
Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 5

Development of agro insurance in russia: realities and prospects

The problem of financial protection of the property interests is particularly acute for agricultural producers owing to high dependence of agrarian production on forces majeure of the nature. As one of the most effective instruments of protection and risk management in agricultural production agro insurance, or agricultural insurance which provides stable conditions of production economic activity irrespective of influence of various factors of both climatic, and biological character acts. Also the systems of insurance of agricultural risks in particular exert impact on efficiency of insurance protection the level of development of national economy in general. Agricultural insurance contributes to restoration and the development of productive forces at the arising technical and economic problems, cuts down contingencies of the state, reduces action of an inflationary factor, optimizes a ratio of supply and demand. In world practice agro insurance - the integral attribute of successful functioning of a financial basis of agricultural branch. At the same time, the practical task of the organization of agro insurance is accompanied by a number of difficulties without which overcoming her decision is impossible regardless of a form of the organization and form of ownership of the organizations providing insurance service. In the article dynamics and problems of development of the market of the agricultural insurance which is carried out with state support as most important condition of sustainable development of the agrarian sphere of economy of Russia are considered. The problems of agricultural insurance which have resulted from inclusion of the state support of agricultural producers in the sphere of agro insurance in structure of a «consolidated regional subsidy» are presented. The analysis of the designated circle of problems is carried out, the directions of improvement of system of the state support at insurance of agricultural risks requiring prime attention from authorities are defined.

Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 7

Concerning availability and reliability of the information used for the regional agricultural and food complex management

Management essentially is the information process suggesting reasoning and making management decision based on the processing of the information describing the state and development tendencies of the controlled subsystem and its external environment. At the regional control level the internal information is obtained from the accounting and statistical reports of the business units of various categories and the information obtained by the regional statistical authorities based on the statistical observations. The key sources of the external information for all levels of the agricultural and food complex management are usually the information resources of the Federal state statistical service of Russia. Official statistical information demonstrated by the statistical authorities on their websites can be viewed in two groups: statistical materials in the form of electronic documents and structured data. The active information system of the Federal state statistical service have not yet solved the problems associated with the so called ‘blind spots’ (business areas not stated in the statistical records); discrepancy of the statistical and according data concerning the agricultural organizations and farmers; unreliability of some data describing the private rural farm activities; possibility of the intended distortion of the statistical data, etc. As the management efficiency in the social and economic systems of any levels depends on the quality of the information concerning the state of the controlled subsystem, adequacy of the methods and techniques of the economic information processing, the target of provision for unbiased data used for management decision-making is among the priority tasks for the creation of the information support system for the management processes.

Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 8

Evaluation of the agricultural organizations of the penza region

The agrarian sector of Russia long time is in a condition of crisis. The difficult economic situation of agricultural producers and the agrarian sphere in general which characterizes the current state of agrarian and industrial complex and its primary branch - agriculture demands search of the corresponding ways and methods of the organization of production allowing to provide stabilization and consecutive increase in efficiency agrarian spheres. In the conditions of the crisis phenomena in national economy the reached level of agriculture development is insufficient, not providing organizations of branch of competitive positions in the market. Membership of Russia in the WTO and economic sanctions have created new risks and threats which have aggravated problems for agricultural producers. Development and implementation of measures, the agricultural organizations directed to increase in economic efficiency of activity, on optimization of the economic relations stimulating attraction of investments and introduction of the innovations in agriculture which are the instrument of development of modern agrarian economy became necessary. A main objective of a research is carrying out the analysis of efficiency of activity of the agricultural organizations of the Penza region. As a result of a research authors have analysed key indicators of economic efficiency of activity of the agricultural organizations. The steady tendency of development of agricultural branch was outlined in agrarian and industrial complex of the region that was promoted also by implementation of long-term target programs.

Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 10

Economic effectiveness of livestock subsector development

The implementation of the import substitution program and the provision of competitive development of domestic livestock production require the development of a set of measures and mechanisms for the implementation of its production and material and technical potential, meeting the requirements of the modern market, contributing to the investment attractiveness of the industry. Despite the substantial state support for livestock production that has been provided in recent years, the domestic agro-food market is highly dependent on foreign suppliers. High import dependence of the industry provides a technological backwardness of domestic livestock. As part of the study the current state has been analyzed and the tendencies of development of domestic livestock breeding as one of the key branches of the agro-industrial complex that plays an important role in ensuring the country's food security and sustainable development of rural areas have been determined. The estimation of development of separate subsectors of animal husbandry is given and the factors determining economic efficiency and competitiveness of livestock production are determined. The tendencies of the formation and development of the domestic meat and dairy market in the framework of the import substitution program are determined. Based on the analysis carried out, the directions of modernization of the industry and increasing the efficiency of livestock production in modern business conditions are proposed.

Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 11

Technical and technological aspects of implementation of the strategy of import substitution in the meat market in russia

The authors analyze the results of implementing the strategy of import substitution of meat and meat products in Russia. The article shows a significant discrepancy between the dimensional and structural characteristics of meat consumption by the population of Russia and the recommended medical norms. It is established that the sub-sector of beef cattle breeding is the most problematic sub-sector that constrains the implementation of import substitution. The authors analyze the pedigree structure of a herd of cattle, pigs and poultry in agricultural organizations and establish trends in the growth of the share of imported import breeding animals. During the research, the necessary conditions for the practical implementation of the high genetic potential of high-yield elite animals imported into the country are established, including the development and introduction of zootechnological innovation adapted to the conditions of the zone of placement and biological characteristics of breeds of animals, and increasing the level of technical and technological equipment of farms and complexes. The analysis of the current state of production and import of means of mechanization and automation of production processes in animal husbandry has been performed and it has been established that over 90‰ of the domestic market of machinery and equipment for livestock farms is represented by foreign companies. The need to strengthen measures of state support of domestic producers of meat and meat products is proved. Restoration in short terms and the further advancing development of domestic agricultural engineering industry, increase in efficiency of measures of the state support of domestic agrarian and industrial complex is necessary.

Issue № 1, January 2018, article № 12

Improvement of the state support of the agricultural technological platform’s development of eeu

Technological platforms represent infrastructure facilities, the competitive production providing use of perspective technologies for creation. Distinctive feature of the state support of agriculture of the countries of EEU are their different sizes and orientation. Integration into EEU hasn't reached such degree to unify the level of the state support. Participation in the agricultural technological platform has to provide certain preferences in each state -participant. The state support of technological platforms includes questions of financing and crediting, taxation and insurance of investment risks, pricings on scientific and technical products, leasing and the state support of innovative activity. The conclusion is drawn that the choice of option of the state support depends on concrete factors and has flexible character. It is shown that existence of competitive advantages within integration is confirmed by growth of the index of global competitiveness of the countries of EEU. For improvement of the state support of agricultural technological platforms it is offered: introduction of the procedure of coordination of scopes of research and development at the interstate level; formation of uniform expert community in the scientific directions; carrying out audit of the market of scientific and technical products of the State Parties for definition of "breakthrough" projects; creation of uniform supranational body in the sphere of intellectual property; implementation of projects on ensuring digital compatibility; development of the exchange of subcontracts; formation of uniform approaches to assessment of efficiency of measures of support and their influence on the common agrarian market.