
Issue № 11, November 2019, article № 16

Updating the content of the categories "strategic planning of rural development" and "transformation of the philosophy of economic management in rural areas"

The relevance of the research topic of improving the strategic planning of rural areas is the rapid dynamics of the development of digital technologies that aggressively change the structure of production, economic and managerial relations. In the aspect of solving state problems in the agrarian sector, strategic planning for the development of rural territories seems to be a mechanism for solving them, providing means and mechanisms for solving simultaneously multidirectional tasks: increasing export volumes and ensuring food independence of the country, etc. The problem that the development strategy is as an instrument of modernization of the local economy does not work at the municipal level. The purpose of the study is to determine the relevant characteristics and models of strategic planning for rural development. The main research method was the method of complex scientific and methodological assessment of socio-economic relations in the development of managerial decisions. The research results are presented by the author’s wording of the content of the categories “strategic planning for rural development”, “transformation of the philosophy of managing in rural areas” and the definition of strategic planning models for rural development, with a brief description of them. Based on the classification of the forms and types of strategic planning for rural development, the following models are identified: idealistic, transformative, corrective, problematic, transformative, competitive, sectoral, local, developing, reproductive, supportive, restraining.

Technical and technological basis of agricultural production: features and formation principles

The quality of economic system development is largely determined by the level of their technical and technological potentials and the ability of systems to use them effectively in the process of their reproduction. Technical and technological modernization of economic systems of various levels is a process of fundamental renovation of their material and technical base and the total of technologies applied in the context of the society’s productive force development under the influence of scientific and technological progress, associated with the formation of favourable conditions for their sustainable and effective development. A significant part of agricultural producers are currently experiencing certain difficulties with upgrading their technical and technological base and the introduction of promising technologies, which significantly limits the development potential of this sector and the possibility of improving the efficiency of its operation. Agriculture as a branch of national production has a number of intra-system properties that determine the possibilities for upgrading the technical and technological base and are formed under the influence of macroeconomic, intra-sectoral, intra-territorial and intra-subjective factors, as well as the level of development of supporting systems. The complexity of the technical and technological base of agricultural production and the need for its accelerated modernization require compliance with the principles determining its formation, which can be viewed in the context of three large blocks: theoretical and methodological principles, principles for ensuring the reproduction of agro-economic systems, and principles for ensuring their effective development. For each agro-economic system, it is necessary to develop its own strategy of technical and technological modernization, which will reflect the necessity and prerequisites for its initiation, characterize the set of conditions for its realization, as well as the principles for the formation of the technical and technological base, ensuring the possibility of implementing its functionality and optimizing its composition and structure.

Theoretical aspects of development of "green" economy in agriculture of russia: greening of agricultural land use

One of the main reference points of development of modern agriculture of Russia is development of its direction within the green economy limiting distribution of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetic engineering. The principles of formation of green economy in Russia assume harmonious functioning of elements of ecological systems, the coordinated their development providing the coordinated interaction of subjects and objects with adjustment and neutralization of anthropogenic influence, anticipatory impact on the environment for the purpose of preservation of the available natural potential. The green economy can be defined as the production set keeping modern ecosystems in ecologically safe state, assuming the rational agricultural land use providing performance of the corresponding agro technical receptions at not violation of soil fertility and ecological stability of the territory. A research objective is theoretical justification and algorithmization of a land security method of increase in efficiency of agricultural land use with definition of influence of structure of grounds on ecological stability of the territory and establishment of a zone of beneficial ecological effect on the example of the Saratov region. According to it the main stages of a land security method the combining organizational, economic, nature protection actions on the basis of a resource preserving and control of use of resources promoting creation of conditions of the land users increasing interest in preservation and reproduction of fertility of soils and protection of lands against negative consequences of production activity are defined. Features are revealed and results of the main stages of a method are described. Need of use of a method with application of continuous adjustment depending on the changing internal and external, economic and natural factors is noted. Probability and validity of the received results is caused by use of general scientific and special methods of knowledge: abstract and logical, monographic and system methods. The scientific novelty of a research is that the developed method promotes a solution of the problem of formation of effective agricultural land use when maintaining soil fertility in the context of formation of green economy. The practical value of the received results is defined by the fact that the land security method offered in article is expedient for practical use.