
Analysis of subsidizing agricultural producers in the Belgorod region

The need for state support for agricultural producers is determined by objective reasons and conditions under which and under which agro-industrial enterprises cannot do without outside help, and these reasons and conditions cannot be promptly eliminated. Subsidies are one of the main forms of state support for agricultural producers. Subsidies are designed, firstly, to stop the effects of imbalances in the distribution of added value between economic entities that differ in their market position. Secondly, a weighty argument according to which it is advisable to subsidize agricultural producers is the course declared by the Government of the Russian Federation for scientific, technical and innovative development. Here, first of all, it is necessary to stimulate priority commodity and technological directions of agro-industrial complex development. As a result of the research, it was found that the volume of subsidies to agricultural organizations in the Russian Federation as a whole, the Central Federal District and, especially in the Belgorod region, is decreasing. At the same time, on average for the analyzed period (2018-2022), the level of state support per 1 hectare of agricultural land in the Belgorod region was noticeably higher than the average for the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. However, if in 2018 the level of state support per 1 hectare of agricultural land in the Belgorod region exceeded the federal figure by 4 times, and the district indicator by 2 times, then in 2022 this advantage was lost.

Analysis of the impact of government support on the modernization of dairy farming

A comparative analysis of the amount of state support per 1 ton of milk produced and the structure of state support from federal and regional budgets in the Northwestern Federal District and certain regions of the Central Federal District showed a significant differentiation of these indicators. Regions of the Non-black earth region of Russia with less favorable agro-climatic conditions lose out in the allocation of support funds from the federal budget. The pace of the creation of slaughterhouses in the Russian Federation over the period under study demonstrated a twofold increase. The share of created slaughterhouses at newly commissioned livestock facilities increased to 90%, while reconstructed and modernized ones decreased to 10%. State support for milk production has had a positive impact on the pace of creation of livestock farms in the regions. At the same time, the ratio of the created slaughterhouses to the total number of cows kept in agricultural organizations, farms and individual entrepreneurs remains low. The state support provided per cow kept on farms had little effect on the total number of slaughterhouses created per 100 cows during the period, with significant differentiation of these indicators between regions. An analysis of the volume of total state support for the period 2016-2022, based on the new or modernized cattle place created during the study period, revealed multiple differences between regions in this indicator, with its weak connection with the number of built cattle places per 100 cows. The analysis proves the need to improve the organizational and economic mechanism to support the technological modernization of dairy farming.

Cost-effectiveness of soil herbicide application in grain crops

The purpose of the work was to carry out an economic assessment of the use of soil herbicides in the technology of cultivating grain crops. The relevance lies in the fact that the use of soil herbicides is being studied for the first time in the technology of cultivating grain crops. As a result of the detection of a production error, a reconnaissance study is carried out on the possibility of using soil workers in the technology of cultivating grain crops, which will identify agricultural crops tolerant to soil herbicides and develop a technology for cultivating crops that contributes to the more complete extermination of weeds in the crop rotation system. The article also provides data on the assessment of the biological yield of oats obtained during a single use of soil herbicide without the subsequent use of pesticides for growing plants in comparison with the technology of cultivation of oats traditional for the Amur Region. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of the use of soil in oat crops was carried out, as a result of which a slight increase in the cost of cultivation technology using soil workers relative to traditional technology was revealed due to an increase in the cost of pesticides. At the same time, the decrease in biological yield from the use of soil workers is due to the stress to which plants were subjected during seedlings and seedlings. The profitability of production at the price of selling oat seeds remains at a fairly high level and amounts to 167.9% when using soil workers and the sale price of 10 thousand rubles. per ton of seeds.

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 10

Formation of an innovative component in the structure of organic products

The study revealed the factors of the external and internal environment that mediate the formation of an innovative component. The functional scheme of the model "innovative component" of the potential of the producer of organic products is constructed, indicators of the development of organic agriculture of the Russian Federation and the regional market of organic crop products are monitored. According to the results of 2021, the increase in production volumes in the Russian Federation of organic wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, oats, corn, rice was established. The regional market of organic crop production is studied on the example of the Saratov region with the allocation of products presented on electronic platforms and having the appropriate organic products labeling. The results of the study are summarized taking into account the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/14/2021 No. 1912-r "On approval of the goals and main directions of sustainable (including green) development of the Russian Federation, the Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the strategy for the development of organic production in the Russian Federation until 2030" with justification for the progressive development of organic crop production and providing the population of Russia with environmental clean food products, entering the world market with competitive, high-margin and high-quality organic agriculture products.

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 11

Organizational and economic foundations of development organic agriculture in modern conditions

The development of organic production is currently controversial and controversial. Among scientists and specialists, there is no single scientifically based position on the content of the category “organic production” itself, on the forms and directions of development, its state support, and the possibilities of using public-private partnerships. And this is natural for a new emerging phenomenon in the economic life of society, hence the need to consider the problems of its development in a systemic and multidimensional format - from production, philosophy of thinking, attitude towards healthy eating, lack of professional specialists and to the level of income of the population, its solvency. No less important is our initial methodological position, how ensuring the country’s food security directly affects the scale of development of organic production. In conditions of food shortage, it is impossible to ensure its successful functioning. This entails the most important task of achieving real food security based on domestic technologies, tractors and other agricultural machines, seeds, reproduction of our own young livestock and poultry, improvement of regulations, training of new personnel, tools for minimizing the negative consequences of modern challenges and threats, which in general, it will ensure economic and food security, as well as ensure anti-corruption control in society.

Issue № 2, February 2024, article № 14