In the context of the influence of external factors on the development of the economy of our country in recent years, issues of the state and directions of development of the agro-industrial complex have been updated. Support for farms and personal subsidiary plots, modernization of the technical base of the agro-industrial complex, training of highly qualified personnel for servicing equipment are becoming a priority both for the agro-industrial complex of the country as a whole and for a separate region. The growing demand for dairy products and products of its processing poses new tasks aimed not only at increasing the volume of production itself, but also at modernizing existing and opening new high-tech industries. The development of milk production and processing in the industrial region is possible due to the introduction of long-term storage and deep processing technologies, the production of milk and milk products of its own production, which undoubtedly requires the implementation of new instruments of state support and attracting investment.
The article summarizes the main factors (conditions) that affect the efficiency of milk production and sale, and systematizes the indicators used to assess the efficiency of milk production and sale. The author's factor model for evaluating the efficiency of milk production and sale is proposed, taking into account: the results of the production process through an indicator of labor productivity, the results of the sales process through profit per 1 kg of milk sold, level of marketability of milk. The proposed complex model is applicable for evaluating the effectiveness of both manual and robotic milking technology.
Aggregation of the main economic indicators made it possible to determine the main districts of the Saratov region that are appropriate and most effective for inclusion in the territorial oil and fat cluster. Based on the obtained assessment, a formalization of an aggregated model of the raw material base of municipalities of a “high” degree of reliability is proposed, which includes Pugachevsky, Perelyubsky, Kalininsky and Ivanteevsky districts. In the structure of aggregate indicators of the Saratov region, their share was: income from product sales - 34.26%; commercial products – 34.94%; sunflower sown area – 35.96%; direct labor costs – 41.41%; total cost – 16.76%. A comparative analysis of the economic indicators of the regions with a “high degree of reliability” of the first basic and second optimization options shows the advantages of the predicted proportions for the development of the oil and fat sub complex of the Saratov The agricultural formation includes a specialized organization of the agro-industrial cluster, which allows you to more accurately determine the volumes of raw materials purchased from manufacturers and plan the rhythmic activities of your processing enterprises, as well as determine in advance the needs for processed products and funds for mutual settlements for purchased raw materials, providing for mutual interest and mutual benefit of the parties. To ensure successful of the sale of sunflower oilseeds, they plan the starting sales volume in January, September, October, November, December, with the minimum established prices of trading platforms of the Volga Federal District, and the redistribution of the sales volume of oilseeds for months with a maximum selling price from April to July, which will allow increase the level of profitability by 2.95 percentage points and increase profit by 24.4% in relation to the calculated option.
Statistical data regulating issues of socio-economic development are presented on the example of municipalities of the Nizhny Novgorod region selected as a result of cluster analysis, provided in official sources of the Federal State Statistics Service. General scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization), specific scientific (special) methods (economic analysis, statistical and economic method) were used. A method of scenario forecasting of the development of social infrastructure in rural areas is proposed, integrating the analysis of long-term trends and exponential smoothing to obtain differentiated estimates and develop targeted recommendations. Based on the results obtained, three variants of forecast scenarios were compiled, obtained on the basis of economic and mathematical models, interconnected based on the logic of the study. The simultaneous use of these models makes it possible to increase the level of reliability and objectivity of the analysis of available information and the likelihood of scenario forecasts for the development of social infrastructure in rural areas. The development of social infrastructure contributes to increasing the competitiveness of rural areas and attractiveness, as well as the implementation of social guarantees for all citizens.
The article examines the specifics of the participation of the population (residents of settlements) in the development of rural areas (based on the materials of a large macroregion – the Northwestern Federal District) on the example of municipal elections, the activities of non-profit organizations, the activity of the population in social networks in order to substantiate the directions and tools for further development and increase the effectiveness of various forms of such participation; the results are also presented a questionnaire survey of the heads of municipalities of the Northwestern Federal District, conducted in 2023. The results of the study revealed a higher potential of the rural population for the activities of non-profit organizations in the field of solving problems and problems of municipal development, as well as a higher activity of residents when discussing local issues in the Internet space. To increase the scale and effectiveness of various forms and mechanisms of civic participation, a number of recommendations have been proposed, including those significant from the point of view of the expected new reform of local government.
