
Issue № 11, November 2023, article № 19

Dynamics of demographic changes in rural areas of the North-West

The article examines the dynamics and consequences of changes in the rural population in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD). To analyze trends, groups of subjects of the Federation were identified: with positive dynamics of the rural population, with a relatively low level of its reduction and high rates of decline in the number of rural residents. The direction towards reducing the rural population, compared to 2002, in 7 regions of the Northwestern Federal District is shown. Based on materials from the All-Russian Population Censuses of 2010 and 2020, an assessment is made of the features of intraregional differentiation in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions, as the only territories in the North-West with an increase in the rural population over this period. It is noted that the increase in the rural population is typical for only 8 out of 19 districts (42%) in the Kaliningrad region and 7 municipal districts out of 17 (41%) in the Leningrad region. Based on data for 2018-2022, the average annual change in the rural population due to natural and migration growth was analyzed. It is concluded that with negative natural growth of the rural population, the change in its number was influenced by migration growth (decrease) and municipal-territorial transformations. This smoothes out emerging trends in these regions. At the same time, an analysis of the demographic load parameters showed an excess of the all-Russian indicator for the proportion of people over working age in rural areas in 6 regions of the North-West.

Priority areas of state regulation agro-industrial sector of economy

The article discusses the main issues of the system of state regulation of agriculture and its individual directions. New types of state support for the agricultural industry were noted, such as a special investment contract, the creation and development of agrobiotechnoparks. An analysis of the production of products by farmers in the regions of the Ural Federal District was carried out, as well as the volume of subsidies to the regions within the framework of individual government programs. In 2022, the largest share of financing in the Ural region was occupied by compensatory subsidies. In this study, using the example of the Kurgan region, an introduction is proposed and the coefficient of efficiency in the use of budgetary support funds for farmers is calculated. In general, over the three years of implementation of the State program, the volume of gross output of the Trans-Ural region increased by 84.5%, and the efficiency ratio of using public funds to support the agro-industrial complex increased more than 2 times. However, in certain areas of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex, there is an unstable, dynamics of this criterion (the indicator takes the highest value within the framework of the direction of integrated development of rural areas). The importance of using modern instruments of state support for the agricultural industry, such as digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, is noted and the currently existing reasons for the imperfection of the application of this area of state regulation of agriculture are identified.

Organizational and economic interaction of peasant farms with large structures of agribusiness and trade

To ensure food security of the state and region, for the balanced conduct of all agricultural production, it is necessary to use the entire available potential of the working population, to make maximum use of land resources and available agricultural machinery. To achieve this, all forms of agricultural production must be used - these include agricultural holdings, agricultural organizations, peasant farms, and households. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions of interaction between peasant farms and other small forms of farming with large structures of agricultural business, trade, taking into account their share in production volumes, in the amount of cultivated arable land, in the available livestock of cattle, cows, pigs, etc. The research was conducted using economic and statistical methods and techniques. The definition of agribusiness and the vision of this category in modern conditions of agricultural production, using digital technologies, are presented. The following indicators characterizing the participation of small forms of management in agricultural production were analyzed: area of arable land, area of grain and leguminous crops, potatoes, productivity, number of cattle, cows, pigs, animal productivity, availability of tractors, grain and forage harvesters, volumes of agricultural production. An analysis was made of the dynamics of changes in the presented indicators. To increase the efficiency of agricultural production on peasant farms, the creation of an agricultural consumer cooperative to carry out agricultural work on peasant farms is proposed and justified, using the example of a machine-technological station (MTS). The rationale for the composition of the machine and tractor fleet for performing the entire process of work using energy-saturated tractors and wide-cut agricultural machines and the economic efficiency of the work of this fleet in comparison with the fleet of machines available to farmers is presented. The main directions of interaction between peasant farms and other small forms of management with large structures of agribusiness and trade and government authorities are outlined. For the full implementation of organizational and economic interaction, small forms of business must be provided with state support.