
The assessment of efficiency of agro insurance system with the government support

Insurance is one of elements of financial infrastructure of the food market allowing to fill the income of producers in case of their loss because of natural risks, to restore production with guarantee to fill the market with food. The standard and legal base of agro insurance, and also influence of changes in the legislation on a condition of the market of insurance services is considered. The analysis of the key economic parameters of the insurance market has shown decrease in his key parameters: the number of the insured farms; specific weight of the insured crops; sums of an insurance premium; sizes of the state subsidies; payments of insurance compensation. For assessment of economic efficiency of insurance the relation of insurance compensation to an insurance premium was defined. Assessment of operating agro insurance mechanism in the Russian Federation is presented. The conclusion is drawn on inefficiency of the economic mechanism of the operating system of agro insurance with the state support that is confirmed by negative dynamics of parameters of the market, groundlessness of insurance tariffs, their discrepancy to real damages, decrease in motivation to insurance at agricultural producers, non-compliance with priority of interests of agricultural producers and the budget. On the basis of the carried-out analysis assessment of advantages and shortcomings of the working model of agro insurance is executed. For increase in efficiency of state regulation of agro insurance recommendations which need to be considered when developing methodical approaches by calculation of insurance tariffs and insurance compensation, definition of need for budgetary funds, assessment of efficiency of measures of state regulation of model of agro insurance in Russia are developed.

The development of the meat region market on the basis of full import substitution

The urgent direction of domestic agrarian policy in the conditions of internal problems and imposition of sanctions is ensuring food security. The important and strategically necessary for human life being in daily demand food product entering a food basket is meat. Development of the market of meat as multipurpose direction of agrarian national economy is of great importance. The technique of economic assessment of efficiency of the market of meat within specifics of the making subjects of the market (a forage production, production of meat raw materials, the meat industry, trade) and the market of meat in general is offered. The offered system of indicators characterizes social, production and financial components that promotes receiving objective market information of meat, allows to determine the level of production, social, financial stability, completeness of structural shifts and to reveal regularities of development of the market of meat in line with temporary and spatial aspects of activity. Within the integrated agro-industrial association the project of development of production of meat in Altai Krai and stage-by-stage increase in its efficiency is reasonable. The mathematical model considering the share in retail price at each production phase, pricing factors (volume of product sales, staple price, an index of the income of the population, a consumer price index, an exchange rate of rouble) that have allowed considering in models and the offer, and demand is developed. In the long term the market of meat of Altai Krai will develop on the basis of the uniform regulating mechanism of supply and demand. The development of intereconomic and interindustry communications from production before realization will favourably influence reduction of cost of meat and meat production, and also will allow satisfying consumer demand, to construct harmonious system of import substitution of meat production.

The financial support of the current activities in the horticultural industry in stavropol krai

The development of the horticultural industry in the Stavropol Territory is a strategic direction, as it allows solving the problem of providing the population in the garden and berry production and is one of the most important directions of filling the budget and economic activities of agriculture of the region. For Stavropol Krai horticulture is a traditional and socially important sector. However, the development of horticulture in the region is constrained by its high capital intensity, long-term return on investment, and the limited financial resources of the region's growers. Of particular note is the problem of access to credit for agricultural producers horticultural industry, which is not profitable for commercial banks. The paper paid attention to actual problems of financing the activities of gardeners of the Stavropol Krai and its effectiveness at the moment. The present state of the state support horticultural organizations of Stavropol Krai, defined characteristics and estimated state funding influenced the development of the horticultural industry. We consider the investment activity in the horticultural industry in the region, identified promising areas of investment. It is concluded that in the Stavropol Krai there is a possibility for the development of horticulture, including activation of the innovative component in the industry. It is necessary the regional implementation of integrated associations, creating on the basis of innovative development of industry, and the formation of an effective mechanism of state support.

