
Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 15

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 16

Territorial-climatic model of grain yield in Russia

The article presents a model with a multiple linear regression formula, the resulting function: the yield of grain and leguminous crops in the regions of Russia and factors: average air temperature in the region from April to September, average precipitation in this period, the amount of mineral, organic and lime fertilizers applied per 1 hectare of crops, the area of ​​reclaimed land and the number of combine harvesters per 1000 hectare of arable land. The coefficient of determination of 0.87 reflects the adequacy of the model for the actual yield of grains and legumes and confirms the hypothesis that the resulting function is 87% determined by factors. The article presents 8 regions and the features of the difference between the model yield and the actual yield by more than 25%. The novelty of the model lies in the composition, number and ranking of influence factors on the yield of grain and leguminous crops. The model uses regional statistics from Rosstat to fill in the factor values ​​for 51 regions of the European part of Russia. The article provides regulated norms for the application of mineral, organic and lime fertilizers per 1 hectare of grain and leguminous crops. The recommended rates are compared with the amounts of fertilizers that were actually applied in the regions of the European part of Russia. The model shows the high importance of grain harvesting equipment in the formation of grain yield in the regions. The model is typical and can be used according to the presented scheme with a similar composition of factors for modeling and forecasting yield of wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflowers, potatoes, vegetables and feed crops.

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 18

The development of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops within the EAEU

Genetic potential of the variety and seed quality are the fundament for building effective farming activities and ensuring food security. For this reason, it is the strategic task to develop breeding and seed production for such a major player in the international agn-food market as the Eurasian Economic Union. In particular, according to the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, self-sufficiency in seeds of the main agricultural crops of Russian selection should be at least 75%, the sectoral program documents of the Member States of the Union contain measures for the development of these sectors. The article presents an analysis of the indicators of the development of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops within the Union. The indicators of the foreign trade of the Member States in seeds indicate the existence of a common task The annual volume of inports of agricultural seeds from third countries surpasses I billion dollars USA, the main share of which is accounted for sugar beet seeds, corn, sunflower, vegetable crops, as well as planting material of fruit crops. At the same time, the volume of rmtual trade in seeds is about 100 million dollars USA, which indicates the existing potential for cooperation in high-tech breeding and primary seed production. The article contains both an assessment of the constraints and proposals to strengthen cooperation between the member States in these areas, including the implementation of joint projects, the development of the law of the Union and joint training programsfor breeders.

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 19

Analysis of the current state of the global cheese market and determination of its development prospects

The volume of the global cheese market by the end of 2023 amounted to 163.81 billion US dollars. A key trend contributing to the growth of the cheese market is the production of vegan and organic cheese options. The article examines the importance of cheese in human nutrition, the actual norms of cheese consumption per capita, as well as the actual production of cheese in the world, in particular, in Russia. In 2023, global cheese production amounted to about 22.35 million tons. The European Union is the largest producer of cheese in the world, with a production volume of 10.55 million tons by the end of 2022. European countries, especially France, Italy and the Netherlands, are known for their rich cheese traditions and variety of cheeses. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Russia ranks third in cheese production in the world after the European Union and the United States. By the end of 2023, Russia produced more than 1 million tons of cheese. The volume of imports and exports of cheese from 2019 to 2023 is analyzed, the structure of the countries of suppliers and consumers of these products is presented. The main directions of development of the world cheese market are formulated. Currently, the main trends in the domestic market of cheeses and cheese products can be noted a high level of price competition, an increase in selling prices of cheese producers, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and a focus on a low-cost product, which leads to a reorientation of some producers to the production of cheaper cheese products.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 2

On the influence of natural and climatic factors on agriculture of the Siberian Federal District

The article is devoted to the study of the main trends in natural and climatic changes occurring in the territory of the Siberian Federal District and the assessment of their impact on the agricultural production of the macro-region. The materials and methods of the study were climatic indicators: average annual air temperature; annual sum of atmospheric precipitation; dates of air temperature transition through 0, +5, +10°С towards temperature increase and decrease; period with air temperature above 0, +5, +10°С; Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient. The study found that global warming in the northern regions is at a faster pace than in the southern regions. In addition, there is an increase in the duration of the growing season and the frost-free period (1-3 days every 10 years). The analysis of the hydrothermal coefficient showed an increase in climate aridity in the republics of Tuva and Altai and in the Irkutsk region. Correlation analysis of grain and leguminous crop yield (key agricultural crop of Siberia) dependence on average annual temperature change was carried out. As a result, it was found that the increase in average annual temperature has a different effect on the yield of grain and leguminous crops. If in the northern regions of Siberia warming leads to an increase in the yield indicator, then in the southern regions - to a decrease, i.e. in the north of the Siberian Federal District, global warming will be accompanied by an increase in the growing season, the duration of the frost-free period, etc. It will be possible to grow new varieties of crops, including late ripening. In the southern regions, an increase in climate aridity will lead to an increase in the number of droughts and, accordingly, a decrease in crop yields. In these regions, the use of drought-resistant crop varieties, the introduction of pre-sowing seed processing technologies and the application of mineral fertilizers are necessary.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 4

Program-targeted approach to managing the sustainable development of agribusiness in the context of digital transformation

The article investigated the problem of the disconnection of the practice of managing the digital transformation of agribusiness from the interests of its sustainable development, which imply ensuring food security. The short comings of the planned approach associated with its definition of digitalization as an end in itself, as well as with digitalization planning based on the capabilities of agribusiness, are substantiated. Based on international statistics for 53 countries for 2022, an econometric model has been compiled using the regression analysis method, which mathematically describes the pattern of changes in the components of food security under the influence of a set of factors for the digital transformation of agribusiness. The model is useful for the program-targeted approach, as it allows determining with high accuracy the control values of digitalization indicators, which has been tested on the example of Russia. A conceptual vision of a program-targeted approach to managing digital transformation in the interests of the sustainable development of agribusiness is proposed, which reveals the program, the system of goals and the tools to achieve them. The features of the developed software-targeted approach are, firstly, its focus on unlocking the potential of digitalization in the field of supporting the sustainable development of agribusiness; secondly, establishing control values ​ ​ of digitalization indicators based on the econometric model; thirdly, the new logic of sampling the scope of digital transformation of agribusiness, based on the needs: the development of digital competencies, automation of decision-making, digitalization of marketing and sales. The theoretical significance of the developed approach is to improve the methodological apparatus for managing the digital transformation of agribusiness, ensuring its conceptual unity with sustainable development in the aspect of food security. The developed approach can be used in Russia to improve the efficiency of managing the digital transformation of agribusiness and strengthening its sustainability.