied population by animal husbandry. Based on the analytical grouping, a close relationship was revealed between the conditional number of animals and the revenue from the sold products of own production, as well as the level of marketability of livestock products. The developed grouping can be used in the summary and presentation of the results of agricultural censuses and micro-censuses at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as for the development of a typology of agricultural enterprises, which will improve the quality of information support for regional agricultural management bodies, will allow the development of targeted state support for rural households.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 15

Strategic directions of integrated development of rural areas of the Siberian Federal District

An analysis of the socio-economic development of rural areas of the Siberian Federal District indicates the presence of a number of unresolved problems: a reduction in the rural population, an increase in unemployment, a decrease in income and quality of life, insufficient development of rural infrastructure, depopulation and a reduction in the number of rural settlements, and others. The main problem is the lack of funding to overcome the existing negative trends in rural development. Changes were noted in the financing of activities of regional programs for integrated rural development, the main support for infrastructure development activities (60.5% of all funds) and provision of affordable and comfortable housing for the rural population (39.0%), as well as a 1.7-fold increase in the volume of extra-budgetary financing compared to planned indicators, especially in the Altai Region. The tasks and strategic directions of the integrated socio-ecological and economic development of rural areas of the macroregion as a whole for the future are substantiated, taking into account the disclosure of the endogenous potential of rural areas and its subjects.One of the tasks is to form a socially responsible agricultural business by attracting private investment in the implementation of infrastructure projects in rural areas through the mechanism of public-private (municipal-private) partnership.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 16

The role of ethnic villages and ethnoparks in the development of ethno-cultural tourism in rural areas: foreign and domestic experience

In recent years, ethnocultural tourism has been gaining more and more popularity both in the world and in the regions of Russia. From the point of view of the authors of the article, it can become one of the promising areas of ethnic entrepreneurship in the regions of Russia, including in the Republic of Bashkortostan. One of the best-proven forms of organizing ethno-cultural tourism in rural areas, taking into account advanced foreign and domestic experience, can be the creation of ethnic villages and ethnoparks. The organization of authentic ethnic villages, multinational ethnoparks is considered as a factor in preserving the historical and cultural material and intangible heritage, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, diversifying the rural economy, increasing employment and incomes of villagers through the development of ethno-cultural tourism, boosting entrepreneurship and opening new enterprises, increasing demand for ethnoproducts, reviving disappearing folk crafts on a market basis, etc. crafts. Ethnocultural tourism in Bashkortostan has the best prospects for development in the south-eastern regions, characterized by unique natural landscapes and where the indigenous Bashkir population of the region is concentrated, well-preserved traditions and customs, folk crafts and crafts, technologies for the production of unique ethnoproducts (korot, kazylyk, bishbarmak, kumys, etc.). As a result of the study, the authors actualized the expediency of both developing new and analyzing for adjusting existing federal, regional and municipal programs for the socio-economic development of rural areas, small and medium-sized businesses, agricultural production and consumer cooperation, tourism and including proposals for the development of ethnic entrepreneurship, ethnotourism and ethnic cooperation.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 17

The concept of creating an export-oriented grain cluster in the regional agro-industrial complex

The permanent strengthening of sanctions pressure on the Russian economy, the importance of ensuring food security, expansion and reorientation of exports actualize the need for accelerated development of the domestic agro-industrial complex on an intensive innovation basis. An effective comprehensive solution to this problem is the creation of cluster formations. In recent years, the activation of the clustering process has been recorded in the agro-industrial complex, but so far its scale is not significant, which is determined by the presence of methodological flaws, imperfect legislation and, as a result, the lack of systematic support for cluster projects, a unified information base on existing and potential agro-industrial clusters, the lack of a universal method of cluster formation at the regional level. The purpose of the work was to develop the concept of the implementation of the cluster initiative in the agro-industrial complex at the regional level. As a result of the conducted research, the concept of forming an export-oriented cluster-type association in the grain-product subcomplex of the Saratov region is proposed on the platform of identified agricultural, processing and marketing enterprises with high export potential (participants of the protocluster) and a functional map of the cluster, including schemes of organizational and functional dependence of participating enterprises, implying industry specifics and reflecting the processes of logistics and pricing in accordance with the functional content by including in the institutional environment of the cluster servicing satellites (supplying organizations of educational, financial, credit and insurance spheres), coordinating structure (specialized organization of the cluster - the Center for Cluster Development). The expediency of creating an export-oriented cluster-type association in the grain-product subcomplex of the Saratov region is determined by the border location and specialization of the region.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 18

Territorial placement in the context of ensuring physical and economic accessibility of products (on the example of gardening)

The active restoration and development of the horticulture industry has a pronounced territorial character. The existing imbalances in the placement of the horticulture industry and the preservation of a high proportion of imports in the structure of the balance of resources and the use of fruits and berries in the Russian Federation negatively affect the level of their physical and economic accessibility for the population. The purpose of the article is to form a complex of organizational, economic and research measures aimed at leveling the imbalances in the territorial location and development of the horticulture industry, as well as determining the level of physical and economic accessibility of fruit products for the population in accordance with rational consumption standards. The main result of the work was to determine the potential for growth and development of fruit production on the basis of various categories of farms in the context of federal districts and individual regions and to identify imbalances in the level of consumption and provision of fruits of domestic production to the population. An important point was the justification of a set of organizational and economic measures and directions of research work in order to ensure the dynamic growth of gross production of seed and stone crops, creating conditions for increasing the physical and economic accessibility of these types of products for the population.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 19

The main global trends in the consumption of meat and meat products

The article analyzes the main global trends in the consumption of meat and meat products on the basis of an integrated approach. The purpose of the work is to determine the main global vectors of consumer preferences, to formulate risks and opportunities for the development of demand in relation to the consumption of meat and meat products. The article notes that the basis of the difference in consumer preferences is the transformation of the requirements imposed by the consumer in relation to meat and meat products. So in industrialized countries such as the USA, Canada, a number of European Union countries, Japan, the requirements for products differ significantly from developing countries, such as: African countries, a number of Asian countries, where the amount of meat consumed per capita differs significantly, and the main requirements for the quality of the product are its cost and the appearance of the product. The basis of the difference is the level of per capita income, which significantly affects the choice of products. The article analyzes the impact of crisis phenomena on the level of consumption of meat and meat products, identifies trends in the consumption of meat and meat products, taking into account the development of global trends characteristic of the category "healthy nutrition". The main trends in the development of the meat and meat products market are formulated based on the analysis of consumer preferences.