Analysis and forecasting of scenarios of development of branches of livestock production

The article analyzes the degree of influence dynamics of prices for resources and products to changes in industry output when scenarios of animal breeding with decreasing or increasing costs. Substantiated proposals to improve the forms of government support aimed at the growth of agricultural production while reducing consumer prices to provide economic access to food. Branches of pig-breeding and broiler poultry farming develop according to the scenario of branches with the decreasing expenses when growth rates of the outputs are higher, than growth rates of the prices as actively realize possibilities of NTP and attraction of the loan capital on favourable terms, increase scales and level of an intensification of production on an innovative basis. The dairy and meat cattle breeding, egg poultry farming, despite growth of volumes of government support and strengthening of protectionist measures, develop according to the scenario of branches with the increasing expenses. Further increase in volumes of consumption, respectively, sale and production, will demand essential reduction of prices that will increase relevance of search of all possible ways of decrease in expenses, effective development of innovative technologies in production, management, marketing and logistics is basic of which. The type of the scenario of development - with the decreasing or increasing expenses - defines fundamental distinction in resistance of the branch outputs to changes of the external environment. As in branches with the decreasing and increasing expenses results of the same measures of state regulation and support differently are shown, in article the suggestions for improvement of forms of the state support directed to increase in production of agrarian products at decrease in consumer prices for ensuring economic availability of food to the population are proved.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 10

The identification of reserves and the forecast of economic return in the agricultural organizations

In this research reserves are revealed and the short-term and long-term forecast of economic return in the agricultural organizations taking into account climatic conditions with use of correlation and regression models is carried out. By data for 2014 farms of all climatic zones of the republic have been broken into 4 groups on exponents of efficiency of return of factors and production: 1 - lagging behind (to 74‰), 2 - average (satisfactory) (75-99‰), 3 - average (good) (100-124‰), 4 - a front line (over 125‰). To farms of the republic, especially 1-2 groups (APO Chulpan, LLC Kumach, APO Druzhba, LLC Ural, etc.), it is necessary to increase production of grain crops, sunflower, etc. due to increase in productivity, and also milk due to increase in efficiency of cows and increase in a livestock. It is necessary to be engaged in improvement of quality of production and selection, identification of the favourable markets of her sale (to organize marketing service), to conduct careful work on decrease in material inputs on production. The state support needs to be given to those farms which successfully work (the 3 and 4 group), to especially advanced farms of the northern forest-steppe, trans-Ural steppe and a mountain-forest zone (APO Urozhay, LLC Nadezhda, LLC Yuldash, LLC Tolpar, APO of Salavat, etc.) but not that which, having good security with resources, receive low return from their use. The offered technique has a number of advantages before existing as allows making for each economy and a zone optimum correlation and regression models taking into account climatic conditions; to reveal unused reserves and to increase economic return level; without special expenses to make versions of forecasts for a short-term and long-term outlook.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 11

Methodology and practice of meat market forecasting

Providing people with the quality domestic products is the priority function of the meat market. Using the system of indicators, reflecting the dynamics and trends of processes combination is essential for the quantitative condition analysis of meat market. Forecasting of meat market capacity is to justify through various methods the total amounts of particular meat type’s consumption within a certain period. Depending on the object and the phase of forecasting it’s used expert, economic-mathematical and normative forecasting approaches of meat market capacity. Each of them is realized through specific methods of forecast calculations. The possibility of modelling the dependence of meat market capacity with macroeconomic parameters is provided through formation of factor models for meat market capacity forecasting. The gist of these methods is that the meat market capacity, calculated in value terms, is presented in form of several factors function. Selection of the specific factors determining the value of meat market capacity and the regression form depends on the characteristics of a particular meat type. Using only one of these methods does not allow ensuring integrated forecasting approach that could increase the risk of making unjustified decisions regarding plans for livestock and poultry development. Improving the forecasting accuracy could be based on integration of different forecasting methods. To create multifactorial model is priority direction for improving the forecasting methodology of meat market capacity. We realized mathematical formalization of these principles in the forecasting model of meat market. High reliability of medium-term forecasts is ensured by using wide range of macroeconomic and technological factors that allows more accurately calculating projected meat balance.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 12