The article shows the current state and prospects of rural development with a focus on the impact of youth. The dynamics of the rural population is presented, an analysis of the target indicators of sustainable development of rural areas of the Russian Federation is carried out. Young people are becoming an important element that can influence the choice of the direction of development of agriculture and the entire rural economy, activities for the development of rural areas are presented. The active participation of young people in the life of the village helps to form a positive image of rural areas, makes them more attractive for living and working. Young people are actively involved in various initiative programs, projects, events that are aimed at developing rural spaces. Youth participation in rural life creates new opportunities for the future, helping to meet challenges and transform rural areas into vibrant communities. To support such processes, it is necessary to establish cooperation between various parties: the state, the private sector and the population.
The strategic orientation of the use of the spatial and sectoral potential for the development of rural areas is due to the consideration of rural territorial specifics and the peculiarities of the functioning of various sectors of the economy in the countryside. Based on this, rural spatial and sectoral potential (a different combination of resources, reserves and opportunities) will ensure the influx of population and investments into the countryside, which will contribute to improving the standard and quality of life of rural residents. In this vein, a methodology was developed that made it possible to assess the impact of strategic spatial and sectoral potential on the development of rural areas through a system of indicators that include the spatial and sectoral characteristics of rural municipalities, as well as rural development (financial, economic, infrastructure and social). When testing this methodology in 2022, 5 groups of rural areas of the Lipetsk region were obtained, which, combined with subsequent forecasting for 2027 and 2030, made it possible to substantiate 3 types of municipalities: stably developing areas (33.3%), remained at the same level of development (22.2%), not developing (44.5%). Recommendations were proposed at the regional and municipal levels, allowing to take into account the rational use of spatial and sectoral potential for the development of rural areas and to substantiate the main priorities for maintaining the specialization of the rural economy and expanding other types of activities in the countryside.
In connection with the economic transformations of the domestic agro-industrial complex, there is a need to update the priority directions of scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector and develop effective mechanisms for their implementation, which will determine the most rational measures of state support for innovative activities in agricultural production. It is noted that in modern conditions, a systematic approach has been actively used in economic research, which has not received proper scientific study in the agricultural sector. Therefore, when developing priority areas for scientific and technological development of agricultural production, it is advisable to consider it as a complex socio-economic system in which biological and natural factors are closely intertwined with technological, social and economic subsystems. Their development is based on the intensification of agricultural production, which is the main condition for its reproduction. It is concluded that the priority directions of scientific and technological development of agricultural production, in turn, determine the appropriate priorities for the development of science in order to develop high-tech means of production, which are of paramount importance for achieving technological leadership and are designed to ensure the industrialization of the agro-industrial complex. Research has shown that an important methodological feature in determining the priority directions of scientific and technological development is the differentiation of their factors: biological (breeding and genetic), technological, technical and social, which are closely related to each other and reflect the processes of reproduction of the system under study. The main groups of factors of scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector and their corresponding priority areas of research in certain sectors and areas of the agro-industrial complex are considered: crop production, animal husbandry, storage and processing of agricultural products, technical and technological independence in agricultural engineering. A list of the main mechanisms for improving the organization of scientific research in the agro-industrial complex based on the interaction of science with government organizations and business has been developed and proposed, and positive examples of its successful implementation are given.
In the course of the work, an analysis of agricultural production in the regions of the district, the localization of the agricultural sector in these regions, and factors affecting the volume of production. A methodology for calculating the elements of the interaction force matrix is proposed, which comprehensively takes into account both the static and dynamic state of the system. This methodology is based on the gravitational model (the interaction between regions is proportional to their importance and inversely proportional to the distance between them). Based on the matrix of interaction forces in agriculture, regions with high potential for cooperation identified, so the greatest potential for interaction was identified between the Penza region and the Republic of Mordovia. The Republics of Tatarstan and Mordovia, as well as the Samara and Penza regions, demonstrate significant potential for developing interaction with many regions of the district. The matrix of interaction forces in the agricultural sector serves as an important tool for analyzing and assessing interregional interaction, allowing us to determine and quantify both the strengths and directions of interactions between regions.
The article highlights the set of components of the positions of «smart» agribusiness growth in the regions, which determine the possible prospects for the innovative development of regional industrial enterprises. It is noted that the prospects of regional «smart» agribusiness growth can be assessed by such parameters, which indicate the possibility of using the tools of «smart» specialization. The coefficients of the prospects of «smart» growth due to the digital potential of the region, due to the innovative potential and the coefficient of the prospects of «smart» growth due to the scientific potential of the region are calculated. Based on these coefficients, the integral coefficient of the prospects for the «smart» growth of the agro-industrial complex was determined using the example of the Central Chernozem macro-region.