
Ensuring food security in the context of Russia's political and economc isolation

The influence of political and economic isolation of Russia on the development of agro-industrial complex, we investigated in terms of changes in the export potential of food products. The assess of changing in the export potential of food products was carried out by upper-middle and lower redistribution. The volume of Russian exports of agricultural products by the end of 2021 increased by more than 70% compared to 2017. The growth of export unit value increased by 58%, the growth of exports of AIC products in Russia was not only due to price growth, but also due to an increase in its production, including medium and high-end products. The products of middle and upper processing industries create greater added value and are less exposed to price fluctuations on world markets, and also have the greatest multiplier effect for the development of related industries. According to the authors, in order to overcome the sanctions pressure, it is necessary to develop special measures that will minimize the risks associated with the loss of the food products market. In this regard, first of all, it is necessary to develop special state programs aimed at ensuring the stable functioning of the agro-industrial sector, including the development of scientific research, introduction of new technologies, through which import substitution of Western technologies in the sphere of agro-industrial complex will be carried out.

Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of implementation and stimulation of demand for domestic innovative products in the agro-industrial complex

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the system of indicators and develop the author’s methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of domestic innovative products in the agro-industrial complex and stimulating demand for them, taking into account the influence of institutional actors of the innovation process - scientific-intellectual, investment, production-technological, marketing and digital potentials. The article develops conceptual approaches to monitoring the scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector of the economy based on the synthesis of scientific, intellectual, investment, production, technological, marketing and digital potentials. Foreign and domestic approaches to assessing the level of innovative development of agriculture at the national and regional levels of management have been studied. A system of indicators has been substantiated and an original methodology has been developed for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of domestic innovative products in the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the influence of institutional actors. Based on selected private development indicators, comprehensive indicators were constructed to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of domestic innovative products using the example of Russia and the Saratov region as a typical agricultural region.

Formation of the raw material base of the export-oriented cluster

The long-term stable level of grain surplus and its supply to foreign consumers by individual subjects of the Volga economic region provide the basis for the development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the formation and development of an export-oriented cluster of grain subcomplex. For the purposes of strategic planning, the cluster development center needs to assess the production potential, first of all, of the main raw material – wheat grain. The work was carried out on the materials of annual reports of agricultural producers of the Saratov region, the relevant information of which is grouped by districts, microzones, quantitative and qualitative indicators of commercial wheat. Over a five-year period, grain of grades 1-2 in the Right Bank of the region was received 7 times more than in the Left Bank. According to expert estimates, there is a real possibility of increasing the share of grain of 3-4 quality classes in the largest grain-producing areas of the Volga region to 50% in total sales. The calculation of the potential reserve for areas producing more than half of feed grain showed that the annual growth of high-quality grain can amount to 77.6 thousand tons, and its specific weight will increase from 43 to 55%. The rating assessment of grain sales volumes made it possible to identify 10 districts out of 37 that form the main batches of goods. They have a well-developed network of rail and road connections, some are located near the Volga River with shipping terminals for river-sea vessels, create their own network of elevators, forming centers for the formation of large batches of grain of uniform quality and the conclusion of export trade deals. The raw material base (core) of the process part of the export-oriented cluster at the initial stage will be formed by the leaders of grain production – organizations of four right-bank and six left-bank districts of the Saratov region.

Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 11

Organizational and economic fundamentals of the functioning of dairy cattle farming under the conditions of sanctions

An analysis of the dynamics of milk production in the Central Federal District showed that in general there is a significant decline in the macroregion, despite the tendency to increase production. In addition, the role of agricultural organizations in the overall structure of milk production by all categories of farms is growing. Taking into account this trend, an analysis of the elements of organizing the technology of milk production according to the intensive type was carried out, as a result of which the optimal characteristics of the identified elements were determined. To determine the effectiveness of the implemented technologies, an assessment was made of the economic efficiency of milk production in the largest enterprises - milk producers of the Central Federal Complex. It was established that, based on the combination of two indicators reflecting the efficiency of milk production, the best results were achieved in Samarinskoe LLC, Belgorod region, where 9863 kg of milk and 446.3 thousand in revenue from product sales were produced per 1 cow in 2022. A characteristic feature of the studied population of agricultural enterprises is the widespread use of foreign technical means, equipment and software in milk production. Under the influence of sanctions, the operation of such equipment becomes difficult and in the future may require replacement with domestic developments. A review of the capital goods market showed that for almost every element of intensive technology under study, there is a domestic alternative analogue, with the exception of milking machines for machine milking. Thus, it is the production of domestic milking machines that should be considered as a critical area of import dependence in dairy cattle breeding.

Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 12

Development of inter-municipal cooperation in the production of environmentally friendly products

According to the forecasts of experts and specialists, the increase in the production of agricultural products in the world is facing serious challenges, which is primarily due to the serious miscalculations made in the social, economic and agricultural spheres, as well as the violation of the ecological balance in the world, which is also indicated by the policy of decarbonization world economy. The mutual sanctions restrictions that are being introduced also have a significant impact on the current situation. The consequence of this was the growth of disproportions in the production and consumption of food products in various countries and individual regions, which, in turn, has a negative impact on the stability of world agricultural markets, leading to an increase in world prices for agricultural products. In this situation, in order to increase food production, in particular, crop production, the leading agricultural countries resort to the use of various types of pesticides and plant protection chemicals in order to increase crop yields. However, the widespread use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, plant protection chemicals also poses a number of environmental problems. One of the possible solutions to this problem is to comply with the environmental parameters of production processes, including in agricultural production. At the same time, in organic farming for the production of environmentally friendly (“clean”) products, it is advisable to widely use the principles of cooperation and integration at the intermunicipal level.

Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 13

Prospects for the development of the grain subcomplex

The article presents the results of studies of current trends, dynamics and structure of grain production over a long period in the territorial aspect, as well as in the context of types of grain crops. Features of changes in the scale of the contribution of regions of the Russian Federation to the grain balance and assessment of the direction of trends will make it possible to determine the level of sustainability of grain production volumes in general and its forecast parameters. In comparison with the pre-reform period (1990), the evolution of shifts in the structure of production volumes of certain types of grains with upward and downward dynamics is considered.Groups of regions of the country are identified depending on the differences in the growth rates of grain production, which determine the existing territorial characteristics of its distribution. Using the Hall-Tideman index, the level of concentration of grain production volumes in the federal districts of the Russian Federation was calculated in 2018-2022. relative to 1986-1990 and its change.It was noted that the Hall-Tideman concentration indices increased in all federal districts, except for the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. It is growing to the greatest extent in the regions under the influence of processes of reduction in grain production. However, only 1-2 subjects of the Federation have the most significant concentration of grain production.At the same time, in a number of federal districts of the country, grain crops are distributed more evenly and the regions here are more equal in production volumes. Consequently, transformational changes in the territorial structure determine the prospects for the development of grain production in the context of the subjects of the Federation and the country as a whole.

Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 16

Forecasting and planning of rural development based on strategic foresight

The need for the use of strategic force for forecasting and planning the development of rural territories for long -term and medium -term periods in the conditions of high turbulence and instability of the global economy and politics is justified. An algorithm for forecasting and planning sustainable inclusive development of rural areas based on strategic force technology, including three main stages: a pre -medium, strategic force and post -texts. At the pre -medium stage, the choice of key indicators is made for predicting the development of rural terrritories, a comprehensive assessment of the state of rural territories, determining strategic goals, scenario forecasting and preventive preparation. At the stage of strategic force, an expert survey is conducted and a generalization of its results, a force session is organized to jointly discuss the results and the preparation of forecasts. The post -Formation stage provides for the formation of an updated forecast for the development of rural areas by key indicators, determining the main drivers and areas of development of rural territories, preparing proposals for adjusting the strategy and development of rural territories based on expert opinions. Forecasting and planning of the development of rural areas based on the inclusive approach involves the setting of the main strategic goals: increasing the level of employment of the rural population; overcoming rural poverty; The growth of average monthly disposable resources and cash income of rural households. The inclusion of indicative indicators in strategic and software documents will allow you to shift the accents to the most acute problems of the development of the Russian village. The proposed methodology for conducting a strategic force will ensure the involvement of a wide range of interested participants in the process of forming medium and long-term forecasts for the development of rural territories, to direct joint efforts to develop effective decisions to achieve targeted parameters of inclined development of rural territories and their practical implementation.