The analysis methods of formation group cost in the market conditions of pricing

In highly competitive domestic goods with imported, it is important to exercise strict control over expenditure in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and to improve their financial condition. One means of achieving high economic results now become effective cost management. Cost management in the enterprise requires that all the functions inherent in the management of any object, that is, development, implementation of decisions and monitor their implementation, where a specific role for accounting and analysis, as account as an element of cost management is preparing information in order to make the right decisions and an analysis of how a constituent element of control functions, helps to assess the effectiveness of the use of resources of the enterprise, identify the reserves to reduce production costs, to gather information to make rational management decisions in the area of ​​costs. The costs of organization are the main object of accounting and analysis of economic enterprise as effective cost management allows the organization to carry out the necessary analysis of break-even of production and to achieve a high level of profit. During the following methods were applied scientific research: monographic (descriptive), is a comprehensive analysis of the long-studied object; balance sheet that serves to reflect the ratios, proportions of two groups of related economic indicators, the results of which should be identical. Analysis, which includes a study of the activities of the enterprise, directions of its activity; comparative, involving the study of similarities and differences between the phenomena of processes; Economics and Mathematics, which was used in the application of mathematical apparatus and mathematical relationships to calculate economic indicators. The results consist in the development of theoretical positions and improving the methods of formation of groups of costs, of considerable interest to engineering plants is a technique of management accounting in conjunction with elements of the control parameters, forming the cost of finished goods, which are used in a market economy. It is concluded that none of the examined methods is universal. Therefore, to obtain a better understanding of fixed and variable parts of the costs it is advisable to use a combination of the proposed methods. Based on the results in this case, you can define the permissible range of the desired value and make a choice in favour of a method of cost-sharing depending on specific conditions.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 13

The placement and the specialization of the dairyand food processing companies in krasnoyarsk region

The placement of production is the main form of public division of labour. Rational allocation is an important factor for effective planning of production and productivity in dairy cattle. Milk production covers almost the whole territory of the Krasnoyarsk region. However, due to the vast extent of territory from North to South, taking into account various factors, the level of specialization in the context of climatic zones is significantly different. Traditionally, the region is allocated five climatic zones: the Eastern, Western, Central, southern and Northern. In 2014 the productivity of the dairy herd in the agricultural organizations varies from 3172 kg/head in the Northern zone to 5073 kg/head in the East. Despite the positive dynamics which were outlined in branch, the population of Krasnoyarsk Krai only for 78‰ it is provided with milk according to medical norm of its consumption. Therefore, this article more attention is paid to the production of milk. The author considers the resource potential in agricultural organizations of milk producers in terms of zones. The mathematical model for determining the productivity of dairy herds is proposed. It takes into account the cost of milk production, reflecting the possibility of increasing milk production in each zone. On prospect the efficiency of cows providing the maximum economic return is defined, the possible gain of milk yield, gross production of milk and security of the population of Krasnoyarsk Krai with milk is calculated. For achievement of target reference points it is necessary to reconsider a technique of subsidizing of production and processing of milk in the region.

Issue № 11, November 2016, article № 14

The program approach to the development of social infrastructure in rural areas

The modern features of the development of social infrastructure in rural areas are revealed. The conclusion on effectiveness of the state measures for development of rural territories is drawn and need of their strengthening for creation of comfortable living conditions of the population is revealed. It is noted that, despite realization of program approach to development of social infrastructure in rural areas, the allocation of considerable volumes of means of federal and regional budgets, a situation remains difficult. The reduction of social subjects continues. The territorial disproportions depend from the potential of local budgets. In underdeveloped regions steady prerequisites for elimination of depressiveness in rural development aren't created yet. The prospects of improvement of social conditions, creations of the modern environment of activity of villagers are connected with priorities of the budgetary policy. On the basis of studying of domestic and foreign experience the directions of regulation of development of social infrastructure for providing favourable conditions for life in rural areas are offered. Implementation of special comprehensive programs of the state is necessary for development of social infrastructure in depressive rural areas and settlements. An important role in a solution of the problem of further development of rural infrastructure is played by target transfers for rendering address financial aid to regions depending on system of resettlement, existence of stationary or mobile objects of the social sphere, etc. The regular monitoring of a situation is required and carrying out a census of rural settlements for the purpose of clarification of their social and demographic, economic, infrastructure, recreational and ecological potentials is urgent.